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Everything posted by herpguy

  1. Yes, unfortunately. Later on in the show (I posted this thread during a commercial break) another person came on talking about how earth is just a big videogame, and we are characters. Who plays the game? Yup, you've guessed it, the human-alien hybrids.
  2. I just watched a stupid tv show on Discovery about the possibility that we are being controlled by a human-alien hibrid race. This cracked me up. There was no evidence, and was mostly based on imagination IMO. The man who came up with this said George Bush, the queen of England, and some others are descended from these creatures. He also says there is evidence that they communicate with eachother using everyday objects. For example, the all seeing eye on the top of the pyramid on the United States dollar bill symbolizes that this race of hybrids see over us, and know more than us. What do you think of this?
  3. If you trace our history back millions of years ago, you will find we are decendents of fish. We are what we are, and nothing can change that. We did decend from mice. We are related to pigs. Side note: Pigs are VERY intelligent animals.
  4. Yes, I have heard this many times, and I think there is some form of giant snake-like creature that lives deep in the ocean. "Bloop" did not match the sound of anything large enough to create it, i.e. something like a whale or a man-made object did not make the noise. So there must be some large species deep underwater unknown to science. Why it could be a giant sea snake like animal: There are many species of sea snake, and there are large amounts of food in the ocean. Perhaps a specie of sea snake adapted to the large quantities of food and grew to an extraordinary size...
  5. I've met some guys from all of the detroit sport teams I can think of.
  6. If we do not act quickly enough, then yes, I agree. But I don't think that there is really a pattern with the mass extinctions, just more of a coincidence. You are right, though. We are destroying the rainforests, and we are polluting the heck out of the planet. We need to do something about this, or we will hurt ourselves.
  7. Im herpguy because I like herps (reptiles and amphibians). My real name is zach but that doesnt matter. My avatar is a picture of a Komodo dragon I took at the San Diego Zoo last year. **Now it's a basilisk**
  8. Actually, Blunoise is right. Mitochondria are in plant cells. How else will they get energy to grow? Here is a plant cell model to show you what I mean. From this website: http://www.lclark.edu/~seavey/Bio151/lecture1.html
  9. It can't be completely accurate. I only drink about 16 oz. a day and I'm no longer thirsty, but I'm supposed to get 8 servings of 8 oz. And I really don't eat much.
  10. It was freezing (or normal would be the best way to put it) in mid february here in Michigan. But it's warming up again as March approaches.
  11. herpguy


  12. I'm confused now.
  13. It started as an airforce project to go faster than the speed of sound and became NASA after its major success. So the government funded it.
  14. Blood is blue...
  15. Thanks. I think so much methane is being produced there because there are supposably many more frozen deposites of methane there than anywhere else on earth.
  16. Frogs and toads give you warts.
  17. A frog and a dog, dafrog. Wow, that would look wierd.
  18. tejaswini, I have also heard that there may be a black hole in the Bermuda Triangle, but there is no evidence. A more probable explaination would be that methane bubbles rising to the surface create huge waves sinking ships in seconds. The methane then rises, and because it's lighter than air, planes no longer have lift and lose control. Just my opinion. ~~~Yay! My 150th post!~~~
  19. A collared lizard and a human. It would be very athletic and smart. It could be called the collared human (that's a stupid name, but that's the best I can come up with).
  20. People on the Moon and Mars can grow their own food. And if everyone on earth (2B) were a farmer, they would only need to gow enough food for themselves and 1-2 other people. So there is no need for everyone on Earth being a farmer.
  21. I said under 2 billion. A higher population is just too much for Earth. If we colonized Mars and the Moon, I would say that the total population should be about 4-6 billion.
  22. I like phpbb the most.
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