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Thanks gents for the answers both were very informative. "The chemistry of a metal (or other substance) can be changed by applying an electronic potential to it. If you pass a current through a metal, I suppose you could change its chemistry while the current is being passed, though this is a more subtle point requireing much more information as to the circut being used." The circuit in question would be a dynamo and I think that what I am trying to ask is there a way to pass an electical current through a material (for instance silicon) so it increases the elctronegativity? If this is not the case then how does one change the electronegativity of an atom, can it be done artificially (or theoretically)? Is Fe3O4 (lodestone) a polar molecule or am I misunderstanding the term?
OK thanks I think you pretty much answered my question. Does anyone know if the coordination number ever changes?
To hell with that. Just PM me with next weeks winning lottery numbers!!!
Thanks for the info.
Hi I'm not really sure if this applies to electrical engineering it may have more to do with quantum mechanics. I haven't be able for find any info on what happens when you pass an electical current through lodestone. Does lodestone conduct well enought to carry a current? Do the magnetic characteristics of the lodestone contribute to the strength or the structure of the electromagnetic field produced when electricity is passed through it? Thanks much.
Hi sorry if my questions are a bit fuzzy or if it's in the wrong part of the forum. In order to alter an atoms electromagnetic field would it be necessary for it to be a good conductor of electicity? If you alter the em field a substance (silicon for instance) by passing an electric current through it, does its ablility to bond with other atoms improve while it is being altered? thanks:-)
”In chemistry, the coordination number is the sum of the total number of neighbors of a central atom in a chemical compound and the number of lone pairs on it. In methane the coordination number for the carbon atom is 4.” - Wikipedia Encyclopedia* I don't know that much about chemistry to begin with but does anyone know if coordination number is important in organic chemistry for the bonding of complex molecules? "In methane the coordination number for the carbon atom is 4" I think this means that the carbon atom has a coordination number of four but from what I've read so far coordination numbers range from 1-16, four seems kind of low for carbon. Does the coordination number change depending on what is being bonded with the carbon?
From your link: "The scientist claims that an Alien craft "crashed into Kara Sea north of Siberian Plateau". I have also found some reasonable support of this as well." Why do the aliens always have such lousy flying skills? I mean seriously if Roswell is true it would have to had been an EXTREMELY isolated incident and a huge failure by contamination of the anthropological study (or whatever the aliens were doing). Maybe the UFO was hi-jacked by Al Qaeda? "Many people have seen this clip. Most of them have viciously debunked it. What shocks me is that some have debunked it immediately while admitting that they haven’t even seen the clip! Their reason is that "all such footage turns out to be a hoax". Still, there are a variety of opinions circulating. Some say it could be real. Others say it is a hoax. Still others claim that they can’t tell with only 5 seconds to view. There are also people who suspect that it could be a movie or a TV show of some sort, either already released or upcoming." The Alien Autopsy Vid was way more detailed than that and it definitely could have been faked. "The majority of the debunkers have stated that the reason they think it is a fake is because it looks "effected". They say it looks as if it was photo shopped, edited, and when analyzed with video analyzer software it turned out to be digital with an "eye effect" put on it. Further they state that since it is viewed in Windows media, it is fake." Because it does look like it could have been fake easily. "But honestly, if someone was trying to show you classified footage and the only way they could leak it is via Internet, how else could you see it? It would have to be converted to a digital format and would have to be viewed in Windows media, QuickTime, Real Player, etc." And because it is digital media it's not allowed to be submitted (where I live) as legal evidence because it can be faked easily.
I wonder if this is how the Borg got started.
Here are a couple of more articles for the list. From Tree-kin to Troll-kind Trolls were also suppositely made from stone and a “parody” of the Ents. If this is the case then it is possible that Melkore could have infused the Ents with the genes of the Dwarves to give them the strength of stone so to speak? Why did trolls turn to stone when exposed to sunlight? The Architecture of Orthanc Like wands and staves, the towers of middle-earth, could have been loci of energy. Towers are similar in shape to wands and staves and built and with the same technology in mind. Throught out history Stone-henge has been a mysterious piece of achitechure. It’s most obvious and practical use is to as a solar calander and observatory. In this way it is similar to Orthanc. But why make them of such monolithic proportions and material? The ancient Briton’s may have been attempting to duplicate some form of technology, that was from their point-of-view in history, mystical in nature and not wholly understood. Were these structures located on place’s of power?
Cool and thanks for the help. I checked out the web page you posted, lots of good stuff. I actually found the some info I needed in the Silicon and Electronics section. This is still a work in progress as is the above article, also I will add to the articles list. There are several points I have questions about. I have put asterisks (sp?) next to them and the questions will listed on the bottom but please feel free to make other suggestions. Of Diatoms and Dwarves “Aforetime it was held among the Elves in Middle-earth that dying the Dwarves returned to the earth and the stone of which they were made…” -Chapter 2 -Of Aulë and Yavanna -The Silmarillion Silicon-based life: Could Dwarves and other creatures of Middle-earth, for instance Trolls, have been silicon based life-forms, since both purportedly were “wrought” from stone? From what we know about science this would be unlikely, or the organism in question would be so alien to us that we might not even recognize it as being alive. I tend to agree with this line of thinking even in terms of the Middle-earth universe where physics and metaphysics are one. The main reason that silicon based life-forms have been a favorite sci-fi theory is because they do have some scientific merit. It is based on the fact that silicon is abundant and reacts almost identically to the way carbon does with most other elements on the periodic table. The problem is that silicon molecules don’t bond as well as carbon and can’t combine to form the complex molecules required for an organism to sustain basic biological functions. For this reason, it seems that Dwarves and Trolls could not be made of stone… or could they? Dwarves could not have been creatures who’s biological processes were entirely based on chemical reactions of silicon with other elements. Perhaps we are not looking at the equation properly which is to say that they may have had characteristics of both types of physiologies. Diatoms: What are diatoms? Diatoms are microscopic single-celled plankton that have the unique characteristic of being partially silicon-based. The cell walls of these organisms are where the silicon is based and are photosynthetic. This is not as alien to our biology as it first seems; after all, human skin is photosynthetic, as we derive nutrition from the sun in the form of vitamin D. Diatoms are capable of taking silicon from the sun and metabolizing it in unique ways. In order for us to artificially reproduce this biological feat (from a chemical stand-point) in a lab requires “high pressure combined with high temperatures or extreme pH levels”. Could Dwarves have had organs and/or skeletons that were composed of a combination of silicon and carbon-based biopolymer? ”In chemistry, the coordination number is the sum of the total number of neighbors of a central atom in a chemical compound and the number of lone pairs on it. In methane the coordination number for the carbon atom is 4.” - Wikipedia Encyclopedia* The type of silicon that the aforementioned diatom uses has a coordination number of six (the number is usually lower in more common varieties of silicon). In point of fact, this is the same type of silicon found in garnets (a common gemstone). It is known that Silicon is required by chicks and rats for growth and skeletal development. Coincidentally, “Skeleton” is a term used in molecular biology, to describe the straight or branched chain or ring of atoms that forms the basic structure of organic molecules. In order to do this the silicon molecules would have had to have had an altered electromagnetic field. Magnetotactic Bacteria & Electrocytes: “Researchers from Johns Hopkins have discovered the presence of functional ion channels in human embryonic stem cells (ESCs). These ion channels act like electrical wires and permit ESCs, versatile cells that possess the unique ability to become all cell types of the body, to conduct and pass along electric currents.” http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/10/051021020549.htm Magnetotactic bacteria is a type of bacteria that is magnetic that forms tiny organic bar magnets that are capable of aligning in parallel to the earth’s magnetic fields. Furthermore, the compass-like organic structure is used for navigation, and also would have accounted for the Dwarves ability to keep their sense of direction underground. Electrocytes are a classification of tissue that exists in animals such as electric eels and rays. Electrocytes are cells that post-synaptically act similar to muscle tissue and can be found in animals such as rays and electric eels. Potassium and sodium are used by these cells to create electricity. Silicon can be treated and altered with chlorine to produce a more conductive material known as chlorinated silane. In this state it can more readily conduct an electric current.** If the dwarves had similar organic magnetic structures to magnetotactic bacteria and also were capable of producing an electric current within their own tissues that was capable of reinforcing the silicon-based cells electromagnetic structure*** and hence it’s ability to bond. The altered silicon could more easily bond with carbon to bind and complete the organic molecule; would there not be a scientific possibility then (however unlikely) for the conception of carbon/silicon-based life-form? Of Skin and Skeletons (Biopolymers) But what are the reasons that Aulë the “Father of the Dwarves” would have done this? That is to say, what advantage could this have awarded the Dwarves? Dwarves were reputed to have been extremely tough and hardy, this could account for a silicon/carbon-based skeleton and skin that could have been stronger and harder than a purely carbon-based creature. And Tolkien points out that their skin and faces had a stone-like quality, as did Trolls. One scientific theory states that in order for an entirely silicon-based life form to exist it would have to evolve in a different environment where, among other things the temperature was much higher. This is because silicon, at high temperatures supposedly behaves even more like carbon. And creatures that evolved from it might not only be able to withstand, but require high temperatures to live. (ie: Their bodies would solidify on the Earth’s surface because of the low temperature.) Because of the carbon in their bodies, Dwarves would not have required high body heat to live, yet they would have a natural tolerance to extreme heat because of the silica in their skin. In the case of Dwarves, who were famous for their metal-craft, this would be an enormous advantage when working with molten substances. This is similar to the nature of a diatom, but on a much larger and more intricate scale. The silicon-based skin of the plankton absorbs radiant energy (sunlight) to produce fuel for the carbon-based nucleus. The silicon/carbon-based skin of the Dwarf absorbs (withstands) radiant energy to protect the more easily burned carbon-based innards. Since the elves implied that Dwarves were made from stone it could refer to the fact that this was unique initially to Dwarves... That's it for now the rest of the article was going to contain info on trolls and their weakness to sunlight and how this could be related to the silicon in their skin. Me thinks I will do this as a completely different article. Some questions I have: *I don't know that much about chemistry to begin with but does anyone know if this is important in organic chemistry for the bonding of complex molecules? **In order to alter a silcon molecule's electromagnetic field would it be necessary for it to be a better conductor of electicity? ***I haven't be able for find any info on what happens when you pass an electical current through lodestone. Do the magnetic characteristics of the lodestone contribute to the strength or the "quality" of the electromagnetic field produced when electricity is passed through it? Oltho vae ne fuin hen "May you dream well tonight" Merrisil
Much appreciated Aubiegirl! In fact will pm u with the partially completed Dwarves and Daitoms article. Maybe you could tell me if what I am saying is acurate in terms of description of biological functions, terminology, etc. Also I have been looking for another example of an organism that is high silicon like diatoms. Any suggestions?
Hey Eruheru thanks for the response. Glad you enjoyed the post must see if Santa can find me a copy of "Dragonology". Have you checked out The Flight of Dragons I think you would totally get it. "i'd like to hear about the science behind the fell beasts and eagles. as well as the orcs, uruk-hai, and trolls and mumakil and why elves are more adept than humans" In the list below is an essay entitled "From Orcs to Uruks". I would also like to do some work on trolls and mumakil and the elven question (they certianly were more adept). Here is a list of articles I am working hopefully it will get bigger. Of Music and Matter A theoretical proposal of how music and matter are one. Does Tolkien's creation mythology in the Silmarillion have scientific merit? Super-string and M Theory both are both widely accepted and at the same time debunked in the physics community. These theories ultimatley state that reality is made up of vibrating "stings of energy" how they vibrate determines how reality manifests itself. Could the universe really be made of music? Of Spells and Super-strings What is spell craft? A verbal command that manifests itself as reality? If super-string theory accounts for how realityis formed. Could spell-craft be a blending of metaphysical musics and were verbal spells a form of manipulation of super-strings and therefore reality? Of Huna Teachings and the Metaphysics of Middle-Earth* Regarded by some as a "secret science" and consider "dogma" by others. Primal, yet complex Huna is best descibed as metaphysics or "metaphysiology". It also has a connection to string theory, and the modern psychiatric theory “Association of Ideas” as well as telephathy. Of Solar-cells and Silmarils The Silmarils were jewels wrought by Feanor and stole by Morgoth and were said to contain the light of the Two Trees of Valinor. What do advances in solar-cell technology say about this? Of Staves and Static Electricity* There is much evidence to support that staves were not the source of a Wizards power, but merely a locus of energy. A theoretical proposal of how the Wizards of Middle-earth channeled/amplified/transformed electricity and other energies with staves. The Origin and Employment of Gunpower in Middle-earth Where did Gandalf get the materials to make fireworks? Was it based on knowledge brought from the Undying Lands or did he learn of their make else where? Was the fire of Orthanc simply a bomb constucted by Sauruman from this knowledge? From Orcs to Uruks Orcs, a perverted form of elves, possibly genetically engineered to live fast and die hard? How did orcs come about and why did they have an allergic reations to sunlight? Polymorphous light eruption (PMLE) is condition that includes among other things a rash, headache, nausea and malaise (a general sick feeling). This corresponds with Tolkien's references to orcs and sunlight. Moreover there is evidence PMLE is inherted. Were uruk'hai bred from humans and orcs to overcome this genetic defect? Of Dwarves and Diatoms* A theoretical proposal how Dwarves and other creatures (like trolls) may have been partially silicon-based lifeforms rather than wholly carbon-based lifeforms. The Biology of Dragons* A possible breeding process that allowed dragons not only to beathe fire but would also have allowed the processes that took place that accounted for flight and well developed scales. *Articles that are partially completed.
Hi I have used this web site on at least a dozen occassions as a reference for writing and I thought I would share some of my work. This is an article I am working on for a Middle-earth science web page that I've always wanted to do. If anyone has any ideas or suggestion for more articles or how to improve on this one, go for it. Ultimately this web sight is just for fun and my own interest in trying to apply what is known about science and the paranormal and find a harmony to the the realm of Arda which is definitly woven in to it’s tapestry. That’s the beauty of Middle-Earth is it not? The harmony of story, even the parts that contradict or appear to be enigmas still find a place in these stories. Not that I won’t try too present physical evidence, or quote legitimate scientific theories to support my claims, but once again there is a certain amount of presumption on my part. The Biology of Dragons First of all I should note that a lot of my original ideas came from Peter Dickinson's The Flight of Dragons. A serious book on how dragons could have evolved from dinosaurs into the fire breathing flying creatures that have been part of oldest recorded histories going back millennium. However when we consider Tolkien's version of dragons we are talking about a genetically engineered life form, unlike a life form that naturally evolved from others. The dragons discussed in the aforementioned text (The Flight of Dragons) would not be like Smaug or any of Tolkien's dragons. So I have taken the same points he has mentioned and reinvented them from more of a sci-fi point of view. Basically, taking what we know about science and technology, and seeing if we could invent an animal that could scientifically live up to all the specs of Tolkien's descriptions of dragons. Breeding (Genetic Engineering): Were dragons genetically engineered? I realize this point is moot, if you already know that Tolkien verifies this on several occasions, but I'm also applying hard science to support that dragons where not merely bred but actually genetically engineered. From their descriptions, the dragon of Middle-earth resemble reptiles most out of all creatures. However, when Tolkien mentions dragons he describes an anomaly (or a very least an extreme rarity) even amongst the fantastic fauna of Middle-earth. Dragons are six-limbed vertebrates. If there was nothing that dragons could have been bred from in the first place, they must of been created by mixing genes from different and possibly numerous life forms. One possibility is insects. This is also supported by the fact that dragons may have had other biological characteristics akin to insects. Bombardier beetles for instance, (of the Brachinus family) have a defensive weapon which consists of spitting out droplets of a liquid that burns at several hundred degrees; the chemicals required to achieve the effect are produced in two separate glands and react when combined. Moreover, there may have been an engineering defect that Morgoth could have tried to fix but never perfected, a dragon's soft underbelly. You would figure if you were to have built a siege weapon, (essentially I think that is how ultimately dragons were designed to be, from Morgoth's point-of-view) you would want to put armor where the dragon is most easily targeted, especially when the targets are the dragons vulnerable organs. A possible design flaw that Morgoth wasn't able to correct, or it may critical in order to make the dragon light enough to fly. This brings me to my second subject. Flight: How were dragons not only light enough to fly, but at the same time incredibly strong and tough (ergo: a thick a scaly hide equals extra weight and so does muscle)? In The Flight of Dragons, Peter Dickinson suggests that the strong and heavily armored dragon Tolkien described was a scientific impossibility because it would have been far to heavy to fly. But then again we are not talking about a science based on physics as we understand it. Melkore was involved in the very creation of the world that men lived in and had an innate understanding that was beyond our understanding of what was scientifically possible. In order to have flight, and be sturdy as well as strong, dragons would have been "made" of a light material with organic properties that can be found in food sources such as meat (dragons were definitely carnivorous). Another reason that dragons may have been able to fly may have also been the reason the were so well armed: dragon-fire. Smaug was described as having an incredibly high body temperature, his core had to have been extremely high if he could consume a ring of power (possibly in the range of 2000-2500 C). If he had some kind of some kind of air bladder which was pressurized, this explains the necessary and extremely strong musculature. Dragon scales could have been a type of organic carbon-carbon composite. (I know this sounds a bit far fetched but all the components are there; extreme heat, organic gas, and carbon.) And not only was their armor (scales) a form of organic carbon-carbon composite but so were their bones. Super heated organic gases and light material combined with great wings to create a light and well-armored, yet strong and resilient flying siege weapon. A dragon didn't just have fiery breath so it could have a fierce weapon but also because it was a necessity for sustained flight. "He lacks the One Ring. 'The Three, fairest of all, the Elf-lords hid from him, and his hand never touched them or sullied them. Seven the Dwarf-kings possessed, but three he has recovered, and the others the dragons have consumed." - Chapter 2:The Shadow of the Past -The Fellowship of the Ring Dragon-fire: How were dragons able to produce so much flame and sustain flight? Smaug's fiery breath, another scientific inconsistency. Once again I refer to The Flight of Dragons, which is scientifically rooted in our realm. Mr. Dickinson explores the reasons that dragons had fiery breath and comes to conclusion that it would have been good for one or two blasts of flame at the most before dragon lost the ability to fly. And because of this once again I refer to Tolkien and Smaug's seemingly inexhaustible bursts of flame as he attacked Lake Town. Here is my theory on how the biological process was possible. A type of air bladder similar to that which fish and sharks have to keep them buoyant, combined with the chemical process produced by two glands similar too the way a bombardier beetle creates a volatile chemical combined with a controlled infusion of oxygen to accelerate the burning process under high pressure produces enormous heat. As gases build up in the system it would be sometimes necessary to expel this super heated gas in the form of fiery breath. Naturally, Melkore would have endeavored to improve on this characteristic and make it as efficient as possible. Since the gas was pressurized and produced abundantly by the dragon's innards, it could have been expelled for long periods of time (seemingly indefinitely). This also would require incredible but not impossible strength and unique musculature in order for the pressure to be achieved. Furthermore, this combination is also a requisite for the explanation of a light, fire resistant, yet extremely durable material growing out of the dragon's skin. Dragon-scale (and Bone): What was dragon-scale? A material light, strong, and fire resistant to be sure. My chemical analysis of possible materials originally included carbon fiber, but I could not find any info on it's ability to resist extreme heat. One other possibility is an organic form of carbon-carbon compound. Just to give you a heads up on carbon-carbon compound; it's used on the outside of the space shuttle to protect heat sensitive points from being damaged on the way back into the atmosphere. It's also extremely strong and light. In order to make carbon-carbon composite one must have three things: 1. An organic a gas under high pressure. There are three possibilities; methane, acetylene, or benzene. I have chosen methane since it is commonly produced as waste material by many organisms. The bladder is filled with pressurized methane. 2. Extreme Heat. Using the aforementioned bombardier beetle glands, the methane is heated in an oxygen controlled environment. A combination of high pressure and volitale chemicals could have started a chain reaction that could cause the next reaction that gives birth to an organic carbon-carbon composite. 3. Carbon (present in all life forms). In the extreme heat the methane gas will slowly decompose and bond with any available carbon molecules to form carbon-carbon composite molecules. Once the carbon-carbon composite molecule is formed it is then metabolized and distributed through dragons body in the form of bone and skin. Thanks for taking the time.
How's it going? Thanks for having me this site is a great reference.