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Everything posted by herpguy

  1. That theory was proven wrong. Not sure, but maybe fossilized tracks gave them a hint. I'm sure most of the things the dinosaurs did were made up.
  2. I didn't think about that. Maybe there's a way to direct the pull of the magnet.
  3. I've heard that they go there and say they are doing what their ancestors did even though they have no idea what they are doing. http://witcombe.sbc.edu/earthmysteries/EMStonehengeC.html
  4. Maybe it could be made off earth with space shuttles sending parts of it like how the ISS was built. Also, it will probably orbit at about where man-made LEO sattelites orbit earth, about 800 km off the surface.
  5. oops i didnt mean to post this one
  6. I watched a special about stone henge a few days ago, and it said no one knows why it was built. I want to know the most popular idea so please reply with why you think stone henge was built. I think it had something to do with astronomy, but I'm not sure.
  7. If there was a giant magnet orbiting around earth is it possible to get into space simply by riding in a magnetic rocket? Or is there something that will make it impossible? Please reply.
  8. Can this explain many ghost sightings? I was watching a ghost show on the discovery channel and the guy said a lady suddenly appeared then dissapeared into dust quickly.
  9. Yahoo! News Great Lakes near ecological breakdown: scientists By Andrew Stern CHICAGO (Reuters) - Stresses from polluted rivers to invasive species threaten to trigger an ecological breakdown in the Great Lakes, a group of scientists hoping to sway U.S. environmental policy said on Thursday. Seventy-five scientists who study the world's largest collective body of fresh water released their report on the myriad problems that need cleanup or restoration ahead of two key policy announcements next week. "This is just a critical period for the Great Lakes," Andy Buchsbaum, director of the National Wildlife Federation's Great Lakes office, said about next week's announcements. A task force comprising federal agencies, Congress, local government officials and regional Indian tribes is scheduled to release its much-anticipated final plan for preserving the Great Lakes requested by U.S. President George W. Bush in 2004. The body's preliminary report in July recommended $20 billion in federal, state and private funding over 15 years to upgrade antiquated municipal sewer systems, restore 500,000 acres of wetlands, clean polluted harbors and bays, and pay for other efforts. But a federal oversight group subsequently suggested to the White House that the budget was too tight to allow additional funding. Federal spending on Great Lakes cleanup over the past decade was $800 million, according to the Government Accountability Office. After the task force releases its plan on Monday, governors representing U.S. states and Canadian provinces that border the Great Lakes will announce revisions to century-old rules that restrict water withdrawals and diversions from the lakes. More than 30 million people rely on the Great Lakes for drinking water, and large-scale diversions to far-off states or countries have been forbidden. Threats to the Great Lakes are converging, scientists who worked on the report said. "There's widespread agreement that the Great Lakes are under tremendous stress," said Alfred Beeton of the University of Michigan. "Toxic substances ... overfishing, invasive species, changes in hydrology affecting rivers -- now we can add the effects of global climate change. "These have been dealt with individually. What we need to do is look at the ecosystem -- the combination of stresses," Beeton said. "Historical sources of stress have combined with new ones and we have arrived at a tipping point. What we mean is that ecosystem changes will occur rapidly and unexpectedly." The report emphasized the need for large-scale ecosystem restoration and not piecemeal efforts, coauthor Don Scavia said. Particularly important was preserving or restoring shoreline "buffer zones," such as wetlands and lake tributaries to help the lakes heal themselves. "These are the key areas for filtering the contaminants that enter the lakes. It's also where most of the wildlife habitat is," Scavia said. Shoreline pollution that fouls Great Lakes beaches is extending into the middle of some of the five Great Lakes, sudden drops in oxygen levels in the water threaten native species, and native fish have been crowded out by invasive species that have changed the character of the lakes, the scientists added.
  10. I think it depends on how we look at intelligence. creativity will never come in artificial intelligence, but I think that maybe there is a way a robots can learn what people and other robots teach it. I saw a program on the discovery channel that showed these robotic cars telling eachother where to go. If we can master robotic communication then it may be possible for artificial intelligence to become better at logical things than us.
  11. Do plants breathe? I've heard that plants do because they exchange gases (O2 with CO2). I've also heard that plants don't breathe because breathing is "the movement of muscles to exhange gases" and plants don't have muscles. If anyone is a plant expert please tell me.
  12. The only thing in the media I've seen on global warming (not including facts) is the movie, The Day After Tomorrow, Polititians are doing very little about global warming. In fact, the U.S. and Australia completely ignored the Kyoto Protocol. Is that an opinion or do you have a source?
  13. Follow the instructions: (if they seem vague to you just do what you think is right) 1. Read every direction before you start. 2. Take a sheet of paper. 3. Write your name in the top left corner of the paper. 4. Take scissors and cut a circle in the middle of the paper. 5. Write your name anywhere on the circle. 6. Scribble out your name on both the sheet of paper and the circle. 7. Write your favorite number on the back of the circle. 8. Multiply that number by two and write it below the first number you wrote. 9. Devide your new number by three and write the quotient below both other numbers. 10. If your newest number is between 1 and 100, draw a smiley face on the sheet of paper around where the circle should be, if it is not, skip this direction and move on. 11. If your number is not between 1 and 100, write the first thing that comes to your mind on the circle whereever there is room when you read, "Pickle!" "Pickle!" If your number is between 1 and 100, skip this direction and move on. 12. Get up and stretch your legs. 13. Sit down again. 14. Take a new sheet of paper. 15. Only do numbers 1 and 15. If you didn't follow the first direction, don't feel bad. 50% of adults don't.
  14. Oh, sorry about the date of the article. I saw something at the bottom of the page and jumped to the conclusion that it was when the article was published. It won't happen again. The data of the hurricanes' strength was from this website: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7845030 Watch Wilma, Rita, and Katrina's wind speed closely, you'll see that all three storms have max. sustained winds at 175 mph. However, according to the Weather Channel, wind speeds are measured by five and it is very likely that each storm's wind went oover 175 mph.
  15. oh i forgot to put a link. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051124/sc_nm/environment_tipping_dc_4 There was another website with the a little more information, if i find it i'll post it.
  16. As you know, us humans have been dumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere for about 150 years. Now, larger hurricanes (even if they aren't triggered by global warming) are sucking up the water vapor resulting in less rain for the rainforest. Now, the rainforest is starting to release a lot of CO2 because many plants are beginning to die. Eventually, the rainforest will be releasing more CO2 than the oxygen it makes. It may seem like sci-fi but it's true.
  17. I doubt there will be another mini-ice age any time soon. most scientists think the natural rise and fall of CO2 and other greenhouse gases change the temperature which causes the ice ages. We're dumping too much CO2 in the atmosphere right now.
  18. According to newscientists.com over the last 30 years earth should be cooling down because of natural changes in solar cycles and volcanos.
  19. Why is there a chemical reaction when baking soda and vinegar are mixed together? I've always thought that the acid in vinegar breaks down each compound into individual atoms. the oxygen in the water from vinegar joins with the carbon from baking soda making carbon dioxide. Other oxygen atoms remain with hydrogen keeping some water. The salt from from the baking soda is dissolved into the water making acidic salt water. Am i right? If I'm not please tell me what really happens. Thanks.
  20. thanks for the website it's cool.
  21. this probably won't reasure you that it's safe, but i just got the december issue.
  22. I just subscribed to the magaine, Scientic American, its pretty cool. This is their website u should subscribe if you think it looks cool.
  23. i found another clicking website. you plant .2 trees every time you click. http://www.landcareniagara.com/
  24. recycling saves more energy than making something in a factory without recycling :-O
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