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Everything posted by herpguy

  1. Do you think bigfoot (sasquatch, yetti, yowie, you know what I'm talking about) exists? Why or why not? Post your thoughts on bigfoot here! As for me, I think he's real. There may not be any proof of him, but there is no proof that he doesn't exist. Evidence of bigfoot's existence: The Patterson Film is possibly the strongest piece of evidence. It clearly demonstrates a large, ape-like creature. Many people believe it is a fake, but there is no proof of that. There are just too many witnesses. So there must be something out there. Many people have taken audio and video recordings, along with many photos. Sure, it's easy to see that many of them are fake, but it's very hard to say that every image is not real. Please consider my thoughts, and post yours. Peace out, herpguy
  2. I would like to add that 1/3 of the world's oxygen comes from the rainforest, so if we destroy it we'll have a hard time breathing. Peace Out, herpguy
  3. I know what you mean, just recently in the Borneo rainforest, a whole new species of carnivorous mammal was discovered. http://panda.org/news_facts/newsroom/index.cfm?uNewsID=52960 Last summer, I was given a gift for my birthday...an acre of the Borneo rainforest. Now, you can buy an acre of the Atlantic forest in Brazil here. Peace out, herpguy
  4. This thread is for the discussion of the rainforest; conservation, the life in the rainforest, etc. I think the rainforest is an important topic, and shouldn't be ignored. Peace out, herpguy
  5. What about an animal conservation forum?
  6. I thought this was an interesting article from Yahoo! News. Taiwenese Researchers Breed Glowing Pigs TAIPEI, Taiwan - Pigs may not be able to fly just yet, but at least three of them glow. Taiwanese researchers said Friday they have bred the pigs with a fluorescent material in a move they hope will benefit the island's stem cell research effort. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060114/ap_on_sc/taiwan_glowing_pigs;_ylt=AsXBPYGdV_A6Fr3FnsALs.4PLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--
  7. Is this seed bank for the whole world or just Norway? How much will it cost to build it?
  8. You're correct about the last ice age's time, 18000 years ago (http://www.scotese.com/lastice.htm), but I doubt that the next ice age will be 2,000 years from now if the temperatures are rising so quickly.
  9. **this thread should be sticky** I would tell NASA to go home, I'd be scared. What if every world leader spontaniously cumbusted?
  10. So your saying if I just have a tiny drop of coca-cola it will be too much? I'm looking for a source on the internet, but my science teacher last year said, "it isn't what you eat that's bad, it's how much of it you eat." In other words, nothing is bad for you, just follow the food pyramid to see how much coca-cola you should drink. Another thing, stick to what YT2095 said
  11. your correct http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympus_Mons
  12. I installed it, and it's cool. I find random places when I'm bored. It's a lot of fun.
  13. ok ok ok. A quick question...Why is it called WiSci?
  14. I think SFN should not just be a forum website, but a gaming website too. The games can still have the science theme, but it would add a little pizaaz to the website. Please tell me what you think of my idea. Thanks.
  15. I also don't want to sound like a jerk' date=' but I don't think you should try to attract a more educated audience. I'm in 6th grade, and I'm a curious person. If WiSci is too hard for me to understand now, then I won't like it. If I don't like it now, I'll never go back to it. This is the same with many other people. So why should I use WiSci if it has no use to me? Why should anyone if there's Wikipedia? WiSci sounds like a good website, but I find very offensive. It shouldn't matter how ignorant we are, after all, we're on SFN to learn.
  16. golf would be way less poular. what if ants suddenly grew as large as SUVs?
  17. I need a source...I've heard that venus also has no moons. http://www.dustbunny.com/afk/planets/venus/
  18. A short story: Some college professor put a story about the "velcro crop" on the internet a few years ago. His goal was to see if any of his students would write the fake story on their velco project they were assigned. Many students did' date=' and ended up getting an F. The moral of the story: don't believe everything on the internet, for example.Haha, I trick people on AIM with the "fake link" all the time. They think it's stupid, I think it's funny. Anyway, http://www.geocities.com/lakemichiganwhales/ is a fraud, but it would be cool if it wasn't.
  19. These are not the questions I'm looking for. Anyway, we need a way that the beam will not burn the user's hand...
  20. There was a national geographic tv special about this a few weeks ago. One interviewed scientist proposed simply grabbing the astroid with a giant claw. The astroid will fight against springs and will eventually be thrown in the opposite direction from the springs. There's obviously more to it than that, but that's the summary of his plan. If NASA had better funding, I believe this scientist's idea could work, and it may be better than the current plan.
  21. I'm in the making of a science website called Solving Science (I have it in my signiture) and I need your help with it. If you are willing to work for this website as a hobby, I will appreciate it if you can send me news articles, pictures, etc. The website also has a forum (thats working right now) that I would like some moderators for. Please PM me with what you can do to help if you would like to do so. Thank you for all of your help. P.S. I will post a little bit about the website after I publish just in case you would like to explore it.
  22. 2005 was probably one of the biggest years in science and debate. Natural Selection vs. Intelligent Design, what to do with global warming, and many others. So what do you think will happen in 2006? What major debates will be held? What discoveries will be made? What will be the most popular electronic? etc. Please reply, it might be interesting to see what people think.
  23. I think there was already a thread (not on the brain teaser and puzzle forum) that had this question so if you saw the answer, please do not post it. Thanks. Anyway, how is .999... equal to 1? It's actually simple, but a lot of people have a hard time figuring it out.
  24. It's impossible to know. Everything in the universe was supposably created in the big bang. In some tv special I watched on the Science Channel, it said everything was inside of a tiny ball held together by gravity. So maybe there was space and time inside of this tiny ball. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm curious about this subject too and I want to know the answers.
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