You banned me for lifting petrol, so answer me this.
If I get a 50cc moped engine and a bucket and fishing wire, drop the bucket down a well, winch it up, at only 30mph(a little rev of the engine) it will take only 3 mins to reach the surface(1.5 miles) and take next to no petrol to operate the engine as its running on fumes. This should scale up to huge engine lifting huge amounts of oil using very little energy.
Compare this to current pumping methids which use about 1/3 of the petrol to operate the engine compare to what it brings up.
In 20-50 years time our children will be complaining that we burnt up all the fuel because we were too lazy to lift it.
The world has been warned!
SO ACT TODAY! To receive your "ACT NOW INFO PACK" please send a stamped self addressed envelope containing £100 to "Lift The Oil Campain", The Big Fat Mansion, Dodgy Road, Hollywood". Thank You.