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Everything posted by NanakiXIII

  1. I just want to ask something about that. The emitter and the mirror (left and right verticle lines) are inside the clock? Also, where are the people standing in this diagram?
  2. When you move towards it it moves faster, since the same amount of light bouncing off the click is heading your way, but in a shorter time since you're moving towards it.
  3. *Tosses the idea that he understood out of the window*
  4. I didn't get one word of what you were just talking about.
  5. What would that look like on a oscilloscope (probably spelled that all wrong)?
  6. If you look at the electromagnetic spectrum, mainly at the light part, white isn't included. Which is logical since white is all colours. But what frequency does white light have then?
  7. I just read the thread you referred to. I think I understand now. It said something about the clocks going faster when moving towards them, and slower if moving away. Is this caused by the Doppler Effect?
  8. It's lifespan? Or just a piece of time during which it exists?
  9. I'm sorry, but what exactly is an object's time?
  10. Could you explain this then: I read that as time moving at velocity v.
  11. I'll find that thread. Does time have a velocity?
  12. Well with whatever science I've had in school so far then. When you approach it with intuition.
  13. But I still don't understand how the Twin Paradox works. Isn't that correct? Also, why exactly is the time doubled at 60% lightspeed? The article also said it was tripled at 80% lightspeed. Why? Wouldn't 50% and 67% make more sense?
  14. I think I understand. It's all relative, nothing's absolute, right? And if you approached this with just regular logical science, it simply wouldn't work?
  15. I know that much about time. Maybe if I call it aging. How does one object "age" slower than another when moving at high velocities? *confuzzled* Yes, Nanaki == Red XIII
  16. True. And I still don't understand Special Relativity.
  17. I was taught multiplying and deviding in the order it states, then adding and substracting. Sorry.
  18. I can see the 2c but c*c/c*c is c^2, isn't it? c*c=c^2 /c=c *c=c^2
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