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About billbirch

  • Birthday 10/09/1954

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  • College Major/Degree
    master math
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    Senior Scientist
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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. The Foundation of Pure Motion Movement (PMM) What it is and how it affects the: Current Universe Physical Domain (CUPD) The Super SBDP Polyshifts (SBDP) In the world we now live in, scientist and engineers have been asking a few basic questions. For example, Provide a good and detail explanation of how current flows in a wire, why is there friction, do we really know the answer to many question pertaining to elementary Physics, thermodynamics, mechanism, electronics, relativity. This also encompasses Natural events, Supernatural phenomena’s, and in general, ever day practical living. We really have never seen electrons flow, and never see the atom. In fact there are so many unanswered questions. What are we missing to explain all of these physical limitations we are just now starting to experiences as technological deterrents? Please realize this technological deterrent will not allow us to make advanced technological progress in all area of science and life. The Unknown Motion Forces Variables (UMFV); Let’s look at this example. What is an electromagnet field? What is gravity? We can feel the results and see the affects of these two forces, but what are the origins of these two forces and exactly how do we use them, or not use them in the current world we live in. If we can unravel these forces (just to name a few) and learn how they are created and the associated equations they produce, then we can control these forces and re-shape or re-design the environment they create. Of course I speaking about the environment we now live in. With a number of experiments and mathematical models I will attempt to solve, manipulate, recreate, use, and adjust these unknown forces. When we do this we can control the weather and many other natural events. For the purpose of this document let call these forces, Unknown Motion Forces Variables (UMFV) The scientific communities are predicating many calculations and theories on assumptions (facts) that are incomplete. That is they work some what but do not explain or take into account the UMFV, this make them incomplete in certain respects. The UMFV variables will complete the calculations and theories and explain why and how electromagnet field, gravity, light, etc. affect our environments and all matter. These UMFV variables will solve many unanswered questions. But please realize the facts and equations we now use are valid for the current domain (environment) we now live in. They just don’t explain all of the basic limitation that we now encounter or how to circumvent them. They are not wrong, just incomplete. To clarify and define some terms, the environments we live in I call the Current Universe Physical Domain (CUPD). This is where the current limitation exist. It is in the CUPD where we encounter all the limitation like electromagnet field, gravity, light, friction, etc. One more clarification, if we as scientist and the human race are not concerned with the physical / Non-physical limitations we now face in today’s world, then we need not have any apprehension about these Unknown Motion Forces Variables (UMFV) at all. Origin of the UMFV: These Unknown Motion Forces Variables (UMFV) are derived from what I call the Super SBDP (Super Blue Domain Polyshifts, another environment). The SBDP (Super Blue Domain polyshifts) is created from Pure Motion Movement (PMM). PMM is also another key to solving and answering these questions. The problem is Man has never been able to solve these Pure Motions Movements Equations. And in some cases not even aware of them. The scientific community has not Consider the PMM, or Pure Motion Movement in any of there equations. Pure Motion is so new and such a complex study (of Energy, Power, Victors, Polyshifts, and speed) that very little is even written about it. Once more to re-state, Pure Motion Movement and all of its components will solve and explain all the unknown forces we can’t solve with are current mathematics, science, or mechanics. Pure Motion Movement PMM has a motion force of One (1) but has many components that it is comprised of. This is what makes it so hard to figure and calculate, what are the values of the components. PMM is a Motion force and is a completely new science. For Example; Magnets has a type of force that we can kind of see with ferrous material. Like a bar magnet attracting a bar of steel, we can see this happen. This is course is a certain force. We as can see this and we can some what understand this. But PMM is very different it is a Motion Force. In the follow paragraphs I will explain this Motion Force, I call this PMM. Motion: This book / paper is really a book on Pure Motion Movement PMM (my term for Motion Movement) and what I call the Super SBDP Polyshifts. And Pure Motion Movement being the root of all substances and is defined as One (1), that is Pure Motion Movement (PMM). This is the Primary reason for the Super Blue Domain Polyshifts, and we need PMM theory to solve many problems that will have to be solved so we can advance to the next leave of Technology. If we don’t solve these question and problems we will not make the super advanced leap to move into Technologies for the future. I will attempt to solve these unknown forces (UMFV) in this paper. And products, real world results, with equations and experiments.
  2. The Foundation of Pure Motion Movement (PMM) And The Super SBDP Polyshifts In the world we now live in, scientist and engineers have been asking a few basic questions. For example, Give a good and detail explanation of how current flows in a wire, why is there friction, do we really know the answer too many question pertaining to elementary Physics, thermodynamics. We really have never seen electrons flow, and never see the atom. In fact there are so many unanswered questions. We are basing many calculations on facts that are not facts. We are leaving out the main variables that need to correct them for what I call the Super SBDP (Super Blue Domain Polyshift, a certain environment). Pure Motion, PMM is also another key to solving and answering these questions. The problem is Man has never been able to solve these Pure Motions Equations. And in some cases not even aware of them. The scientific community has not Consider the PMM, or pure motion in any of there equations. Pure Motion is such a complex study (of Energy, Power, Victors, Polyshifts, and speed) that very little is even written about it. Once more to re-state, Pure Motion and all of its components will solve and explain all the unknowns we can’t solve with are current mathematics and science. Pure Motion Movement PMM has a motion force of One (1) but has many components that it is comprised of. This is what make it so hard to figure and calculate the values of the components. This paper is really a paper on Motion (my terms Pure Motion Movement) and what I call the Super SBDP Polyshifts. And Pure Motion Movement being the root of all substances and is defined as One (1) , that is Pure Motion Movement (PMM). This is the Primary reason for the Blue Domain, and we need PMM theory to solve many problems that will have to be solved so we can advance to the next leave of Technology. If we don’t solve these question and problems we will not make the quantum leap to move into Technologies for the future. I will attempt to solve these unknowns in this paper. And products real world results, with equations and experiments. I have a paper on this subject I would like to publish. BB
  3. Thank you for the nice into and I would like to post a small paper on " Blue Domain Motion technology"
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