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Everything posted by gafferuk

  1. Give me a chance mate. Griff Energy is the force that drags the orbiting moon along with the planet while they orbits the sun. It's a drag energy! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedYou still have not answered my question: when i jump im using force. when im in the air, im still moving. why do i slow down and why do the planets not slow down? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged If a moving snooker ball hits another, it releases its energy force to the other ball. Movement IS ENERGY!
  2. when i jump im using force. when im in the air, im still moving, that is a force. why do i slow down and why do the planets not slow down?
  3. Yes but when I jump im using force, why do i lose my force and not the planets? They say energy is never losed but im losing force after jumping because of gravity. Newtons Law does not work in space, only a little distance from a planets surface. so im preposing Griff Energy.
  4. So your saying that gravity is different here on earth than it is in space? On earth, i jump, i go up, graviity pulls, i start to go down. Out in space, the planets are being pulled by gravity, but for some reason they wont ever hit the sun? A bit odd.
  5. So whats being said against me is "Float in space" does not really exist. At any distance there is a force puling you towards the sun and towards the sun you will eventually go. Is that correct? So eventually, all the planets will lose there force and get pulled towards the sun, doomsday! Are you starting to understand that newtons theory of gravity does not work in space? else the planets would need a consistant force applied to stop the suns gravity from pulling them to the sun. Where is this consistant force coming from? they have no little boosters.
  6. because its a force, its constantly pulling, so it would start to slow you down. is this correct?
  7. i mean when i jump i use force, then gravit pulls agains that force, i slow down then get pulled to the earth. Is this the same in space, if i jumped i would start to get pulled back to the earth? or do you float off forever if you float off forever, then there is no gravity. So it must be Griff Energy effecting everything. If im correct, space shuttles turn off there engines when they reach a nice speed to save on fuel for return, do they slow down because of gravity from the sun? ive never heard of that. Sorry but newtons theory of gravity( i know nothing of the maths) makes no sense in space to me, i guess it's because he did not have a rocket.
  8. So how did the space station stay in orbit? Is that float off forever or would i sometime start to return?
  9. If i jump on earth i lose force and return to the earth because of gravity, out in space i would float off, so there is no gravity in space.
  10. Planets Orbit Not Because Of Gravity Energy But Because Of Griff Energy... Why does the moon not fly off? Why do astronauts float in space? Objects fall to earth at the same speed?, All of this does not make sense. If astronauts "float" in space, then there is no gravity in space. So whats the moon doing? I thought there is no gravity in space? Very confusing It may be that each planet or moon is held in a gravity ring and between these rings is no gravity. I doubt this is true. Or is there such a thing I would like to call "Griff" in our universe that keeps things draging along such as the moon orbiting the earth while the earth orbits the sun. (Griff Energy Theory, Paul Garry Griffiths, England, United Kingdom, 20 February 2010,) If i jump on earth i lose force and return to the earth because of gravity, out in space i would float off, so there no gravity in space.
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