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Everything posted by miya

  1. thank you very much for correcting my composition i have two first languages hebrew and arabic. and thank again for your help.. but can i put another composition to correct it for me to see if i have improved my language.
  2. hi everybody, actually I need your help because I have an examination in writing description coposition in english , and what I want of you is to correct me because it's your mother language here is the composition As long as I live , I will never forget the high-school experience , because I had suffered a lot of its pressure. It is unbelieveable how this experience had affected my life , I had to wake up very early in the morning to revise any thing before going to school and when I return I had to study very hard in order to achieve my abition. Now , after graduating from the high-school I had reaped the benefits of my hard work and I got great marks in all the subjects: english , mathematics , chemistry , biology , history.... In my opinion , the period that follows the high-school is more beautifull than the high-school period itself , but only if you work very hard in high-school. and please answer me very fast because i want to know my level in english , and please be crucial with me , and focus everything.
  3. good evening, actually I need some help by calculating the pka and pkb value because I don't know how to calculate it. so please instruct me how to calculate it. miya
  4. Hi everybody, actually I'm a new member in the forum and I need your help I want you to teach me how to use the spectrophotomter because I have an examination next week and thank you
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