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Everything posted by herpguy

  1. I'm not a fan of republicans, nor a fan of democrats. I have my own way of viewing the world. Investing in big business is sort of crushing smaller ones. Sure, it's a smart way to go...if you want money. You are basically not giving smaller businesses a chance if you work that way. Oh yeah, and how do you expect the "working class" to benefit if they have no money?!?
  2. Couldn't this have been submitted as news? Anyway, I find this article very interesting. I personally believe that there is enough evidence to prove this.
  3. Don't give up. It took me two weeks to get that far.
  4. 33 seconds is my record for escape! Support the Arcade!!!
  5. Umm, what happened to Snail just happened to me, and I was at my home computer with the "remember me" box checked...
  6. IMHO, republicans and democrats are just pov's. Generally, I think that republicans support big business and crush "small" things like smaller businesses and want to lower taxes. Democrats are just the opposite. How you look at them is just point of view.
  7. Have you ever been addicted to a game on a website? Or have you found a fun game? Well now you can post the link to it here! Mine: Chopper Challenge Escape Jedi Trainer I'll post more as I find more.
  8. Even if our president wasn't a total idiot, ending all CO2 emissions now wouldn't stop the warming for another 400 years (says an article I read a while back). So we would also have to clean up the atmosphere.
  9. Good points with the sea wall ecoli and AzurePheonix. Hmm... It's hard to think of plausable ideas.
  10. So am/do I!
  11. Ecoli... What do I like about myself? Hmmm... Let's see. Ummm... I got nothing. Oh wait, yes I do. I like how I'm almost always in a good mood. Oh yeah, and I like how I have a lot of friends. I like how I get good grades. I like how I'm athletic. I like that people like me. I like that I somehow manage to get what I want. I like that I love reptiles...keeps me occupied. ^same thing with computers, science, cameras, the outdoors, football, basketball, and skateboarding. Yeah...the list goes on.
  12. When I saw the title of this thread, I seriously thought that was what it meant.
  13. Another awesome article, RyanJ. The question is: Can it be stopped without causing many other problems? A supervolcano eruption with undoubtfully cause the death of many. Perhaps just learning more about volcanos can save us. What do you think?
  14. same here.
  15. I don't like the poll choices. When you say "definetly a problem" I totally agree. But isn't it also a problem if it is a natural cycle made worse by humans. And don't forget that a natural cycle doesn't mean that it won't cause problems. Btw, I posted a poll about what you think is causing global warming here.
  16. I am just wondering, what do you think is causing global warming and why?
  17. In no order: LOTR Trilogy Star Wars (all but episode four) Independence Day Lion King October Sky and also: Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Jaws Men in Black Jurassic Park (all three are awesome, but I especially like the second one) Twister War of the Worlds Holes Ice Age Scary Movie 3 (still laughing ) Rocketman Croc Hunter Movie The Exorcism of Emily Rose and many more...
  18. The skull of what may be the "missing link" between us humans and Homo Erectus may have been discovered in Ethiopia. The skull was a rare find, as it had almost all of its pieces. It is from a time that little is known about, the time where Homo Erectus made its transition into Homo Sapiens, some time around 250,000 years ago. Hopefully, the skull will tell us more about this time and how humans have evolved. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060327/ap_on_re_af/ethiopia_ancient_skull;_ylt=AnnG.29CXodh.7NcIlFvP_0PLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--
  19. herpguy


    I am almost certain that the answer is no. I've also tried, and I have come up with nothing. But if you want to keep your computer on for a very long time, you can try this: Click on your buddy's name, and just leave the window there. If your buddy signs on, it will record when.
  20. This is no big news to me. We've known this for a while now. To save the big cities, perhaps building a giant sea wall. It's complicated and expensive, but nothing compared to what could happen.
  21. Let's say that the disease didn't spread throughout all dinosaurs, just a few species. The food chain would collapse anyway. Imagine if mosquitos became extinct or very rare. Spiders and other animals would have very little to eat and eventually die. Birds and other animals that eat spiders will also run out of food, and so on. As for plants, they will recieve less fertilizer and will also die off. That would completely destroy the rest of the food chain. Let's say a few herbivore species caught the disease. The rest of the life on earth will be facing the same problem as it would now if the mosquito became extinct.
  22. Sorry, I just realized that I was probably not clear enough when I said "no evidence." What I mean is that there is no evidence that disease killed dinosaurs. However, there are some facts to support my idea: There was a mass-extinction about 65 million years ago. It is not proven that an astroid or comet wiped out the dinosaurs. Time travel is possible. Humans can make major mistakes. Dinosaurs and other creatures back then probably were not immune to diseases from today.
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