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Everything posted by swansont

  1. As iNow noted, they do. An AP story on this said they used secure communication, but I think that just means encrypted. The DoD has a secure network, meaning you have to have special credentials to gain access to it, and the devices attached to it are located in secure facilities. A reporter/editor would not have those credentials. They were flouting the procedures. Nothing accidental about this.
  2. swansont


    Trump is doing more than expressing views. He (via Musk) is firing people and cutting off funding, which are tangible actions, and not mere expression. Yes. I’ve asked a number if times for you to show where the right not to be offended is written out in any constitution. Now you question the legality of something without citing what law they allegedly broke. Are you not capable of researching these things? What I just mentioned would be one reason. You seem to want people to answer in a certain way, and when they don’t, you ask again. It’s like you want your opinion to be an objective fact. If you don’t report posts and bring them to the staff’s attention, we might not see these posts. Have you done so? Keep in mind that simple disagreement is not a rules violation. Not all moderator action is public. Cutting off funding appropriated by congress. He doesn’t have that authority, and courts have begun to say so. There’s also the issue that “freedom of speech” is a freedom from the government punishing you for speech, but Trump represents the government. He doesn’t have this freedom when acting in an official capacity. That’s true of any person in government- you can say things as a private citizen that you are not allowed to express at work, or in representing the government
  3. swansont


    I asked before for you to explain what you are talking about rather than what you aren’t. But what’s left? At this point it seems you are just having a tantrum when anyone disagrees with you, i.e. trolling. You’ve presented no evidence of any democracy guaranteeing the rights/freedoms you want.
  4. Math has rules. The wave equation has a specific form to it. If you’re going to dive into a discussion on the subject, it’s good to have a grasp of the basics. We’re talking about Maxwell’s equations in a vacuum, since that’s a condition for c being invariant. In a medium, light doesn’t travel at c, so the wave equation uses c/n (n is the index of refraction). Sound waves don’t travel at c, either (or at all, in a vacuum) If you are discussing the invariance of c, one of the stipulations is that it’s a vacuum, since c is the speed of light in a vacuum.
  5. swansont


    The performers don’t have the right to not be offended by the views of the religious, and I suspect they are very offended by some of those views. The symmetry is not having the right to not be offended. Apparently you do
  6. swansont


    Given that they had to make up the part about it being about Christianity, it seems that they are offended by the mere existence of certain people. I have a hard time reconciling that with the basic teachings of their religion.
  7. swansont


    It’s not my opinion. It’s a judge’s ruling, and one in a long line. I’d probably be upset. That’s the price of having the right of freedom of speech. I defy you to find freedom from being offended in any constitution of a democratic country. In dictatorships, they enforce rules about not offending the dear leader and those in power. Have fun living there if you aren’t one of the oligarchs You seem to want to have freedoms that you would deny others.
  8. This ignores what I said completely As far as Maxwell’s equations go, it’s the wave equation. If c isn’t invariant, you no longer have a wave equation. You can’t transform to another inertial frame and recover the formula. There’s no time measurement involved at all. For the fine structure, there’s no time measurement either. It’s a comparison of two measurements - any time dependence drops out.
  9. ! Moderator Note keep ChatGPT out of mainstream discussions. see rule 2.13 As studiot notes, the invariance of c is embedded in Maxwell’s equations. EM waves wouldn’t be waves if c wasn’t invariant. Yet they are waves even when there is relative motion between source and observer. The solution here is straightforward: you measure the stability of the fines structure constant without measuring a duration. Say, by measuring transitions in different elements. If alpha changes, the transition frequencies change by different amounts, and you can measure that
  10. swansont


    In case there’s any question about the US version of this right, a quote from recent ruling on banning drag shows https://www.thefire.org/sites/default/files/2025/03/Opinion - Texas A%26M Queer Empowerment Council v. Mahomes%2C et al..pdf "To ban the performance from taking place on campus because it offends some members of the campus community is precisely what the First Amendment prohibits." (p.28)
  11. I asked all three who built the first rubidium fountain clock. They gave three different answers. Perplexity got it right, and gave a decent summary. Consensus gave a list of references but couldn’t figure out that 2004 was earlier than other dates.
  12. I think she runs for senate first. Gillibrand’s proven to be a wet noodle these past two months, so maybe AOC runs for her seat next year.
  13. Airbrush has been suspended for hijacking in order to preach, and doubling down after being warned.
  14. ! Moderator Note You still have to click on something.
  15. ! Moderator Note How one group of people characterizes another isn’t that; if all you’re going to do is soapbox then this will be closed. Start addressing your own topic.
  16. I don’t know what any of that is supposed to mean. It’s word salad.
  17. ! Moderator Note Rule 2.7 requires that material for discussion be posted here, so that people can participate without clicking any links
  18. That’s the thing with secret symbolism. It can mean pretty much anything you want it to. And we tend to see things that we want to, or what our brain fills in, like with pareidolia The OP is way too vague to generate meaningful discussion, as evidenced by several posts that follow it.
  19. ! Moderator Note Posting videos without discussion is against our rules.
  20. What have you done so far? How do you measure time? What uses kelvins and how is it measured?
  21. It depends on the precision of numbers you know, usually limited by your measuring instrument. If you’re measuring a distance and can only do so to the nearest meter, that would tell you . e.g. you measure 11 meters, so you have 2 significant digits. If you could measure down to the cm, e.g. 11.27 m, then you have 4 significant digits.
  22. The frequencies are given, as are the pulse durations. The power levels might be described in a previous paper; I notice several Teufel papers in the references. I’m not sure what lidar has to do with your inquiry; they mention the microwave resonator; the frequency width is going to be determined by the details of that circuit.
  23. ! Moderator Note I've removed the attachment, as it was a .htm file which does not comply with rule 2.7 If you want to post a link, do so, but the salient details should be posted here. Including the article title, authors, and abstract
  24. √(78.500/3.1416) = 24.987 so you're rounding the answer. Let's say you wanted to change it so that the result was affected, to say, 5.1. 5.1^2 ≈ 26. You'd have to use π = 3 to get there The issue here is "significant digits" which is the precision of the numbers you use. Each digit you add increases the precision of the result, but that increase in precision gets smaller with each digit you add. Let's say you were using a constant that was 4/9 = 4.4444... 4.4 is 10% bigger than 4 - that's a big change 4.44 is 0.9% bigger than 4.4 4.444 is 0.09% bigger than 4.44 (and so on) each digit has a smaller impact on how close you are to the correct value The impact on the answer is an equation depends on how many digits the other numbers in the equation have and whether you are adding or multiplying. For multiplying, if the answer only needs 1 digit, and you're rounding, only 2 digits matter (the second digit tells you if you round up or down) so you don't need more than 2 digits in your constant, since a 0.9% change in the answer won't affect the result. You want a 3-digit answer? Then use 4 digits in the constant. etc. etc. For adding, it's just where that last significant digit is. If the result is going to be rounded to the nearest 10, you only ned the "ones" digit, i.e. you use 4. If the result is to the nearest 0.01, you need to use 4.444 (anything beyond that is going to be rounded off)
  25. A clan is a group based on kinship, i.e. extended families. So no, you probably wouldn’t move to a new chief based on not liking the one you have.
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