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Everything posted by NanakiXIII

  1. I'm sure it makes sense, but I don't get it.
  2. Oh I see. Thanks. But can I ask why it works like that?
  3. I'm sorry, that doesn't make any sense to me.
  4. I doubt I live wherever you live. I don't live in an english country anyway. But I might find it. Yes, relative to me it will travel at the speed of light, but If I, moving at the speed of light, somehow measured light's speed, and someone standing still looked at whatever I was measuring it with. They would see something moving at lightspeed relative to them, measuring light's motion at the speed of light, so to them it would seem as if it were moving at twice the speed of light. Right?
  5. I don't think I'd be able to find that book, and that article is even more confusing than the one I read. Do you think you (or someone else) could just explain it to me? I understand how the light clocks thing work, but that just affects the clock, I don't see how that affects real time. Also, I don't see how it could work with anything other than lightclocks or something similar. Also, I have another question. If light moves at the same speed in all frames, wouldn't it be moving at twice the speed of light when you observe it while moving at the speed of light?
  6. I read an article about SR, and after alot of re-reading, I still don't comprehend. My first question, it states that while moving at high speeds, time slows, but it doesn't say how or why, could someone please explain? Secondly, it states that when you view something in motion from a reference fram in rest, it becomes contracted in the direction of the motion, but again, it doesn't really say how or why. Finally, about the Twin Paradox. The article states that if two people, one standing on earth, the other flying away at 60% lightspeed, where the one flying away sends a message every hour, the one standing on earth receives a message every 2 hours. (I don't understand why he gets one every 2 hours, so if someone could explain that too, thanks.) After 12 hours (and 12 messages) the one flying away turns around and flies back to earth, again sending a message every hour. Now the article states that at this point, the person on earth will have received 12 messages, so 24 hours would have elapsed. Is that right? It seems obviously wrong to me. If the person on earth received a message ever 2 hours, shouldn't he have received 6 messages by the time the second person turns around, and receive the other 6 while the other person was on the way back? Please bear with me, I haven't studied physics or anything.
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