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Everything posted by TimbaLanD

  1. Guys, need your expertise. Can you tell me what is the legal definition of "Genetic Modification" ? I am doing a small research and some of the techniques involve genetically modifying a catalyst but I was informed it is only genetically modified if the catalyst in enhanced to do more than it's naturally capable of. i.e. if catalyst "x" is capable of producing products "a", "b" and "c" and it is genetically modified to also produce "d", then it's genetically modified. However if the same catalyst was modified only to produce "a" and "b" but not "c", by law it's not genetically modified, although technically it is modified. Am I making sense here? Can you help?
  2. so what is this mass made up of? matter?
  3. lets say you jump up say around 20m and you dont land say for 5 yrs... will your position change when you land in back on earth?
  4. So, what is our speed relative to someone standing in space watching me or you? it’s the same speed as the earths rotation, right? This is true for someone standing on the surface of the planet. When airborne are we still going in the speed the same speed as the planets rotation, right? Else we can go around the world in 24hrs?? My original question is that do we slow down or speed up when we are airborne relative to the speed of earth’s rotation?
  5. Are you saying that if we fly from east to west, we actually have to slow down to reach our destination?
  6. So you are saying if we go from west to east, we will speed up and slow down if we travel from east to west?
  7. When we are flying, are we speeding or slowing relative to the speed of rotation of the earth?
  8. 4, where did i go wrong?
  9. [math] (x+1)^3+(x-8)^3= 2x^3-21x^2+195x-511 [/math] [math] (x+3)^3-(2x^3-21x^2+195x-511)=2x^3-30x^2+168x-538 [/math] Does this look ok?
  10. [math] (x+3)^3=x^3+3x^2+6x^2+18x+9x+27=x^3+9x^2+27x+27 [/math] [math] (x+1)^3=x^3+x^2+2x^2+2x+x+1=x^3+3x^2+3x+1 [/math] [math] (x-8)^3=x^3-8x^2-162x^2+128x+64x-5121=x^3-24x^2+192x-512 [/math]
  11. This is what I got: [math] x^{3} + 9x^{2} + 27x + 27 [/math] [math] x^{3} + 3x^{2} + 3x + 1 [/math] [math] x^{3} - 24x^{2} + 192x - 512 [/math]
  12. So, x= WHAT?
  13. Do you mean the "i" and "j".. I need to refresh my A/L Maths! Is the answer going to be an imaginarty number? I am lost!
  14. Is x an integer?
  15. So what is X?
  16. I got [math] x^3 = -x^3+30x^2-168x+538 [/math] Is that right?
  17. now i need help! Anyone?
  18. cube root...
  19. I am not sure how to go about this one... you think it can't be solved? [math] x = 3 \sqrt{(x+3)^3 - (x+1)^3 + (x+8)^3)} [/math]
  20. Dont tell me the answer but how easy is this to do? X = 3 √(X+3)3 - (X+1)3 + (X+8) 3 find X...
  21. Why do we find certain things appealing to look at and not others? What makes something look good?
  22. TimbaLanD


    Refraction. Why do light always bends towards the normal when entering from one medium to the other? Why not away from the normal?
  23. Do you think it’s possible to design a mechanical heart? Well, a pumps that is powered by heat that can eventually replace our heart’s function pumping blood around the body! The human body is really a process plant, so surely we can replace functions of our organs! The brain is the control unit so it will take time to reproduce something of that scale! Even internal organs such as kidney, liver and lungs are very complex in design! BUT, the heart is a very simple organ. So don’t you think a simple mechanical pump can do its job? What do you think? Say goodbye to heart disease?
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