mr d
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Hello First off as to being insane, why I certainly hope so, especially when compare to the people held up by the media and goverment as pillars of sanity. And can you offer up a standard by which to judge sanity? Secondly the question is one to make people think, can a policy that does not include a brutal repression of opposition actually function in actions such as were taken in Iraq. Americans currently, past history tends to be quite different, try waging wars yet at the sametime want to be seen as friends and benefactors to the people they are waging war against. Actually now that's liberate and bestow democracy on. As seen in Somalia and Afghanistan unless the people being 'liberated' are looking to do so, simply removing one unfriendly goverment only allows for chaos unless the people want to form a new peaceful country. Simply setting up a puppet goverment saying 'Your Free' and getting out appears to lack the effectiveness needed. In the future more ethnic and religious wars could drag in the United States. For as having encouraged most other major countries to spend less on, and dispand much of their own military, America is left as the only country with sufficent resources to under take such operations. The only true super power currently. Can America effectively eliminate threats if unwilling to employ the means, whatever level of repression is needed, to totally and perminately remove threats to security? Are you INSANE? Mr D
Hello What would happen if Sudam was put back into power. True he was convicted and sentenced to death. But sentences can be overturned on appeal. Could he restore stability to Iraq? Would he be more able and willing to halt Iran's Ambitions? He was the U.S. man once, could they use him again. And would he be worse than what Iraq is likely about to fall into? Mr D
Hello One reason for time speeding up as you age, is you get to look mortality in the face more and more. You know you are going to die, those you've grown up with are doing so around you. So when young you see a full life ahead of you, when older you see what time you have left. Baring accident or war if your say twenty you have on average some 55 years ahead of you. At 60 perhaps 15 years left. So before when young you thought plenty of time to get those things done, and you had plenty of time left. When old not that much time left. Also there is the perception of time, which can change by the activity in which the individual is involved. Mr D
Hello Take issue with the phrase utterly wrong. A theory can be speculative, imaginative, or fly in the face of conventially accepted theories and ideas in science. But by the fact they are theories they are not wrong. Scientifically incorrect, or faulty based on given reasons; but a theory is just a theory. I think a better phrasing would be 'challenge or have no basis in currently accepted science theories, laws, or emperical data'. To simply refer to them as wrong indicates that you (collective) have closed your mind to new ideas in obeyance to current dogma. Mr D - Card carrying member of the lunatic fringe.
Hello Sure I'll give a stab at dream analysis. Firstly some researches believe dreams are the results of primary emotional states that are repressed by higher brain functions. You like other animals have a more primal brain, sometimes called your 'lizard brain' that gives you emotions. Love, Hate, Sadness...etc. During developement of humans we need to repress these base emotions at times. Example: I hate my boss and wish to drown them. But your higher functions tell you this is a bad idea, as prison is not the most enjoyable of venues. However that primal emotion of hate is still there inside your head gnawing away. So the brain developed the ability to dream as a way of dealing helping to regulate these emotions. So now you have a dream of some huge bloated pig that follows you about screaming obcenties at you, suddenly your at the beach and a whaling ship is sitting there. You climb aboard and harpoon the pig towing it out into a sea of blue cement (heck your dreaming here), and sink down the pig. Dreams can cause reactions in the body just as is it was really happening. Hence the pent up anger and hatred you had, and the desire to comit harm is fulfilled. Your body accepts this and you feel relief and more calm. Now for your particular dreams. #1) Since you can see no imbodiment of what is after you, most likely it is not a specific person in real life causing you this concern. Most likely I'd guess you are concerned over certain situations in your life. This is why you can not run or fly away from them no matter how hard you try. The deja vu' sense you have is from such issues having been present in your life before. The doors represent choices you have to remedy these problems, with your ability to choice the right door indicating your mind feels you've made the correct choice in the past; or that you instinctively know what is the correct choice, and your lizard brain is telling you to make it regard less of what your higher brain might think. 2) The driving dream: driving indicates you are trying to get to something(place, person..) or away from same. Whether driver or passenger indicates the level you feel in control of the situation. Icy road, well things are getting out of hand and you fear it will get away from you. Hence the crash. However you do not die, but saved at the last moment, but again no specific person saves you, indicating belief something will save you from what your running from; or help you get what your running to. Final analysis of subject type. Mostly an optomistic person, however tends to be a worrier over most matters, and perhaps over thinks situations. Yet this is balanced by a degree of belief subject shows in themselves and the world around them as to their ability to manage situations. No comital recogmended at this time. Patient reports bouts of vivid dreams, suggest researching aboriginal concepts of Dream Time. Mr D 'Hey who put this jacket on me, and why are these walls so soft'.
Hello Most likely we'd be looking at the pending war between Iraq and Iran. Sudam was never very friendly with Iran, remember a little thing called the Iraq/Iran war a way back when. We were supporting Iraq back then with advisors helping to halt the spread of fundamentalism out of Iran. And he would not allow for a nuclear armed Iran, seeing it as a threat to himself. In the U.S. and West political termoil over whom to support or whether to stay directly out of any conflict. Fear of impending War would have driven up the price of oil, and Westerns would be decrying our dependance on foreign oil. U.S. and Coalition troop levels would have been greatly increased in Afghanistan, trying to better secure the area in preparation for the need for Coalition bases to be established within that country if war does breakout. This would create greater Jihadist activity within Afghanistan, which concerns for securing the region would make it nessisary to increase the level of pacification carried out by western forces. In the Western home nations, movements would have sprung up calling for all Coalition troops to be removed. Decrying this a regional Islamic War in which the West had no business. Conservative newscasters would tout how the end is near and World War III was just around the corner. Religious leaders would concur and advise us to repent, as or decadent lifestyle was the root cause of this. Most other people would be too interested in their ipods, game consoles, lcd tv's, and computer internet chatting to even care about any of it. Mr D
Hello Shadows can be seen and created by particles, dependant on size and density. Such as snuffing out a candle, the momentary smoke given off by the wick will create a detectable shadow. If the vehicle in question is emitting an increased amount of particle matter, such as oil or carbon, due to incomplete burning by say an older or inproperly tuned/maintained engine. Then the exhaust can contain sufficiant particles of proper size and opacity to create a detectable shadow. However as you say we may only be seeing observable patterns of light distortion due to index of refraction of gases found in the exhaust. But I don't believe since you have no sample of the vehicles emissions for testing as to composition, that you can simply rule out that there do not exist particles there in that could possibly create shadows. Mr D
Hello Another item is when looking at the gas you are seeing the particles that are casting the shadow, or their size. The shadows also has to take into account the distance between the particles and the object onto which the shadows are cast. The dipersion of the shadow causing an increase in it size over distance , resaulting in a shadow that is larger that the particle. Mr D
Hello I come from a time before everything was PC (Politically Correct) in how we try to act in public at least. And at times wonder if all it is is a shield for racism to hide behind, and I find many people more bigotted today than I did back then. And every once in a while we just get to glimpse at how people really think, if they can't PC themselves quick enough. Such ideas of racisim did not go away, we just do a better job of hiding them behind false fronts. Most of the time... Mr D
Hello I recall that the human body is designed to store fat, actually conversion of excess calories into fat. Why because for most of the history of humankind people did not have readily available food. The vast majority of people did not get 3 meals a day and often had to do without food on a day to day basis. This is still a factor in underdeveloped nations today. So your body was designed to store whatever extra food it got away as fat, to live off your own body when food was scarce. Also as safe long term food storage was not developed till recently, people tried to eat as much as possible during times when food was more available, summer-fall harvest time, to fatten up just like other animals in preparation of winter when less food could be found. But currently in most developed countries food is available at all times, but your body designed over tens of thousands of years when it was not, still carries out the fatten process in belief you will not always have food available. Added to this lifestyles that require less strenuous physical activity, and food that contain high caloric numbers and you quickly develope obese people. Recent studies show the British and French who use to make jest of fat Americans, are now themselves increasing in girth as they develope more American fastfood lifestyles. Mr D
Hello The believe amoung many is that Iraq already is in a state of civil war, media just does not use the term for political reasons. A war mainly along ethic and religious lines, and fueled by insurgents whom attack either of the two main factions of Shia and Sunni to encourage reprisal by militia factions. If allowed Iraq will most likely break apart into 3 countries one Shia lead, one Sunni, and one Kurd. Certain polititians now view that if Iraq can be held together it will be more as a Confederation of States, where ethic groups hold power in each of their regions. With a weak central goverment representing the Country of Iraq, mainly for disposition of capitol gained by oil sales. Mr D
Hello Did anyone one else see the Nova special about the family that walks on all fours limbs. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/allfours/ Interesting in that at first scientist were looking for genes that might be throwbacks to ancient ancestors. Only to discover genes that maybe part of the mechanics for humans to walk upright were found in some non-bipedal animals. And towards the end they were considering that certain ancestor/evolutionary genes may still exist in our genetic code. But there was still an enviormental componant to gene activation, how the children were raised did not at the time needed provide the stimulation for continued bipedal developement. Can not explain it properly, but what do you think about humans still need to progress in stages, particularly during infancy, though more primative forms of evolutionary developement. And that unless the stimulation, or need for more advanced human traits is not met it leads to a halting in developement of such traits? Mr D Watch it if you can, for not only is it interesting on subject matter of the people involved. But also how the scientific community thinks and acts in studying the behavior, and the conclusion it draws at various stages of its own investigation.
Evolution of the Flamingo?
mr d replied to ender7x77's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
Hello Might think about that you may have answered your own question. The need to filter fish. Question: enviormental range of Flamingo (climate needed for survival, including predatory species), what changes could have happened to cause it to need to filter fish in such a manor, and what condictions might limit its ablility to migrate elsewhere. Mr D -
Hello First off thank you for the replies. I would like to ask a futher questions for those respondants whom demonstrate more of a conviction in the right to bear arms. My question is not so much should people be allowed the right to bear arms, but should it be required they demonstrate and understanding of weapons before giving access to them. Done a tad of shooting and amoung the fun things I've seen at the range are. Fellow with a semi-auto cocked back the slide, then try and force the slide back foreward. Not understanding how to release the slide catch. Fellow cocking a semi then having a friend want to see the gun. So he removed the clip from the weapon to be safe, and let his friend start toying with the weapon. Fortunately a fellow shooter standing nearby asked to see the weapon as well, then showed how cocking a semi loads a round in the chamber by recocking the slide and ejecting the shell. And amoung others a person with a borrowed over-under shotgun trying to load shells by pushing then on the bottom barrel. As if loading a pump action, and when that failed trying to see if the shell slid down the barrel. Now I'm not saying these people should not be allowed arms (though the thought they are makes me a bit nervous), but how do you feel about their being required to obtain training on their weapons before actually being allowed to take full possession of them? Or have been required to take a general course on the operation and handling of weapons? Mr D
Hello Thought I should add something to be on subject. Problem with liquid would tend to be the weight issue. If you've ever lugged a gallon of milk about for a while you'd know why. So how much liquid fuel would your munitions need, what would be the weight ratio compared to conventional rounds. Weigh would have to be calculated for tranportability by trucks and planes. And what would be the operational limits, if any, regarding temperature ranges. Also as certain types of liquid propellants breakdown faster than standard chemical propellants, what would be shelve life of ammunitions produced and underwhat storage condictions would it have to be housed? Lastly cost of liquid propellants tend to be higher than chemical, and more complex in manufacturing. what would be the advantages of your type of weapon over current ones to warrent higher costs, plus the added cost for building up the manufacturing needed for your product. Mr D
Hello Kinda like caseless ammo, such as used in a system like Metal Storm, though it may use other forms. Helps reduce the need for mechanical systems in the weapon. Mr D
Hello So Pangloss would like the 'wisdom of' post to have a discussable question attached, fair enough. So kindly read the link the story in that post leads to and the question for discussion is this. In countries that allow citizens to possess fire arms should there be a test for a bare minimum level of intelligence for a person to own a firearm. And what would you propose that test to be? Remember people can still possess a weapon but what level of competence, and in what area - plus what does your test consist of in written-verbal-physical or combination. Mr D
Hello For those of you who not do believe it wise to allow citizens to possess firearms, read here to see just what a weapon can do to help stop crime. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061116/ap_on_fe_st/groin_shot The grand and glorious comedy of life continues. Mr D =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Added by Moderator Pangloss: Mr D's question for your consideration is as follows: In countries that allow citizens to possess fire arms should there be a test for a bare minimum level of intelligence for a person to own a firearm. And what would you propose that test to be? Remember people can still possess a weapon but what level of competence, and in what area - plus what does your test consist of in written-verbal-physical or combination.
Hello A lot of tats worn by prisoners were done in house as signs of gang affilliations. What gangs you are part of, what types of crimes you've committed, etc. So other prisoners (and when on the outside, law enforcement) can tell were you stand without ever speaking to you. Though of course all are not thus related. During World War II many servicemen who surved in the Pacific Theater, came into the art of tattooing by Japanese, Chinese, and Pacific Islanders. And bought back the idea of tattooing with them upon their return to the Western Nations. Tattooing was used in the West by tribes like the Celts and others in the distant past but had mainly died off by current times. In most other cultures where tattooing is prevailant, a tattoo tends to be gained by a change in status or deed accomplished, or acceptance into a tribe or society. And others decide if you've earned the right to a tattoo. Unlike amoungst the present Western Nations were people treat tattoos as a personal statement or simple adornment. So in some ways prisoners are using tattoos as they were used originally. Mr D
Hello Does anyone have recogmendations for books in regards to ancient technology (water screws, levers, aquaducts...). Spend so much time on modern technology, thought I'd go back and refresh myself on what was designed and invented by past civilizations. Since much of what we use is based on what they had. Mr D
hello just to rule it out. any calcium in the water? mr d
Hello Any chance of contamination in equipment or source materials? Mr D
Hello Well perhaps we might not be displaced, but find it interesting how the thought we might not always be the apex preditor does not seem to occur to most people. As students of science it should be noted that through out Earth's history no one animal gets to remain on top forever. Also not only do we have to think about what would happen as a direct result of a disaster, but how we would react afterwards. If a huge asteroid struck Earth many people would be killed, but for the survivors what becomes of civilization. If great clouds of dust were kicked into the atmosphere and stayed there for years dropping temperatures, many places we now live become uninhabitable. Such as I believe one respondant states their location as Finland. Under such circumstances Finland and much of England would begin to be covered in ice, and humankind could do little against it. Huge populations would have to move closer to the equator, but what if the population already there does not want you. What if our planet now can only feed 500 million people, what do you do with the other 6 billion. Our intelligence might not be able to find a way to feed those people, but we might have ways to quickly remove the excess population. There might be no need for a more intelligent species to suddenly evolve. Instead they just need to out survive us. Sometimes intelligence can be a bad thing. Mr D The bombs are falling and you have room for 1 more in your shelter before you must seal the door for the next 20 years. Two people run up. One says I'm the world's greatest Theoretical Physicist. I know all about wormholes, quatum mechanics, and string theory. The other says I'm a plumber, I can keep you toilets working for the next 20 years. Who do you take in, who has the greater knowledge.
Hello People always think in terms of our either solving our problems with technology, or going extinct. But another senerio might find we do survive, but just find ourselves displaced as the dominant species. Such as with the theory of how dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid. The asteroid did not kill all the dinsosaurs, but brought about ecological changes were the amount of available food could not sustain larger animals. An while they died off in great numbers did not go extinct, but had to adapt to the new condictions. Which intern helped provided smaller animals the condictions to develope futher and become the new dominant species. Once you reach the top of the ladder there's no place to go but down. Mr D 'Take your hands off me you damn dirty ape!' - Taylor
Hello Been hanging about for a while so let's see. I'm a bit older than most here, as long as we're not counting mental age, snuck up on me while I was not looking. Managed to attend 3 Universities and 7 Colleges in my time, even taught some though former students might protest such a statement. Was given a couple of pieces of paper from a few of them, degrees- restraining orders- bird cage liners? Things are a little hazy from those times. Never accomplished anything of note in science, and decided I had enough of company politics to ever place myself in a postion where I might actually do so in the future. Enjoy it far more as an interest than a job at this stage. Mr D