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mr d

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Everything posted by mr d

  1. Hello So here’s the real truth about ‘the truth about aliens”. Some time back I read an article about disturbing trends in science among them, 1) excepting theories as laws 2) perception that facts now known are the only facts, and that there is no further need to explore questions current science tags as answered. 3) Over dependence on technology to do our thinking. 4) Polarization of ideas And others, wish I could remember were I had read it to list a site, but it was some time ago. But as I’ve browsed through posting on this site I’ve often felt many of these trends seem to be alive and well right here. How many times have you seen here where a question was posed “ could a person insert a finger up their nose to the knuckle?” And a reply comes, ‘Sydner’s 4th law of nose picking states a finger can only be inserted to the second joint. So your wrong.’ Or other such statements. Well at least say why you think that law is relevant, perhaps give your opinion or observations as to why. ‘I’ve stuck my own finger up my nose many times an found it was true I could not get past the second joint.’ Same for books are articles. And how many post do you see like this Post: could chickens prove intelligent design Reply: there is no such thing as intelligent design. It is evolution. Response: but could a chickens left toe be anything but designed by an all powerful being. Reply: your obviously to ignorant to understand science, please crawled back to the middle ages where you belong. Response: well, if you weren’t a molester of under age chickens you might be able to understand. Also do you every get the feeling that these posters who only state laws and such know how those laws were arrived at, or what applications they may have on current thinking? How many are simply repeating what they’ve been told in class, or found out on the web. Been and instructor before and would deliberately give out misinformation to students, to see if they would discover my mistakes on their own or at least challenge my information occasionally. Must admit none ever did. Probably why I always thought Da Vinci had it right. Text were available to him, but he spent most of his time not reading them, but instead wandered about observing the world around him and writing down his observations in books. That’s why ‘the truth about aliens’, a question there is no real answer to at the moment. How would people respond? Would they discuss what they read? Would they merely come out and state what is the real truth? Interesting results, with perhaps a bit of all the trends showing up. I leave it to you to decide which trend some, but not all, may belong to. Do apologize for sampling you unknowingly to fulfill my interest. But did have a morbid curiosity I wished to explore. Now climbing down off my soap box, I shan’t ring a bell to see who salivates for a while. Like to hear your thoughts on the matter, and for those who view and do not post, please do so. I know many people don’t care to because they fell their ideas may be ridiculed by a vocal minority. But your ideas are just as valuable as anyone else’s, so join in and be heard. Strange thoughts Mr d
  2. hello any thought that we maybe seeing less of osama in the near future. thinking, he's not that dumb, he saw what happened in the palestine occupied territories. why not cut back his attack against the u.s. for now. allow them to leave and simply have the iraq people vote his followers into goverment. all very democratically. at some point reappear as a new political leader who has given up on terrorism, well at lease quite as visible, then allow himself to be elected into power. odd how he was mentioning about a truce before that palestine election. perhaps he already knew what the results would be. why not appear a man of peace and simply have the rule of iraq freely handed to him by election then through legislation convert it to an islamic theocracy. strange thoughts mr d
  3. hello religious question: how do you know your not already dead, this is puratory and you are here awaiting judgement. partical question: why would you want to. 1) down loading of your electic consciousness on to a neural network. 2) if body needed download, clone body and grow till brain developement can handle replacing neural mind back into body. repeat as needed. 3) ingestion of nanobots to fight disease and repair damaged tissue. 4) gene manipulation to remove\repair that pesky end section that controls replication and eventually wares out causing cell to be reproduced incorrectly. natures way of getting rid of you. strange thoughts mr d
  4. Hello Interesting here. Well I must say, I did not state I had proof, I said I would tell you the truth. As to proof, what proof do you have that what I stated was not true? What we currently have for our knowledge on the subject. 1) Aliens have not to the best of public knowledge openly contacted the people of earth. 2) Most reports of aliens\ufos have been shown to be mainly misidentifications of natural occurrences or deliberate hoaxes. However not all reports can be proven to fall into these two categories. 3) Again true for photos and video of supposed craft. But again not all can be explained (remember ufo stands for unidentified flying object, not alien spaceship). 4) Physical objects collected from encounter sites, or materials acquired by individuals reported to be of extra-terrestrial origin have proven to show no material compositions or manufacturing techniques that would require alien technology or origin to produce. 5) No earth like planets have been discovered in close proximity, however with current technology we can not identify planets of earth size, nor have any means to determine if life forms do exist on those planets that have been discovered. 6) Seti has been unable to detect intelligently directed and created signals, but has investigated only a very limited amount of the area of space. Also works on the assumption that aliens would actually created this type of signal. 7) Persons claiming actual contact with alien beings can produce no physical evidence upon themselves as to actual contact. 8) Many claimed abductions follow a pattern similar in experience to a physical condition known ‘sleep paralysis.’ Were people claim to be physically paralyzed, but retain consciousness. Science experiments show during episodes of sleep paralysis the body is actually in a form of paralysis, but the mind is still functioning at a level below full conciseness and may produce false visual, auditory, and emotional sensations. And it is believed that influence in mass culture may supply the images necessary to create hallucinations of alien abductions while the mind is at such a level of consciousness. 9) Some research into the effects of strong magnetic fields when placed into close proximity to the human brain can create sensations of ‘presence of others’ that may relate to some phenomena such as ghosts or the belief during abduction encounters of aliens entering the abductees room. Fields may have a greater influence during very late night-early morning hours as consumer demand for electrical power is greatly decreased, resulting in a strong flow, and hence fields, of home wiring and appliances. What is most likely the correct scenarios. 1) There are no aliens 2) There are aliens but the technology does not exist for interstellar travel. 3) There are aliens and they have contacted humans. 4) There are aliens but they come to earth not to contact humans but another species on the planet. 5) Earth has been visited many times by aliens, however humans did not exist at those times, or human civilization was not advanced enough to carry out contact when it occurred. (earth 4 billion years old, modern man 40,000 years, human civilization 5,000 years). 6) Space travel is impossible however the earth has been contacted but our technology and understanding did not allow for the signal to be correctly detected. 7) There are aliens but size or physical needs have prevented contact form occurring. And what happens if they did land to say hello, what would become of our civilizations. Our institution of higher learning, would they mean that much? If they could cure most diseases and increase human lifespan to say 350 years. would we still have a great need for doctors? What would happen to the institution of marriage, could you stay married to the same person for 280 years (currently new marriages last about 7)? Would we need a program of mass sterilization, as we could not allow for to many children to be born if no one is dying. Would we take their religion? Would the poor and down trodden of earth want to leave, and could those in power afford to let them? Perhaps it’s best for people not to know the truth. Your thoughts, and I do mean yours. Simple repeating the words or ideas of a great person does not make you great, it makes you a parrot. Perhaps later the truth of my question Oh, and by the way, what are all you staunch supporters of science doing in a group for pseudoscience and metaphysics? Mr d.
  5. hello good to see the doubters amoung you. are there no believers. to: nevermore "Bah, Bah, Black sheep, have you any proof?" *michel jackson - what more proof do you need than that. to: edtharan "Just say someone fired a nuke at your ship. You could just fly off, let the thing explode and then come back and destroy whoever fired the nuke at you (all before they could even react)." *well if your peaceful and won't harm us, then i simply land my ship on your planet and boom." to: bascule "I think you're suffering from Mulder's "I Want To Believe" complex" * true i'd rather live in a world that at least can imagine aliens exist, rather than one where they can not. and your "Location: The center of the universe" hmmm... wonder what kind of complex that is. 'let's keep em flying, the flags of discontent' mr d
  6. i would call these more best guess speculations. just because you have not been contacted does not mean others have not. if you think about it why would aliens want to speak with most people. and if the goverment did know more than they let on, why should they inform the public. the public really does need to know if they are not to be involved, plus there's the issue of what would happen to people's perspective of the world if we found out we are not the greatest thing in the universe. who do surveys say would have the hardest time with coming to grips with aliens... scientist and academics. why because such beings would be so far technologically advanced, plus have such a greater understanding of science that those who now concider themselves to be our most intelligent would be concidered little more than children by comparison. strange thoughts mr d
  7. thanks for responces. doing a little research and found this map of land masses during the cresteous http://www.paleoportal.org/time_space/period.php?period_id=18#5 which shows china to be more northerly than it currently is, however no listing of weather patterns. thanks mr d
  8. Hello The truth about aliens. 1) are there any - yes 2) are they intelligent - yes. Their not wanting to have anything to do with us proves it. 3) did they make contact - yes. they’ve spoken to who they wanted to, they’re advanced beings you know, took them all of about 20 seconds to figure out who’s who and what’s what on planet earth. Sorry but if you did not receive the green crystal with the shiny silver tassel your out of luck. 4) is the government covering up about ufo’s - yes. however this is at the request of the aliens. Read item 2 for reason. 5) why are they here - to make sure we don’t get out there. Being that they are peaceful beings and do not want to, nor would not, destroy us; best they can do is make sure human kind does not develop the technology to venture out amongst the stars. 6) why would they not want to meet the people of earth, exchange ideas, philosophies, technology - did you read item 2. yes advanced peaceful beings that can travel beyond the speed of light, have cured disease, eliminated war and not allowed reality television have a whole lot of things they can learn from us. And trade us technology, huh? Though they do like the george foreman grill, helps with the barbeques, all those cattle mutilations you know. 7) well why not - have you ever looked at the television shows and news we broadcast into space. Would anyone in their right mind want anything at all to do with us. Just look at the 20th century here on earth. Not a day went by that there was not a major, minor, bush, or guerilla war some place on this planet, except for may 4th 1907. and now we have nuclear weapons, so they are scared silly we’re going to show up on their door step any day now. ‘ hi there we’re from planet earth would you like to trade with us. No…hmm.. well we’ll just setup a little place over here, in case you’d like to try cola, here have a free baseball cap. Say can I tell you about our religions.’ 8) why abductions - on going research into why we, humans, are psychotic so as to correct the problem in us. Also reason for breeding programs, but so far unsuccessful. 9) crop circles - kilroy was here 10) why has seti not heard anything - it’s like when you see annoying relatives or neighbors coming up the walk. ‘quick turn out the lights and pretend we’re not home’. Hope that clears some things up. Other info or opinions welcome. Strange thoughts mr d
  9. hello has anyone seen any studies done on weather condiction during the rise of early feathered dinosaurs. wondering if early developement of feathers began as more of a form of insulation than for flight. ice age, volcanic darken of the sky, etc, lowering temperature; leading to developement of feathering such as the down of young birds, which could be a vestage stage of early feather developement. strange thoughts mr d
  10. hello main problem would not so much be in constructing the ship, but in getting the materials needed for such a huge undertaking in to space in the first place. we don't yet have technology for that kind of heavy lifting, and i for one would not like a 500 ton chunk of metal to come hurtling back into the earth's atmosphere if we failed to get it into a proper orbit. could see such problems being overcome to some degree if we could perhaps build mining and manufacturing facilities on the lunar surface. less gravity, more we can lift. still that would leave problems of air-water-waste recycling. mr d
  11. hello what do you think the oods are that in the near future we might have to concern or selfs with dna thieves? was discussing cloning with others when thought came up that with cloning could i in the future have dna samples stolen from someone else to create my own clone of them. such as i find a wanted a wife that look exactly like a certain actress, could i pay to have a sample of her dna taken for cloning purposes. adding in of course for some form of more quickly aging the clone. or a woman who wants a child by a certain man , clones him and harvests sperm from the clone to produce a child with herself. what would be the legal ramification of such a child? as a dna test would show that the child was his, would he be legally responcible? what steps do you think would be needed to protect your gene code. or what use could you find for stealing another persons code? strange thoughts mr d
  12. can there exist a galaxy out there formered from dark matter? also do physical laws found here exist in all galaxies throughout the universe, or could there be galaxies whose matters was created in manors different than that of ours, and have different physical laws-properties as a resault. strange thoughts mr d
  13. a few items also to concider. bullet type and size - caliber bullet material - straight lead or full metal jacket .. etc bullet shape - blut, rounded, pointed, hollow point angle of bullet flight on reentry mr d
  14. hello point is not whether there are ghost, but could there be naturally/induced circumstances that create situations that produce the effects we associate with hauntings. the idea of ghosts/spirits are in some of the earliest stories of human history. all places, times and cultures mention them. so something must be happened to make people from all ages believe in the supernatural. should not just say 'there are no ghost', but a scientific approach should be used to investigate what could cause these effects. strange thoughts mr d
  15. hello could what we take for ghosts in some instances be infact recordings from the past? remember reading a long time ago about a house that some people said was haunted by a elderly woman, whom was sometimes scene in an upstairs window. two investigators decided to investigate not being believers or non-believers in the paranormal. what they found was there was indeed a elderly woman in the upstairs window, but it had nothing to do with ghosts. instead what they found was that the house had old glass windows that had a small amount of silver nitrate. as it turned out the elderly woman use to enjoy sitting at the window watching lighting storms, and condictions were just right between the coated glass and lighting flashes to produce a very faint photo image of the woman in the glass. all that to say, could it be some of the sounds that people hear and atest to ghosts are not spirits but recordings from the past. old building contain iron piping and lead based paints. current two recording materials used are iron and lead oxides. iron oxide accounts for the brown color of recording tapes such as cassettes. people also always talk about strange magnetic fields in areas of reported hauntings. magnetic fields are what we use to produce the impulses that are recorded on to tapes. saw and old rerun of mr. wizard where he pour rust on to a piece of masking tape, then pulled it through a tape recording device as someone spoke, and sure enough there was a faint, distorted recording of that person on the tape. perhaps some residual hauntings, where the people say things like i always hear children laughing in that room', is becuase through an accident of nature the right set of circumstances existed for that sound of laughter to be recorded, and sumarily played back occasionally. would also account for why people say 'the sound stopped when i enter the room.', well the sound would stop as the magnetic field generated by the person would distort the field that is generating the sound in the first place. a bit wordy there strange thoughts mr d
  16. hellohello glad to hear other thoughts on the subject. about schizophrenics, they may not be hearing or seeing exact memory sound or images, but ones created from those of the person afflected. imagine in your mind a space station, go ahead and build it, add some people walking around in eva-suits. i think most people would have no problem doing so. bet if we take a close look at your station we will find ideas and elements borrowed from star trek, star wars, 2001... etc...etc. but your mind can combine them in new ways and create new ones from whole cloth. where the mind enters is its inability to control when these images are viewed and how they are interpreted. ghosts? possible always hear about strange magnetic fields in relation to ghosts. and researchers have found magnetic fields can effect memory and perception. think a lot of ghost may actually be recordings from the past. some day will list my idea if i can figure out what would be the appropriate forum. strange thoughts mr d.
  17. hello when people claim they are hearing voices, or seeing things, i've come to the conclusion they really are. why, because of the brain being wired incorrectly or a chemical imbalance causing incorrect functionality. what they are experiencing are auditory and vision playbacks of images and sounds stored in the brain. most people reading this will have heard a train whistle as it was coming towards you in your life. just bring it up in your mind, can you heard it. now imagine do to physical or enviormental damage to your mind you loose the ability to control when that sound memory is called up. you could be at work or school or walking down the street when your brain calls up the sound on its own with no conscious effert on your part. you would react as if a train was coming towards you. the same would apply for an image from a movie you saw. if you had no way to tell that it was a call back image, it becomes reality for you. and as you would have no means of knowing what was a call back, you could not tell if what you saw about you was real or not. those people who are talking to you, are they really there, could you trust what you see and hear. any other ideas strange thoughts mr d
  18. "strange thoughts" -- hmm, I'd say wrong thoughts personally. __________________ Jonathan aka 5614 its all theoretical so there are no wrong thoughts. perhaps light moves so fast because it is realy composed of very small multi-legged creatures with fast tennis shoes. just a theory and a strange thought. mr d
  19. hello seem to remember recently that scientist had determined that light/energy seen at the moment of the big bang was traveling at a speed faster than the current accepted speed of light ( i'll go for the formation of matter and gravity as the influences on slowing). but if true, and you could find a means to nullify what is slowing down current light, you should be able to travel at a great speed then what we have now. strange thoughts mr d
  20. hello don't know if this is the right forum but here goes. recently had one of those fun dreams where you feel you've been some place doing some task and it felt as if you were really there passing time, such as a afternoon at the beach. but on waking find only ten or fifteen minutes have actually pasted. question is, since the mind thinks in terms of bio-electric energy, does energy have its own sense of time, or does time not exist for energy. i know time slows when approaching lightspeed, but if you actually did travel at the speed of light or faster, would time as we percieve it stop to exist. which would be useful in extending space flights where as you pass light speed your mass is converted to energy and our meaning of time no longer exists until your energy is converted back to matter. strange thoughts mr d
  21. hello thinking more and more that the computer is beginning to mimic the structure of the human brain. at first computers used a single processor for handling all processing aspects. now however multi processors are used, with different ones handling sound and video, much as the brain uses diferent areas to handle different functions. to that end i believe that sleep might serve for humans what a ram sort does for computers. it apears the brain has a limited amount of ram (random acess memory), shuffling information in and out of rom (read only memory) as needed. however at some point the mind can not hold or process the information shuffling amoungst the forms of memory. and a shutdown is needed to sort out and prioritize what's in the ram portion of memory. perhaps this is part of the purpose sleep serves. a system shutdown is call, minimizing functions allowing more processing power to be diverted to sorting out and clearing the ram portion of memory. such a system could help explain some neurologic disorders, as malfuntions of memory routing. strange thoughts mr d
  22. thank you for all the responces. interesting information to look into. have a feeling the process for the creation of matter must be simplier than is thought. as we do seem to have quit a lot of the stuff hanging around. strange thoughts mr d
  23. at what point could you transform energy into matter. if energy is traveling at the speed of light, what would occur if you slowed the speed of energy/light say by the use of a black hole till it was traveling below light speed. or use gravational forces of such to bend light in upon itself till energy began orbiting itself, perhaps creating sub-atomic particles in the process. if all that exisited in the universe at the moment of the big bang was energy. what possible forces could have been used to transform it into matter. any other thoughts. strange thoughts mr d
  24. would there be the possibilty of recording the neuro-electrical calls made to the brain by persons waking from sleep, and derieving a pattern from such data. then use it to stimulate or use as playback introduced into the brains of coma victims to induce wakefulness. yes i understand moral implications, but as a measure of last resort. would imagine patterns developed from siblings and parents of coma victim would provide best source. strange thoughts mr d
  25. thank you for your replys. just having strange thoughts about science questions. good to see answers, and other ideas mr d
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