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Everything posted by herpguy

  1. I think a dogs sense of smell is 100 times better than ours, so I agree with Crejin.
  2. Does it say that in the article? Anyway, I watched a show about it on Animal Planet, it said they bring in new tissue samples a lot. There was also an interesting story; a dog trained to find cancer started to act wierd when a person with lung cancer was introduced to the dog. The woman became worried (the dog never acted like that before). So she went to the hospital to make sure she didn't have any form of cancer. But she did. It was then fixed before it became a problem. Coincidence, maybe, but then again, maybe not.
  3. I agree with aguy2. A military science forum may be interesting. I would make posts about the robotic armies that will go into service in the next 35 years, or basically the technology that is being developed.
  4. I found some live web cams from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. They are fun to watch, and they are full of life. My favorite cam is the Outer Bay Cam. I saw a sea turtle in it (I love sea turtles)! http://www.mbayaq.org/efc/cam_menu.asp
  5. Recently, George W. Bush gave NASA a 1% increase in funding for 2007, but I still don't think that is enough. After the hurricanes, NASA needs to rebuild some facilities, on top of working on missions to go to the moon, mars, and beyond. In fact, the Europa Mission may even be canceled if NASA does not recieve the funding it needs. So, I believe more money needs to go to NASA, and the U.S. government needs to stop spending so much money on other less important things like paying farmers to not grow food, etc. Please tell me your thoughts.
  6. After doing more reserch, I have found that the earliest feathered dinosaurs first appered at about 145 million years ago. At this time, it was the coldest it would ever be in the Mesozoic. Although it would still seem rather warm and humid to us, the dionosaurs probably considered it cold. So your theory is probably correct. Sources: http://www.geocities.com/dannsdinosaurs/featdino.html http://www.palaeos.com/Mesozoic/Cretaceous/Neocomian.htm
  7. I'm scared now What if all of my friends are aliens? What if my brothers an alien? What if my parents are aliens? What if you're an alien? What if I'm an alien??? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I did some research, and it appears that all feathered dinosaurs first came from China. If we know what the climate of China was during the early Cretaceous, then we can prove that feathers evolved from temperatures cooling.
  9. herpguy


    I would not enjoy eating my father.
  10. I had a snow day in the begining of December:-) but I doubt I'll get another one .
  11. take off all of the stickers, and put them back on in the right spots.
  12. This makes me so angry. Habitat destruction is enough, but now global warming's killing frogs?!? That's just WRONG!!! http://www.livescience.com/animalworld/060112_frog_warming.html Then we really need to work hard to save the other 2/3 of the amphibians, and we need to do it fast.
  13. There is no a.com. However, there is alpha.com. Alpha is "A" in the Greek alphabet. That's kinda wierd.
  14. Wow, I hate those dreams. A pointless story: One time, when I was like six, I had a dream that it was Easter. When I woke up, I started looking for Easter eggs so I would know where all of them were when my brother and I started searching. I couldn't find any, so I looked at the calender. Easter was the next weekend.
  15. I was surfing the web when I found this: http://bioweb.cs.earlham.edu/9-12/cytochrome_c/HTML/huri.html It shows that human DNA is 77.885% the same as rice. Is this more evidence of evolution, and that we all descended from one organism? Or is it just another random similarity? Please reply (I'm trying to convince my family that evolution is real).
  16. herpguy

    Pink dolphins

    I found this picture of a pink dolphin. Amazing, I wonder why they're pink. Here is the article.
  17. I live in Metro Detroit, Michigan. So far this January it's been around 15 degrees F above normal almost everyday. Is this happening everywhere? Please reply.
  18. Wow, haikus are wierd. I can't think of something to say. Oopsies, that was eight.
  19. I love cats...they taste like chicken. -My math teacher's poster Monkeys will fly...if you throw them. -A different on AIM Help stop poverty...eat the poor -Another icon on AIM "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." --Albert Einstein
  20. It recently came to my attention that all hurricanes north of the equator rotate counterclockwise, and all hurricanes below the equator rotate clockwise. A quick question, Why does this happen? Anyway, yesterday, I went to the Detroit Science Center and they had an artificial tornado, it was rotating counterclockwise. So I started thinking, is the rotation of tornados above the equator always counterclockwise, and the rotation of tornados below the equator always clockwise, just like hurricanes? Please reply. Thanks.
  21. I think cigarette smoking should remain legal, just not in public places. Why? We have our individual rights, and smoking is one of them. But I don't want to get lung cancer, athsma, emphaseema (sorry about the spelling) or anything like that from secondhand smoke.
  22. my pencils still roll off my desk Maybe they should make them square.
  23. I was thinking that it would be cool if SFN had contests-just for fun of course. Maybe there could be photo contests, or best post contests, or anything that fits.
  24. Probably spring/early summer. Or maybe autumn. When it's about 50-70 degrees F out is when I usually see them.
  25. I think we are probably losing our athletic abilility over time, and gaining intelligence. At my middle school, the presidential fitness scores are decreasing, and grades are increasing. this could also be because kids aren't as healthy and there are better ways of teaching. hmm...Maybe we can have about 1,000 middle schoolers take an IQ test now, and then again next year, and so on. The results may tell us what's happening.
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