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Everything posted by herpguy

  1. I'm not blaming anyone, it's just kind of funny that the sudden increase in global warming happened when Bush is in office (at least to someone who disagrees with everything bush says and does, like me). A better explanation is that we have been dumping more greenhouse gas in the air than what there should be for more than 1 and a half centuries. Now, our actions are starting to hurt us.
  2. That's what I've heard, but i just read a few things that says different information. During 2005, the sea level rising accelerated by 50% (Discover Magazine. The ice melting has steadilly been accelerating about 8% per decade (http://www.cbc.ca/cp/world/050928/w092896.html). (also from the above link).
  3. When I went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, the tour guide said that the Jurassic Park makers watched the African animals to see how they moved.
  4. Yes, they've been melting since the end of the ice age, but the rate has gone up by 50% since Bush went into office. hmm...
  5. Would a mirror work? Some tv show i watched said lasers are just beams of light. Is this the same kind of laser? I confuse myself.
  6. Wyadotte Cave in southern india contains the worlds highest underground mountain-135 ft. (40.5 m) high!
  7. hehe some of those were funny
  8. i like it too but another place to do it is wikipedia
  9. I'm against the death penalty for two reasons 1) I think it's wrong to kill anyone under any circumstance and 2) Wouldn't it be more painfull to be locked up your entire life than to be killed calmly. Ask yourself this question; would it hurt more to be locked up and bored your whole life or to be killed with zero pain.
  10. I heard about this t-rex that paleontologists found earlier this year with cells still inside of its fossilized leg. The scientists said the probability of cloning it is very low, but they will not take the risk. If it's fossilized quickly maybe the DNA will still be in good condition.Please give me more information if you know what I'm talking about.
  11. I was actually thinking about this earlier today... Is it possible to make a lightsaber (well, kind of) by having a metal stick (or something like that) with electricity running through it? Will it work pretty much the same way? Maybe it can have a thing around it extremely cold to lower the temperature of the "lightsaber."
  12. I wouldn't care...it would be punishment for something I've gotten away with...it means they care about me.
  13. I would be very happy.What if chimpanzees are actually smarter than us and they're planning to destroy humans?
  14. herpguy

    Biology Links

    Post your favorite biology websites here! http://www.livescience.com/ It has a lot of biology stuff along with other sciences.
  15. i would be bored and some others will be too. what if computers weren't invented?
  16. Stars at the center of the milky way galaxy are traveling at 1% of light speed, about 3,000 km/s.
  17. Then I would be confused because I have no idea what Startrek Next Generation is. What if Adolf Hitler and the Nazis had taken over the world?
  18. It would make more sense, but things don't always have to make sense. For example, income tax.
  19. I've heard that some fish evolved into amphibians to escape predators in the ocean. The fish would swim into rivers and eventually became fresh-water fish (so they could survive while the predators couldn't) and others transformed into giant salamanders that went on land and in water. Eventually, over an extremely long period of time, the skin of the salamanders thickened into scales and created land loving lizards. Then dinosaurs came from the lizards which made birds and mammels. Primates came from mammels and here we are today.
  20. I like it a lot more than before.
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