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Everything posted by allsmiles88

  1. I'm really having trouble with this problem...ANY HELP would be really really appreciated If someone slowly raises my left forearm, I will feel this has happened even if my eyes are closed because Action potentials propagated along axons from the biceps and triceps muscle spindles (and other sensors in the arm) will tell my brain that it has happened. a) What aspects of these axons or action potentials will tell the brain it was my left arm that was raised and not my right arm? What type of sensory code is being used to propagate this information to the brain? b) What aspects of these axons or action potentials will tell the brain that it was my left arm rather than my left foot that was raised? What type of a sensory code is being used to propagate this information to the brain? c) What aspects of these axons or action potentials will tell the brain that it was a movement of the arm and not someone warming the arm? What type of a sensory code is being utilized to propagate this information to the brain? d) What aspects of these axons or action potentials will tell the brain that the movement was rapid rather than slow? What type of a sensory code is being utilized to propagate this information to the brain?
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