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Everything posted by swansont

  1. ! Moderator Note Some kind of evidence or analysis is required
  2. “I read it in a calculus book” is not specific enough.
  3. Can you give an example of where you encountered this?
  4. As you had quoted, “A mathematical model usually describes a system by a set of variables and a set of equations that establish relationships between the variables” You don’t have a model. There are no variables. This doesn’t fulfill our requirements
  5. I’m not going to fork over $36 to do so, and there was only one citation. The summary lists pathogens, but the issue at hand was “How long do harmful germs last on a keyboard anyway?”
  6. Working DNA computers have been demonstrated. While not used in practical computing, they are no longer just theoretical. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_computing
  7. That’s not how E=mc^2 works No. Neutrino emission only happens in certain decays, and must comply with known conservation laws, such as angular momentum and lepton number. I don’t think you want to sound like Bob Lazar.
  8. The context was healthy eating. A large amount of butter is not particularly healthy.
  9. Yes https://www.universetoday.com/148230/gravitational-wave-lensing-is-possible-but-its-going-to-be-incredibly-difficult-to-detect/#:~:text=Gravitational waves and light both,to travel a certain distance.
  10. It’s usually covered the first couple of days of class. You can always multiply by 1, i.e. equal quantities, or multiply both sides of the equation by the same factor. Identical units in the numerator and denominator cancel, just like in simplifying fractions. These concepts are rooted in simple algebraic manipulation. It’s assumed you can do this if you are doing physics. Units and the quantity are indeed separate. You need not know the numerical amount in order to manipulate the units. Proportionality constants ensure both sides of an equality are indeed equal.
  11. The question at the fore is what the “side reaction” is. (you can find the basic instruction on how to make mercury fulminate without much effort. There’s a wikipedia article)
  12. A stationary or uniformly moving mass doesn’t generate gravitational waves. Certain accelerations do, but in the case of the sun they would be exceedingly small.
  13. https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/50868-what-are-the-post-count-ranks/ Posts in certain sections don’t count toward this, and I’m not entirely certain the latest forum iterations update the titles
  14. Let’s not add the danger of running an electric fan in a closed room in South Korea to this.
  15. ! Moderator Note As I recall, I was rebutting your ludicrous assertion that kinetic energy is a conserved quantity. Momentum and energy are different concepts and are used in different circumstances. As studiot’s example shows, there are situations where conservation of momentum does not help you in arriving at an answer. There are kinematic example where using momentum is the wrong approach, too (probably ones involving circular motion, or a force acting through a distance) But the thing is, you’re not really offering an alternative; your insistence on new terminology and formatting make it hard to follow your tortured presentation, and I don’t recall you having actually solved any problems. Your dissatisfaction with energy is yours. That’s fine, as long as that’s as far as it goes. But it’s not shared by the vast majority of people doing physics, and not liking a concept doesn’t make it wrong. You’re just ranting, and have to misrepresent physics to make your point. This might not be deliberate, you give off strong indications of simply not understanding, but you show no indication that you want to learn anything. Rule 2.12 prohibits “advancing an ideology or agenda at the expense of the science being discussed, general appeals to science being flawed or dogmatic” because such arguments are not in good faith. Which is why this is being locked. Don’t start any new threads along these lines. Enough is enough.
  16. Would they all end up at the same place means 100%, and if a civilization doesn’t have fire (or whatever technology you choose) after 50,000 years, they haven’t ended up at the same place as we are today. We know physics is not, so this is moot.
  17. Your personal experience makes it an anecdote rather than fact. One would need to point to systematic studies, as CharonY did above, to make a case for saying something works.
  18. We’ve established that coroner did not say they did. Someone else said it. We don’t know how familiar the pathologist was with the case, and if it was a doctor who was interviewed to get a quote, we don’t know exactly what the reporter asked them. We’ve also established that there are circumstances where you can’t breathe through your mouth. So we’ve covered this.There are situations where you can’t breathe through your mouth but could breathe through your nose. Perhaps that was what the pathologist was referring to. It’s not clear.
  19. Does this process (the entire process) destroy water?
  20. I don’t know. I’m not a pathologist. Yes, most of the time.
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