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mr d

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Everything posted by mr d

  1. ok.. klaynos: 'You're sending electrons down a phone line to connect to the internet, that's moving objects... it's still transphering information...' i believe that would be transfering of an electrical charge between atoms,the electrons themselves are not jummping from one atom to another, they are transferring their charge. the original question involved tugging on a rod. in connecting to the internet you do not reach out and physically tug at the phone or cable line. a electrical charge is transmitted along the lines. m4rc: 'If you move mass then this can be used to send data. For example, you can have the rod tap out a message in Morse code at the other end. A moving mass does transfer information. However it does not move information faster than the speed of light.' in the above it is the act of tapping that applies energy in the form of vibrations to the rod,that are coverted to energy. if the force is sufficient to overcome the resistance of the media it is being transmitted through it will be transferred to the opposite end of the rod. in both examples you are appling a force or energy the rod which is transmitted through the medium that composes the rod. if you simple tug the rod what is being transmitted? mainly the energy required to move the object is transferred to the mass to move it, and it could be argued that this is a form of data as that force would need to be transferred through out the object to move it. transmitting using includes energy that make use of a signal to produce\carry that energy or data. mr d
  2. hello no problem feel free, also your correction is fine. subject matter i think calls for best info possible. mr d
  3. hello call me hopeful there are aliens out there, who come here. why? because if they can do it maybe so can we. right now we have a few theories on faster than light travel, but heck we can't even travel at the speed of light. and space is big... really big. and currently things are looking rather grim that we ever will go out beyond our own solar system in person. but if an alien lands then hmmm.. maybe we might decide to divert the resources nessicary to discover just how to do that. or in the best human tradition whackem over the head and steal his saucer. as for the bible... it is a book designed to try to explain how and why man is on the earth, and though teachings and stories provide morale guidance: and a believe system to reach an spiritual existance beyond the physical one people have here. it does not say aliens exist or do not exist, that is not its purpose, it is a story of man for man not et's. that said however, if the aliens do showup and say 'hi, remember us. we created you and here's the video to prove it.'. run for the hills, trouble's a coming. hmm.. sounded like a bible thumper for a moment. mr d
  4. true enough mr moonquake, but your are still moving the object, not simply transfering data through the substance.
  5. mr d


    hello i remember a story of this (not this particular place but of organ harvesting in china) being broadcast on a major news chanel in the u.s. the story was on human organ harvesting from condemmed prisoners. as the death penalty is legal in china, officals were saying that these people were prisoners condemmed to death by execution. their take being that since they where to be put to death anyway, that removing their organs after death was not legally wrong. these officals seemed more concerned with assuring possible purchasers that prisoners where not executed by means that might damage or contaminate the organs. little else was said or investigated as far as i can tell. it would appear that with many western nations needing the emerging chinese economy to help keep their own running along, that they are not willing to press for investigation of the reports as it may result in retaliation that would cause trade complications. money is money, business is business mr d
  6. hello i believe tugging at one end of your rod would not be transmitting data, but movement of mass of the object. mr d
  7. hello thought i'd add this in here for people since this topic has taken a turn to the subject of aids. http://www.mult-sclerosis.org/Tcell.html though about ms it helps explain the function of t-cells and how they relate to the auto immune system. 'aids' stands for aquired immune diffiency syndrome, this is one the main systems that are affected by the virus. basically (far more complex than this, and based on current information) t-cells are small factories that collect data about invading bodies, decodes the data,and manufactures antigens that destroy those bodies. the threat from aids is that the virus can mimic the bodies used to collect data, and instead can cause a t-cell to produce not antigens but incubate aids virus's. They then go out and attack more t-cells shutting them down as well. this means that if you then catch a cold or other viral infection your body no longer has the t-cells necessary to produce antigens to fight off the infection. and something like a simple cold can now easily turn into a life threatening pneumonia. The loss of a few dozen t-cells would not be harmful, or even a few hundred, but unfortunately with the virus taking over the cells for reproduction of more and more virus's infecting others till your immune system shuts down. Resault, infection and death from other diseases. Reason people go so many years before finding out they are infected. Until loss of enough cells so you are unable to fight invading bodies can take years, and mean while you'll feel perfectly fine. However during that time you are infected with the virus and can pass it to others. 2 main reasons belived responcible for rapid spread of the disease around the world. 1) modern transportation. a person infected with a disease can board a plane and reach the other side of the planet in 10-12 hrs. Cars, trains and boats aid in the transportaion of infected indiviuals with in an area. 2) wide availability and usage of injected drugs, leading to spreading use in the sharing of needles. remember the aids virus want access to your blood system. is it a gay disease? no, equal opportunity. is it so wide amoung gays because of their deviant sexual behavior? firstly we'd have to define what is deviant. i'll leave that up to you out there to decide. when people always talk about deviant gay sex, what they are hinting at is anal sex (damn, never thought i'd be writting that). believe it or not hetrosexuals participate in this activity as well. however is this activity more prone to the spread of aids, research does believe it may provide added risk. why? semen deposited in the lower intestine containing the aids virus, may have access to the blood system by the fact the the main purpose of the intestines is in the absorbtion of nutriants and water into the blood though the lining of the intesinal wall. your stomach does not absorb the nutrition from the food you eat, it digests the food into a form whereby this nutrition can be absorbed into the body while passing through the intestinal track. the reason you have so many coiled feet of guts, to make sure as much can be taken out and absorbed as possible. 'well if i have a bowel movement that would get rid of it.' science says you still have bits of that burger you had ten years ago hanging out down there, so no this won't happen. as with hetreosexual sex most of it will dry up and rot away. enough of this think some time i'll have to write up my thoughts on homosexual genes garnered from contemplating everything that's been said over the years by scientists. strange thoughts mr d
  8. hello i believe chirping sounds deal more with communicating information, and singing is for mating. i would tend to think as it is springtime you have a bird who's trying to attract a mate. i'd look to see if there is a completed nest near you, i can't remember exactly but i think sparrows will first build a nest, then begin singing as if to say ' hey i'm available and i even have a house ready to go.' say don't that sound not to different from a lot of people. mr d
  9. http://post.news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?.mm=NEWS&action=l&ft=1&board=37138446&sid=37138446&title=%27Passion%27%20Earns%20More%20Than%20%26%2336%3B250%20Million%0A&tid=apboxoffice&date=03-15-2004&url=story.news.yahoo.com%2Fnews%3Ftmpl%3Dstory%26u%3D%2Fap%2F20040315%2Fap_on_en_mo%2Fbox_office_10&.sig=H84pGznbEn5Bbof1DxfD7A--
  10. hello was viewing the yahoo news site when i saw in the entertainment section a report on 'v for vendetta' taking the top box office spot in america for the week. how is this politically amusing? well click on the report and near the bottom is a button that says 'discuss' go their to be amused. perhaps ideas do have the power to threaten. strange thoughts mr d
  11. well relooking it appears more like a whale doing a roll, with one bent flipper up. mr d to just stuit enjoy the magic
  12. hello though quite improbable it does remind me somewhat of the tail of a whale as it is preparing to submerge. one fluke lying flat near the surface of the water (the hump). the second up and having its tip folded downwards, viewed from the edge accounting for the thinness and neck like appearance. also the white spot does look a bit like barnacle growth. unlikely but stranger things happen. mr d
  13. hello i believe sometimes what people are seeing are tiny bits of dust and fibers that are actually lying on the lens of your eye. one way to test this is to see if your wiggle moves if you try to focus in on it. if it tracks or floats away if you try to look at it, chances are it is something floating on the lens of your eye. also try blinking, if the wiggle changes shape or suddenly moves or appears to be drifting in a current; again this is caused by particles swirling in the liquid - tears coating your lens. also if you can focus on them somehow your may notice your wiggle lines have small dots attached to them, this would be microscopic air bubbles. normally your eyes ignore this particles as you tend not to focus your vision for so such close objects, but when you defocus your eyes while looking at a single or flat colored background you are actually focusing your eyes inward in the fashion of a microscope. it's sort of like looking out the windshield of your car or a window. as you look at objects in the distance you not not notice dirt smudges or insects, or imperfections in the glass. but if you stare at the glass plane your will suddenly see all types of marks. mr d
  14. hello people always talk about how we will develope computers that think like humans. my conjecture would be will they really think like us, or will they develope their own form of logic and reasoning. there could be neural nets developed to imitate human brain patterns but as computers are not organic, could a thinking computers devise their own means to use and\or create a neural network. as almost a seperate type of non-organic life could they begin to form their own systems of logic and reasoning totally unrelated to the way humans think. at some point would a programmers job not be to program a computer how to think, but instead try to find ways to interface with computers instead. strange thoughts mr d
  15. hello why worry about a virus in africa? suggest watching a movie from a few years ago called 'outbreak' with dustin hoffman. science is not quite right, but will give you a peek at why people are concerned whenever an 'outbreak' happens. mr d
  16. hello no you do not usually bleed to death. the hemorraging destroys the organ's ability to function, and they begin shutting down. mr d
  17. Hello In response to your question. Yes it is normal for the Earth’s temperature to change. But also yes you should still be worried. Just take a look at where you live; doe the temperature always stay the same? Or does it change with the seasons, which are in fact, related to the earth’s orbital pattern around the sun, plus the earth’s pivoting on its axis (the reason for seasons being reversed in northern and southern hemispheres). Can mankind effect that orbit or tilting of the earth, for the most part no. The seasons will change no matter. But can people effect weather? Since you seem interested in researching these matters, look into acid rain and its effects on forests. Rain, very natural; the chemicals humans dump into the atmosphere not quite so normal. That is the problem here, there are temperature shifts on the earth (remember all those ice ages, plus time when it rose and there were almost no polar caps), but is what we are doing going to cause those effects to be far more severe that they might be otherwise. Perhaps the earth normally warms it over time by a few degrees or loses a few degrees. For most life forms if given time they can adapt to the changes, with even species of plants and animals may dying out due to climatic changes, to be replaced by other species. Example here: think wooly mammoth. Developed during the last major ice age, when the earth’s temperature rose once again it could not adapt to temperature change and loss of feeding areas and died out (also possibly further aided by hunting by humans with newer hunting technology and\or perhaps new diseases created by changing conditions). Yet other related animals did survive to evolve into African and Asia elephants. What we are seeing here is that emission and industrial gases produced by humans are increasing the normal greenhouse effect more rapidly and perhaps more severely than what would happen if mankind was not around. Think what would happen if temperature worldwide sudden increased 20 or 30 degrees. How many areas of the earth would become uninhabitable to humans? How would our crops fair, could we find enough water to supply plants more use to a cooler temperature? In the sea the food chain starts with plankton that are themselves sensitive to temperature variations. You kill off the plankton fish that survive on them die, and then the larger fish that eat those fish starve and die and so on down the line. All that sound rather melodramatic, and chances are mankind will survive, the question is what measure will we have to take to survive, and what type of world will it be when all is said and done. It would be a very good bet it would not be the world you are accustomed to now. And by the way if you think a greenhouse effect is all bad, remember that it’s a greenhouse effect that helps to keep heat trapped here on earth now. A quick way to see this is go out on a winter night when you have cloud cover, and one when there’s not a cloud in the sky see which is warmer. Heat emanating from the earth is being reflected back from the clouds raising temperature. Natural, man dumping to many gases into the atmosphere increasing this effect bad. Bit rambling there but hope some help Mr d
  18. hello ebola is a hemoragic (hope i spelled that right), hemo relating to blood. a main side effect of the virus is that it causes hemoraging (bleeding) in soft tissue. soft tissue includes your major organs. virus easily spread through out the blody in the circulator-blood system, and when it invades an organ quickly attacks it and internal bleeding begins. this is bad. mr d
  19. hello main way to find connections would be to begin data collection on persons currently diagnosed. sex, age, general health, past health, diet-type of foods and how prepared, heredity, condictions prior to symptoms, living condictions, exposure to biologics-chemicals, exposure to others and what were their condictions... as much as you can, as it maybe a cause totally unrelated to suspected means but made be discovered in analysis of data. very long list, more data and broader sample preferred. check with ama(american medical association), nih (national institue of health), and cdc (center for disease control) to check if on going studies already in progress. mr d
  20. Hello First off are we experiencing global warming, the answer is yes. Is mankind totally responsible, the answer is no. The earth through out its history has gone through periods of warming and cooling in cycles, times of global warming and ice ages. At times the planet has nearly been completely covered in ice, and at other almost void. The Earth manages to survive. Can mankind prevent this from happening, the answer is no, the Earth will go through these cycles. What is now the problem is that activities carried out by human kind are showing signs of effecting the speed and intensity of an approaching warming period. It will warm, but will that be by 3 to 4 degrees or by 10 to 15 degrees. Will it take 3 to 4 thousand years to fully develop or just a few hundred. With a longer time humans will adapt or migrate to new living areas, being able to rebuild their cities and discover new ways of producing and finding new crops to feed themselves. If it happens too quickly the human species may not have the time to adapt itself, nor would more importantly our domestic livestock. Cows, pigs, sheep, and goats can only survive so high a temperature rise. Same is true for most major rice, corn, and wheat varieties of cultivated plants. Remember it was the retreat of the last major ice age a few thousand years ago during which cultivatable wheat first showed in Europe. One of the major reasons civilizations was able to begin developing there. Also much of current civilization, cities and farmlands or in areas where a high raising of the temperature and melting of the ice sheets would flood many large cities (New York, San Diego, Sydney) that already sit near sea level. Plus how many major cities lie in low areas that were once flood plains (Paris, London, Berlin, Tokyo). What happens to these people, millions of them, where would they go and how could huge high-rise cities be swiftly built to house them, or power supplies built to provide lighting and heating. How much of the earth’s best farming land would suddenly be under water. America’s Midwest which supplies much of the world’s grain was an inland sea last time the caps melted. Plus how will people react if there is this huge sudden migration of people, if northern Africa became to hot for people to live, would Europe welcome these people as southern Africa does not have the means to support them. Or what if American’s had to move northward into Canada, what if Canada refused to take in American citizens. Last time there was a minor temperature drop that caused what many consider a mini ice age was in 16th-17th century. If you look at history you will see the political problems being faced by European nations at that time. As the cold brought on large amounts of crop loss, those who had did not care to share, and those who did not where quite willing to try and take it. Plus this failure in food supplies lead to a great social upheaval and lead to changes and downfalls of a number of governments. Think about it this way. You live in the woods where lightning strikes cause the occasional wildfire. Now you are outside throwing your left over gasoline out the back door. Damages the area and makes it and unpleasant place to live but you can survive alright, but then one day that wildfire just happens to come your way. The Earth will survive this global warming, we may be another question. Strange thoughts Mr d
  21. hello thank you for the responces and links. doing a bit of looking on my own and came across this paper. deals with zinc and maganese deposition in teeth and stingers of ants and scorpions. http://www.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/~roberts/thetimecourse.pdf not quite organic metals, but might show the possibilty of first growing organic tissue which could then be infused or displaced by metals (of a sort). strange thoughts mr d
  22. hello i would reason that the two main likely cause for deterioration of brain function would be dealing with 1) if in enclosed areas heavy smoke could result in a loss of oxygen to the smokers brain which could cause damge. 2) in smoking your body-brain ingests nicotine, a narcotic. http://www.today.ucla.edu/2000/001121nicotine.html might interest you mr d
  23. hello remembering a time back when some were settiing forth the idea that 1) some how it might be possible to change a metal's structure to me more cellular in design. 2) growing an organic material into a desired shape, and then infusing the organics with metalic properties. not seen anything on such ideas lately, was wondering if any one had. as always thank you for your replies mr d
  24. hello has anyone seen any papers or books on the idea of organic metals? strange thoughts mr d
  25. hello it is believed blackholes result from collasped stars, so unless a star existed off the coast of bermuda it would be difficult to form a black hole. you could suppose a unstable conjunction point for a tear in space-time fabric, or perhaps the area as connecting to some form of wormhole. but all tend to be highly unlikely. also as the meteor that struck earth some 65 million years ago struck and south west of there, but may have left nickle-iron fragments though out the area that could interfer with magnetic compus'. actually more shipping has been lost in the great lakes area then in the bermuda triangle. but that is maninly weather related. also the area has been a haven for pirates, and yes they do still exist, and drug smugglers, who have siezed ships and boats for their uses after murdering the rightful owners. ships are then taken to nearby beaches and small harbors to be repainted and named, thus making the ship/boat appear to have vanished. mr d
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