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  • Lepton

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  • College Major/Degree
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Theoretical Physics and Philosophy

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Hi all, I'm new here - I'm an 18 year old guy from Liverpool, UK. I've no formal qualification in science but a double A in science at GCSE level. Overall, I have 10 GCSE's (Above B) and 2 A-Levels. I never really wanted to go to university. That said, I have maintained and fostered an obscene extra-curricular interest in the field of science, technology and philosophy. I could write you an OS ideal to your psychology - but that would be a bit extreme, eh? I'm no academic, quite the opposite, I'm drawn to practical solutions and activity. Simotaniously though, I'm more a theorist and speculative. I like to actively improve things. Probably not one day an inspiraration, probably an unknown crazy nutter. I'm an idealist when it comes down to it, but a melancholic one - I'm all too aware of what I, we, really are. I'd like to think that the exceptional and incredible achivements of humanity overpower our grotesque and tragic history - but we are the sum of our factors. I aspire to be part of the Police force or live my life at life at sea, nothing too grand. I want and hope to make the world - society - slightly "better", or be no part of it. I tend to lean toward a more philosophical edge on everything. I'm not religious nor do I belive in any god, though I probably should be given my history. I was brought up catholic from birth, attended catholic school and was an altar server for 8 years. At age 15 I privately renounced my catholic "faith", trawled new age shite, and eventually found the cure for my own confusion in atheism. I was very open and vocal about such past age 17. Still, I like to humanise the cold hard facts about our very reality - and mabye make them comprehendible. Part of me wonders, what the value of experience (Subjectivity) means to us as a species, intellectually, socially and eventually. Right and wrong, fact and fiction - "the foundations" of our society - they'd mean nothing to us if we had not been exposed to their perscribed definition. More, their consequences are even more dubious as we have all seen at some level - The "bad" sometimes do "better" than the "good". And more often than not, two great minds clash. With no benchmark but our own expeience and ideals, shaped by what we propose to know and ultimately what we were convinced was true - How do we know where we stand? The epithet extends far furher, to everything we, I, am certain we know. Further, what defines what we experience? Where do you start and where do you begin. Is every generation just a beta version of the product our parents envisioned, perpetually reoccouring? Scarred, dehabilitated and damaged by the convictions and psyche of those past? It makes sense, seeing as we were all collectively "brought up" by them. Do we carry the psychological weight of our history at some distinct level? Is the cumulative history the makings of a pre-determined eventuality or something you can choose to change. If so, where does that come from, considering we are all essentially input-output beings. The - in between is what defines our action, and that's defined by what input we were fed. You could know all there is to know about psychology and never put anything close to a pinpoint on your nearest and dearest. Since Science can offer a pathway to understanding the objective facts of nature - why can it not explain the subjective personal and collective experience of it's very observers which are supposed to be mere elements of it? Isn't our entire collective understanding of the universe we inhabit merely the fruits of past experience? How could we be right and how could we be wrong given the shrouded perception we all share There is a massive part of our reality we can never know through any analysis or observation, and that is the subjective window we all make our proposed objective observations from. Framed, and very limited - only accessible from our own window. It's an intrinsically limited perspective, and always one of many. It's like using a compass in the literal middle of nowhere. What does our own, individual ideal and reality mean in the grand scheme of things? Does it even matter? Einstien found that everything is relative to light, even time. Is it responsible to ignore the relativity, hence relevence of individual human experience?
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