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Everything posted by herpguy

  1. SkepticLance I suppose you are right now that you put it that way. But it probably depends on what was sunk. Oil would do nothing but hurt the environment, but, like you said, a shipwreck would provide a great habitat for ocean creatures.
  2. SkepticLance, It would effect things locally. Think of it this way, if someone is smoking around you, you can still smell it, and if you are like me start coughing because of it. If oil spills then diving birds will die because they can't get to the fish, they might get caught in the oil, etc. The ocean may be 10 to the power of 18 tons of water, but for short periods of time, yet long enough to kill things, the amount of pollution in the site of the wreck would be very heavy.
  3. I don't see how there is a connection between the warm bloodedness and taming. It really depends on the species. I have a very tame bearded dragon (lizard) that never bites or anything. It can't do tricks, but that's because its body isn't built for doing tricks, i.e. it's slow. Evidence? Listen to AzurePhoenix, she's correct.
  4. But not near the battles at the time. Those could have wiped out massive amounts of ocean plants and animals ruining the eco-system for some time. If that happened, then there is obviously a bit less life in the ocean now.
  5. I was basically trying to say, "darn't, you found my loophole." Also, if I'm not mistaken, the government has to contribute in paying for health care. That's what I was trying to get at, I was just running low on time to explain myself.
  6. It would benefit everyone though. It probably costs the government a bit of money every time you eat fast food. That will eventually help the fast food companies, well sort of. Let's not make this a political debate.
  7. Americans also don't eat well because we don't know what we're eating. My friend and I were at McDonalds sometime earlier this week. I had the usual: 3 peice Chicken Selects with a small coke. My friend, on the other hand bought a big mac, two large cokes, two large fries, and a milkshake ! We looked at the back of the fry box and noticed the nutrition facts. There were 550 calories in each box! My friend was scared to look at the rest. My point is that if fast food companies and such made the nutrition facts more noticable, then people will know not to eat too much of anything, hopefully.
  8. startlogic.com
  9. Posts count in: All Sciences Biomedical Ethics Brain Teasers and Puzzles* Education Homework Help* Politics Philosophy and Religion Pseudoscience and Metaphysics Speculations News Forum Poll Forum Posts do not count in: General Discussion Announcements* Debate Forum* Member Projects* Suggestions/Comments Forum * means that I'm not entirely sure.
  10. I think I share my name with three others, but I know nothing about them.
  11. In case you were wondering (as I did when I joined) the current members of the News Team are 5614, ecoli and I. It's a lot of fun!
  12. Great job! Hey, why aren't we saying who the man we're talking about is?
  13. I did a bit more research and found that my family originated in a villiage called Kilgour near Falkland in the country of Fife. Fife is located in present-day Scotland, U.K. My family originated in the ancient times, before the 11th century. As time went on, I am guessing that my family slowly moved into Ireland. In 1761, one of my anscestors went to Virginia and establish what is now Kilgore, Virginia. Knowing that my family has fought off invaders from as far back as ancient times up until WW2 has made me very proud.
  14. That would be awesome.
  15. You didn't copy anything exacly the way it was from wikipedia.org, so I would still give you credit.
  16. Then, marsh, I guess what you are saying is very very very very very improbable.
  17. Why would it evolve into a human? Why not a dinosaur or something?
  18. Also, let your house be 2 degrees hotter when it's above your comfort zone, and two degrees lower when it's below your comfort zone. STOP JUNK MAIL: Take your name of the mailing list to save trees.
  19. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has announced that it will put $55 million into prosthetic arm research. Part of this money will go towards devoloping a "peripheral nerve interface," a device designed to relay nerve pulses wirelessly from what's left of a limb to the person's belt, which would have a computer mounted on it. Then, the signal will be routed to back the bionic arm and nerves in that area, where they would flow back to the brain naturally. This would allow people to feel the arm as if it was an actual limb, and control it more accurately. http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/20060424/sc_space/wirelessbionicarmwouldfeelreal;_ylt=AmhTIMHvgUJsLwKTEwe8R0cPLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--
  20. SkepticLance, my point with examining all of the evidence was that you clearly looked at 2-3, if even that, pieces of evidence and said that this is not occuring. Have you ever been to a glacier? Have you ever talked to a global warming expert? I have. Come back to this thread when you are ready to admit you are wrong about your "facts". And please, I'm begging you to look at more of the evidence.
  21. 1. The world has been warming up rapidly since the 1850's at the end of the mini-ice age. Whoa! That's when the industrial age started! 2. As we continue to add more and more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere global warming seems to accelerate faster and faster. 3. Conclusion. Humans releasing greenhouse gases, along with numerous other factors, is causing global warming. You are not examining all of the evidence. You are just taking some of the evidence and saying that it is not enough.
  22. That's because what you heard is a load of crap. Everyone should read Time Magazine's article on global warming. You can find it here.
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