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Everything posted by herpguy

  1. Simple question: When do you think the United States will completely switch to Ethanol based fuel in cars?
  2. I am suggesting a debate team. It will be modelled after the News Team, only it will be used for the debate forums. What the debate team will do is come up with debates and get other members to debate the subject. After the users agree, the members of the debate team will make the opening posts for the debates, and moderate the debate forums. Any comments?
  3. herpguy


    AFAIK That's not entirely true. I'm in the habit of exercising everyday. It's actually very hard not to. Also, you're brain can't always tell what's a good habit and what's a bad habit.
  4. I can do 44 three second push ups, then I collapse. But I'm only 11.
  5. grr... In the summer when there's no school I'll try again. 30 hours was really hard on me though; I had headaches, I couldn't eat, and I almost couldn't even get into my bed when I went to sleep again.
  6. So far, there have been a total of three threads in the Biology forum for biology links, and none of them have worked out. I think the problem is that Biology covers too many topics, and threads like that need to be more in depth. Which is why I have created this thread... The Official Evolution Links Thread Here you can post your links to websites about evolution to support, disprove and comment on The Theory of Evolution. Please don't make this thread another creationist vs. darwinist argument because that's not what this thread is for. Mine: http://andabien.com/html/words/evolution-px.htm <====Evolution Timeline http://www.livescience.com/animalworld/ <====good news reference
  7. In response to the OP: I am undecided with my view on animal testing. I mean, the animals can feel pain, like us [humans]. Also, I think it's wrong to kill anything. However, it may be just a bit better that an animal gets hurt than a human.
  8. Wouldn't it just evaporate quickly?
  9. Finally, there's some good news in a world filled with bad news about the environment.
  10. herpguy

    de ja vu

    Today I had deja vu that I did three problem for homework. I looked at the first one. Wrote down my answer, looked at the second one and wrote down my answer, and I didn't even have to look at the next one to write my answer. Weird!
  11. Okay here's my opinion (I'm a kid) Alright, it gets really annoying when my parents watch over my conversations with my friends on AIM or when they read what I post here on SFN. However, some of my friends (or they were my friends until I found out they were doing this) look up some bad stuff that disturbs me. So it makes sense that parents do control how much kids stay on the internet, what they view, etc. just not AIM conversations (I think that's invasion of privacy).
  12. Smoenoe snet me an e-mial wtih waht Moopy siad a few motnhs ago. I'ts petrty cool, hrad to tpye tohguh.
  13. herpguy

    de ja vu

    I have daja vu quite frequently. One time I thought I was having deja vu that I was having deja vu that I was having deja vu that I was having deja vu that I was having deja vu. But it turned out that it actually happened six times!
  14. Well I would be hesitant about putting something that could reveal who I am on the internet. I mean, I would never say that my name is Joe Simon and I live in LA, California.
  15. I think GutZ meant the "putting your work on the internet" part. However, using the pencil can also prove to be very dangerous.
  16. SkepticLance, Evidence, sources! Give us something to make us know what you're saying is unquestionable!!!
  17. If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise. If someone tells you nothing is impossible, ask him to dribble a football.
  18. Great job, The Thing! Sorry, I wasn't specific enough with my qustion. I mean to say, "How can you fit nine cars into eight spaces when there is only one car per space?" ______________________________________________________ ~~~Awesome, my 300th post!~~~
  19. Before I ask the question, I would like to warn you that this is a "think outside the box" type question. There is no mathmatical equation or anyhting like that to figure this out *hint hint*. It's just for fun. So here's the question: How can you fit nine cars into eight spaces?
  20. Some users here at SFN: IMM-In My Memory AP-AzurePhoenix (I think) YDOAPS-Yourdadonapogos I have refered to insane_alien as IA, but that one really isn't official.
  21. A single brain cell can communicate with over 25,000 other cells at a time. A neanderthal's brain is larger than a modern human's. If the average man never trimmed his beard, it would grow over 30 feet in his lifetime. All of those were from a book called science trivia.
  22. I thought I was a healthy eater, but I just looked around my house. At least half of the food belongs in the fats, oils, and sweets group. That's another problem for why Americans are so unhealthy.
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