mr d
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hello meditaion-enhanced mental state spirit dancing-spiritual awakening walkabout-go out into the wilderness, stay out there till you have a vision. vision quest-about like walkabout peyote, mescal, magic mushrooms-natural altered states lsd-man made chemically induced altered state. goto to supposed paranormal sites-see if you can experience anything. such as and supposed haunted sites in your area. since this is a science forum, kindly remember to collect data on your experience. mr d
hello its repression by the majority on minority. or as the saying goes. ' i reject your reality(majority) and insert my own(minority).' mr d
hello would you consider it if a woman retained cell samples from a fetus that was aborted, but used the cells to clone the fetus at a later date and brought the child to term. ain't science wonderful strange thoughts mr d
Question? are physicals laws applicable across all dimensions
mr d replied to mr d's topic in Modern and Theoretical Physics
hello perhaps this would clarify somewhat. was wondering if matter occupies all dimensions at one time, or does matter cycle through dimensions, where each has a set of laws that applies to that dimension. ex: matter if existing only in 3 dimensional space, where there is no dimention of time, is it effected by the laws of time, or can it be. or if matter is effected by some force in dimension 8 that we are unable to detect in our four dimensional world, how would we percieve that effect in our dimension. how would we detect a standard 8th dimension change by its physical laws that we would lack equipment to see. to us would it be a standard physical reaction, or a seemingly random event as we could not detect the source of the change. of course depends on are all dimensions in simultanious existence or cycled through. mr d -
hello was wondering if the laws of physics apply across all dimensions. or do certain laws only exist in certain dimensions, and futher if a law does exist only in certain dimersions how would a change brought about by that physical property that would only exist in say the eight dimension be reflected in the 3rd dimension. strange thought mr d
hello agreed about aging. but what is happening inside the mind of the individual, unknown. persons confined to sensory depravation tanks quickly being having auditory and visual dillusions. so if your mind is active even though your body is frozen what becomes of your mind. also if this supposed space flight was occuring at near the speed of light, persons on the flight would already being aging at a much slower rate so would there be a need to freeze them. slower speeds perhaps. but we still don't know what is going on neuroloically with people, and still the problem of people in prolonged unconsciousness loosing function. this way, matrix program, there minds could be kept active and maintain what might be considered a normal existence for the duration. mr d
hello thought about that, but such would include taking down brain function. for if the brain still remained active, what would be the state of the individual's mind after a year of being alone with it's own thoughts. can't say i've seen alot of studies of reawaken comatose people who could recall what was occuring to them while in the coma. not awareness of surroundings, but where their mind was and what it thought and saw. and most who do recover suffer damage to mental and motor skills. so if the mind could be kept active, and skills put to use in the simulation it would mean a better chance of having a cognisant person when awaking. mr d
hello looking at the movie the matrix, was wondering if developement of such a system would be useful in prolonged space flight. a 8-12 month flight stuck in a conpartment the size of your average bathroom would be quite taxing on most people. but if there was a computer simulation running of normal life, or a nice vacation to a tropical island, where your mind could live while your body functions were slowed and itself stored. would that make mental stress easier to deal with. for you as the astronaut would merely remember going into the spaceship, than entering this computer world, only to wake up from it when you arrived at your destintion. strange thoughts mr d
hello people say how we multitask, doing many thing at the sametime. as such will the brain begin redesigning itself for true multi -tasking. ex: driving and talking on the phone. though it would be considered multi-tasking. the mind is actually switching back and forth between task, with traject results if switching occurs ar the wrong moment. but if humans keep on doing such activities will the mind actually redesign itself so seperate portions could handle activities on their own. mr d
hello all countries negotiate with terroists. they may do it directly, or through 3rd party proxies. question is how they respond when negotiation fails, and how they control the information of negotiations to the media and public, plus the portrayal of the results of their actions. mr d
hello found this amusing, hezbollah talking about how surprised they were at isreal's responce. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060726/ap_on_re_mi_ea/mideast_fighting_hezbollah;_ylt=AqphFxngDgV7zuGQg983U9Os0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3b3JuZGZhBHNlYwM3MjE- don't know how much faith i'd put into it, but believe a smidgeon of truth. where soldiers were grabbed to trade for militants. and normally in the past kinda holds true. you take my guys, i take yours, we lob artillery and rockets at each other - swear we will never deal if each other. and finally broker a secret deal to swap prisoners. kinda shows how when your looking for a fight on both sides things can get out of control quickly. oh btw do any of you rember how far away the mount of megiddo is from haifa. in case i wish to more faithful in believe, for you never can tell. mr d
hello sorry about how that message showed. pangloss is right was cut in from a notepad. it's the text editor i have available. so no formatter, or spell checker, the capitol thing is rebellion against conformity. i use a work station for posting and have limited access time, no internet at home - and i like it that way (find i'm out and about more since i closed my account. life is far more enjoyble without it.) so if making a longer post i have to type it up on notepad first then quickly go up and post it. hey could try to get work to allow installation of m.s.word, but somehow my explaination of need might not meet requirements. 'uh... hey could you have i.t. install word on my machine so i can write better posts for the science forum i visit. oh... when am i doing that..uh. during working hours.' dam bloody capitalists. shall endeavor to at least form better paragraphs, hard since i was taught to write by a blindman who did not consider them overly important. but i shall try. mr d
hello a bit of deja vu for me, went a little like this. as mentioned by me above a few decades past lebanon was a fairly pieceful place without too large of a military. 'hey we're the guys who handle the money for the rest of the area. why would anyone want to destroy us, you'd you'd only loose your ability to make a profit.' so no real reason for a big military. the rise of islamic fundimentalism and sectarian differences (plus feelings christian and jewish minorities were hording the wealth, being they were more exceptable partners to westerners) lead northern sunnis and southern shi'ites to begin a little civil war, and with no real army in the country and conflicted loyalties amoung officers and enlisted the fun begins. as fighting lessens between lebanese factions embolden southern groups decided to lauch a few missles isreals way. isreal responds by invading southern lebanon to secure the northern frontier. syria which was thought to be fueling the lebanese civil war fearing a strong lebanon, and looking to redirect the fighters attention invade eastern lebanon. of course they claim to be there to help protect their muslim brothers from isreali aggression. plus maybe grab a little land along their western border. a deal is finally brokered to end the civil war. isreal is asked to leave, they say no. syria is asked to leave, they say no. islamic militants begin a war of attrition agains isreali forces, later to form basis for hezbollah. manage to kill isreali soldiers with bombs and snipers as they patrol the area (sound familiar?). enough so that the isreali people begin protesting to bring the troups home. as at the time many voiced the opinion 'if muslims wish to fight a civil war and kill each other so much the better.' isreal conducts a scorched earth withdraw destroying infrastructure, towns, and forrest areas in order to create a barren wasteland to buffer their northern border. one reason the people of the region support hezbollah. yes small guerilla bands manage to force the withdrawl of a much better armed and equiped military force (hmm.. again sound vaguely familiar.) the lebanese goverment asks again for syria to leave, but it wants to stay in case isreal should decided to invade again. for without and army who can protect them. oddly though they never actually engaged the isreali defense force in a drive to push them out. recently the lebanese primeminister finally gets the united nations to help force the syrians out. lebanon sets about rebuilding itself. the primeminister is prompty assignated with what many believe is syrian help. and low and behold a rearmed hezbollah shows up and starts lobbing rockets into isreal. these things i remember along with christian protestors in the u.s. screamed how the end of the world was near, and the river jordan would soon run as blood. i think these people are still screaming this not sure if they ever stopped. so what's it all mean. that in the end isreal will do what it think's best for isreal, syria for syria, the islamic fighters will not be destroyed by a limited isreali incursion. nor can isreal launch a full scale prolonged invasion (lacks manpower and resources needed to do so, and the money needed to sustain such an operation). problems: iran, may or may not be looking for a large scale war. large wars require lots of money and resources, see what the u.s. and coaltion have to spend daily. nor does it have direct access to isreal. for such and attack it would have to either invade its way across the middle east to reach isreal, or somehow fly in massive amount of men and supplies into lebanon which it can not afford, or do with out detection. some concern over possible iranian nuclear threat, but looks as some suggest iran may be using conflict to test their burgeoning weapon developement programs (remember their new 200 mph torpedo). the missle used to hit the isreal ship required a functioning guidence system unlike the rockets hezbollah fires at isreal everyday. they don't have the money or trained personel to accomplish that. also though denied by isreal most western sources believe an isreali f16 was shot down. again hezbollah rockets can not accomplish that. soviet sams or u.s. built stingers needed (u.s. gave stingers to taliban when they were fighting the soviet union back when, thanks to the c.i.a.. might be some backwards engineering going on). so unforunately i think in the end all sides stomp about destroying and killing and accomplishing nothing. then stop and take time to rearm and do it again. the worst of it is with each pause the means for destroying and killing gets that much improved. and the biggest looser might be the u.s.. most euopean nations are against u.s. policy of support for the isreali operation, and becoming more and more anti american in general. plus many more muslims are viewing the u.s more and more as having no concern for their plight, consequently less co-operation from islamic countries against terrorism. perhaps more countri
somethings wrong with my knuckle!
mr d replied to gaara's topic in Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience
hello if its been two weeks and you have as much swelling as before, have it rechecked. should have seen some improvement in a week, so you might have damaged it more severly than they first thought, or it may have been misdiagnosed as to injury. remember it's our hand, and you tend to like to have continuing function in those appendages. mr d -
hello do recall the released terror suspect, who stated he was held in tunisia and tortured by the americans. amoung the torture was parading naked women in front of him whom posed in naughty fashions. and offence to an islamic fellow. as to all those foriengers in the area, lebanon still handles quite a bit of banking for the region, and is considered a moderate country for western business to base some operations out of. you hear about radical groups like hezbollah causing much grief, but not much coming actually from the lebanese. in a region now where if you kill 100 people a day your a fanatic, if you kill 30 your a moderate. being older than must of you i think, i still remember when lebanon was an influential banking center. like the caymans now, a fine place to put money you didn't like questions being asked about. it was also a tourist destination with beautiful beaches, and was considered canne' for the middle east. that harbor you now see isreali boats patroling was once filled with the yahts of millionaries, for lebanon was a party destination. if you looked at it, even now to and extent, it was one of the few places in the middle east where islamics (sunni's north shi'ites south), jews, and christians tended to live together with any sense of co-operation. mr d
hello rallies in iran are much like they were for iraq under sudam. buses show up they herd people on to them and dump you out at the rally. attendance is what you might call manditory. once there troops are strategically placed out of camera shot, while the plain clothes morality polices helpfully mingle amounst the crowd. they're so if you need assistance knowing how and when to cheer properly then can aid by queing you. so much easier to run these spontanious demonstrations. mr d
hello the much faunted lebanese army many are saying should route out the hezbollah fighters, is a force of around 50,000 whom possess and handful of second hand sixties era tanks and personel carriers. which on a good day might start. their airforce little more than a dozen rusting soviet planes of the same time frame that a single isreali f16 could take out in a matter of minutes. lebanon is a country in name but has no power to do much of anything except be a target. for those not old enough a few decades ago both isreal and syria invaded in a small skirmish, and each set up their own puppet goverments. so infact there were two goverments running the country. recently there was some headway by the lebanese in removing the syrian forces with help from the unitied nations. which promptly got the priminister who managed that asassinated. and for those wondering when america will enter the war. well we already have. most of those lovely rockets and laser guided bombs being fire by the isreali's are actually built in the good ol' usa. and as they're used up we'll sell them more. unleash the dogs of war. the anti capitalist mr d
hello yes do seek help. that does not mean you will be sent to a psychiatrist and placed on anti-psycotic medication. you may simply need to have someone with whom you can discuss your situation. your part where those close to you tell you basically to 'just straighten up', and the fact that you are on this board seeking advise, tends to demonstrate you do have a desire to discuss this matter with others but may lack such individuals around you. you say you have had thoughts of inflicting harm on yourself but have not done so. but have you taken any steps toward doing so. you mention thinking of cutting yourself, did you just think about it, or did you while thinking about it secure a knife or razor with which you could actually cut yourself. if you have taken any steps toward actually hurting yourself please seek help. lastly your outbursts and breakdowns over issues you mention with your father maybe signs of abandonment issues. which may be effecting your own feelings of self worth. i take it you are still fairly young, which leads to concern these issues may effect you and your relationships in later life. so to help head off such issues see if you can find a professional to aid you inresolving this matter. even if only a free clinic counselor, or even a good friend or relative who can listen and be supportive of you. this type of problem does not simply go away, nor is it one that can be medicated away. mr d
hello to the original question, of could this lead to a wider conflict. yes very easily. the entire region is not overly stable politically, and a number of nations there, such as syria, saudia arabia, jordan, and egypt could easily see their governments fall to fundamental islamic movements with in those nations. in the past most of those countries have given lip service to the destruction of isreal and expect for 1 true attempt, most have aided palestinians by moving in seizing and occupying their land. so why do they not open more friendly dialogs with isreal, most of those nations have taken in large amounts of refugees who do want isreal destroyed. so if your a leader in one of those countries if you have any brains you shout death to isreal and make a token effort to aid the cause. peaceful overtones gains you a wonderful gift like the one bestowed on anwar sadat in egypt. though a long conflict mainly it has been limited to a few hundred deaths yearly on both the parts of isreal and the islamic fighters. and though it sounds cruel to say those numbers are exceptable to most other nations. The numbers that would result from a full out war would be in the hundred of thousands. casualty numbers are exceptable if all out war can be avoided (and yes i understand no deaths should be truely acceptable, but most nations have given up on the concept that there can be peace in the region. it is becoming more a question of how we can have the fewest deaths resulting from the conflict, and how can a widing of the conflict be achieved. for to have peace you must have people that want peace, and here that is not the case now or anytime in the foreseeable future. Unfortunately isreal sees southern lebanon as a threat to their security that may need to be occupied again to insure its safety. however syria views southern lebanon as a buffer between itself and isreal, and an occupation is a threat to their security. the lebanese would mostly enjoy the hezbollah fighters leaving their nation but have no power to arrange that. so lebanon merely gets to enjoy being blasted apart by all sides concerned. and while no true friend to the west syria does work with western intelligence to aid in the disruption of terrorist plots aimed at american and european targets. a conflict between isreal and syria that saw islamic fundamentalists taking power in syria would prove detremental to western nations. as far as iran is concerned i fear the psychological assessments of their leader may unfortunately be more on target that would be good for all of us. that being that he somehow sees himself as an islamic messiah chosen to bring about a world wide conflict out of which an islamic nation will arise that shall rule the world. and he may aid the hezbollah cause to help obtain those ends and not just a war with isreal. though some think iran is using the conflict as a means to test their developing weapon systems, as the u.s. does in iraq, or the nazis did in spain in the 30's. very risky unless you are hoping for a visit from the isreali air force. will the u.s. invade iran, hardly likely being too militarily stretched, as america and the west depend on oil from saudia arabia and iraq, russia and china depend on iranian oil to help fuel their economies. allowing the americans or isreali's to destroy iranian oil production would be against their national interests. to avoid conflict between such major powers they, the west and soviet-chinese, would have officals probably meet in secret and decide upon which iranian targets would be acceptable to both sides. also remember there is this little country called iraq, that did have chemical weapons and a biological weapons program ask the kurds if you need proof. and no one truely knows what happened to those weapons. supposedly destroyed under u.n. mandate, and none could be found in iraq by inspectors or after the war. does not mean they are not there somewhere, or simply moved to a friendly nation by the iraqi's before the invasion. as hezbollah has stated we've seen nothing of their true potential yet. enough ex-millitary officials who believe in your cause, or enough money supplied by oil revenue could buy you military grade weapons and the numerous left over scuds to deliver them. iran might not even be needed to obtain the level of technology needed to raise the level of threat significantly. peace in the future? not likely as both sides are firmly entrenched in their ideology. but there could be the possibility from the simple fact that for many nations in the region there ability to produce in purchase sophisticated weapons, comes for the revenues generated by oils sales. but that oil will not last forever. and currently many of the nations in conflict are not using that wealth to better the lives of their people, or strive to educate them so they can develope into nations who have more to offer than just oil. to see nations that follow simular paths look to many nations in africa, see what becomes of them if they have nothing to offer the industrial nations. ' may not be politically correct, and i must say i don't much care for 'acceptable losses'. but i'm trying to look at it not as an individual, but how nations tend to look at situations. mr d
hello notice you mention the sea cores a few times. what's the latest on the artic ice cores, believe they were reporting that from their samples it tended to indicate that climate temperatures for their record period (granted a few 100,000 years) that the earth normally goes through temperature swings that are rather dramatic, occuring in 15-20,000 year cycles. and that the 10,000 year stable condictions we have enjoyed are more of an aboration than the norm. also they were saying there before a shift from hot to cold is proceeded by a period of increased volcanic activity, hich results in largers amounts of particulate matter in the atmosphere, and an increase of sulfur dioxide gas in the atmosphere whose reflective properties help reflect sunlight away from the earth and back into space. and that while direct effect of the activity drops temperature worldwide ofr a short period of years, but serve to act as a trigger that leads to futher cooling. mr d
how do you see your nation - others through film and television.
mr d replied to mr d's topic in The Lounge
hello thought about it and decided perhaps i did not explain properly. try it this way. i live in congo, shall never make it over to the u.s. and i ask you 'what are americans like.' what film - tv show do you pick to get across a general impression of the national character of americans. for many people all they will ever know of another nation and its people are what they see on their tv's or at their local theater. and no easy out of ' well they could fly here, a huge portion of the world is populated by people who could never afford such a trip. or they could chat we me over the internet, far fewer people had access to the internet than many would imagine, plus large numbers that do live in countries where their net traffic is heavily censored and monitored. you may one a free exchange of ideas with these people but their goverments do not. and for many the depiction of your nation they recieve is totally squed by their media sources. also simply many people would but forth no more effort to know you than watch a movie or show. hope that explains better mr d -
the computer brain, sleep, and dreaming
mr d replied to mr d's topic in Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience
hello nice to see a free thinker is looking for structure. as to 'capitols', they frighten me. i was attacked by a rampant herd of capitolized alphabet blocks when very young and never recovered. mr d -
how do you see your nation - others through film and television.
mr d replied to mr d's topic in The Lounge
hello herme the point is a film or show that reflects how americans percieve themselves or others. so why chose the westerns. i believe most americans still consider the national character of americans is we still have a certain feeling of self reliance, and americans tend to believe you take care of things yourself. and if you believe what you are doing is right, you stand up for yourself, does not matter who is standing against you. in the past another western star, plus numerous war movies, was thought to embody the american spirit. that being john wayne. how in such movies he showed you stood up for what was right, no grey areas here, right and wrong is very black and white. no sitting around going let's try seeing it from the other persons point of view. if it was wrong to you it's wrong and you did something about it. even if it ment giving up your life to do so. now you say your a science fiction fan, i still would think you believe there are characteristics that you consider to represent the character of americans. can you think of a scifi character that you consider shows the traits you consider display how you percieve the american spirit to be? mr d -
the computer brain, sleep, and dreaming
mr d replied to mr d's topic in Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience
hello just wondering if anyone tried the hallway test, and what did you find out about your mind. are you more rational or imaginative while dreaming. respond if you please, else i'm just here talking to myself, or maybe i usually do that anyway as many might suspect. mr d -
hello had a strange thought. people always talk about how human kind is always repeating past mistakes, and how we fail to learn the great lessons of history. was wondering if that could neurologically be built in to the human experience of learning, that we as physical beings can not simply accept learning from books or words to form our understanding of the world. do we require a certain amount of physical input to enforce knowledge into our brains. example: children are warned fire is hot, but almost all children seem at one time or another to try to touch a flame (please prevent if you see happening). or you yourself my have been told not to look at the sun as it would 'burn out your eyes'. we all understand this is bad but still people try to squint and look at the sun. same as for war. we all understand how horrific a war is and the suffering it causes. but unless you have experienced it you never really can understand the horrors of war. and so we repeat mistakes for the past because we have not truely learn to understand that they are mistakes. logically we understand, but unless physically experienced and recorded by the brain do we really understand. i agree as we gain knowledge somethings we begin to grasp by learning alone. yet still most of the learning we do is to put it to practical-real world physical use. example: you give me a stick of dynamite and tell me to light the fuse and hold it. through learning i decline as i understand what would happen. but that is because in understand what will happen in the physical world, and not use an intellilectual concept. but at the same time many people may not light and hold the dynamite, nut would toss it to see what happens. i have learned what and explosions is, but until i physically see an explosion and its effect i don't truely understand and explosion. would that be nessisary for humans to gain knowledge. so that we may read about past events, logically comprehend the causes and effects of such events, but lack a true understanding of the event because we did not experience the event. strange thoughts mr d