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Everything posted by TimbaLanD

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O9er7G_ww4&search=adidas
  2. Yes, I know its CG but it must be possible to design a real model for sale.. That would be so cool!!!
  3. What is the best ad you’ve seen, and why did you like them??? I like the Honda ad where they made a domino effect from parts of the car!! Apparently it took around 600 takes to get it right! I also like the Adidas ad when 2 Spanish kids pick teams to play a game of footy!! Class!!!
  4. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:D
  5. 1 to analyse and produce a detailed summery!! So, its 180 really )
  6. I should have used the word “ethnical background” instead of “race”. My apologies.
  7. I have come across a variety of races and the most humble of them all are the Japanese. Is it because of their disciplined culture?
  8. Some cultures still marry their cousins to keep a close knit family! In India for example, you are allowed to marry your dad’s sister’s son/daughter but not your dad’s brother’s son/daughter. ALSO you can marry your mum’s brother’s son/daughter but not your mum’s sister’s son/daughter.
  9. Bsc in Aerospace Eng & BEng in Sci & Tec!! Work as a Mech Engineer for a process company!! Ever since I have bumped into this forum, I have visited it almost everyday!!! I think I have fallen for this forum BIG TIME!!!!
  10. I have heard a lot of people use the old saying!! We basically know that curiosity killed the cat but do we know how it got killed? We should investigate!!! )
  11. Anyone know the story behind this?
  12. How did we know what to eat and what not to eat in the beginnings??? Someone must have taken the risk of eating something to find out if it was eatable or not!! A lot of people must have died eating something they should not have!! BUT, how do animals know what to eat and what not to eat?
  13. So, basically it would die! ) But with air resistance, it seem like it would not die regardless of the height it’s dropped from!!!
  14. If you drop a small ant from the top of the Eiffel tower, would it die on impact considering “0” air resistance?
  15. I was thinking why our body is the standard size it is!! Why are we not so big or not so small? The standards size is around 6ft and 80kg?? We could reserve our resources if we are small by say 50%? Is there a reason why we are the size we are?
  16. From what i know, she was the lady he was secretly seeing and apparently she was pregnant at the time of the painting... Its hard to see if she is happy or sad!!
  17. Why does our mind always suspects even though we know for sure there is nothing to worry about? I find this hard to grasp!! for eg, When something goes missing from my room, my mind automatically assumes without applying any logic that “THIS” person has something to do with it, instead of thinking “there maybe a good reason for it”. I am not happy with the way my mind operates in this case! I have no control over it than instantly suspecting that someone has something to do with it!! Why is our mind programmed to do this? Or is it just me? Also, why do we give into an argument when the other party gives in first? Why can’t we just take the initiative? I want to understand why we think, what we think.
  18. What if our solar system is an atom of a superior being??
  19. back to back... )
  20. Yes, you have answered my question!! “Light bounces off surfaces and enters your eyes. Various "intensities" and wavelengths determine colours. Colours build up pictures that your brain interprets. Changing in those pictures, movements are interpreted in your brain and you see your environment” That makes sense… The amount of processing that a brain have to do to see something is amazing!
  21. Does this mean light is capable of carrying an image? When the photon enters the eye, it’s still only a photon. What makes it different from any other photon?? Surely all photons are identical yet we see different images!! HOW HOW HOW??? WHY WHY???
  22. Do you find it difficult to communicate with people? What is that you find it discomforting when dealing with people? I am no expert, but if you are able to realise this, I am sure you are capable of overcoming it.
  23. Great.. Thanks for all your comments guys. The next time I see this happening, I’ll try and raise a discussion with the parents. I am sure they maybe worried as well.
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