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Everything posted by swansont

  1. You don’t save energy by doing it in stages, and assembling everything in space has the overhead of launching all the parts - including spare parts - into orbit. Plus, as the recent launch showed, launching can be fairly destructive to the surroundings, so you wouldn’t want to do that anywhere near a space station.
  2. People keep kicking them. They handle one more than the other.
  3. Except you didn’t/won’t actually answer the question, and just restate your assertion that it’s not rare. Note that “medical intervention” is not synonymous with reassignment surgery OTOH, there’s this Genital surgeries performed on minors are rare, but surgeons say interest is growing. The Komodo analysis of insurance claims found 56 genital surgeries, including vaginoplasty and other procedures, among patients ages 13 to 17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2019 to 2021. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-care/ Less than 20 a year in the US. If you read past the headline you’ll find that they say “The survey of 1,655 parents, published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, found that more than half of the parents who were referred to gender therapists said they felt directed to put their kids on medical treatments or change their wardrobe.” (emphasis added) Further, if you read the paper, it says Parents were asked whether they had felt pressure from a “gender clinic or specialist” to transition their child socially or medically. Of the 390 parents who answered this question, 51.8% (N = 202) answered “yes,” so that article claim is a lie (color me shocked) - it’s not half of the 1655, it’s half of 390, and so it’s less than an eighth of the number surveyed. And we don’t have an indication of how many just bought new clothing. (New clothing, to me, doesn’t seem like a big deal.)
  4. Not to mention internet archives. Deleting all instances of a post means deleting where someone quotes the post, and asking that these be deleted means one is saying that their request supersedes anyone else’s desire to preserve their posts. No, that’s not going to happen.
  5. Sex change industry? How old is “old enough”? How many reassignment surgeries are done on minors? Compared to, say, breast augmentation surgeries? There doesn’t seem to be any uproar about the latter. Do you have evidence that this happens?
  6. OTOH, if you’re not built for a position, or the sport, you tend not to play it. (That doesn’t just apply to gridiron football)
  7. What, specifically, is the problem?
  8. Good point - it’s in Leviticus, which forbids a whole craptonne of things that are ignored.
  9. It’s an antacid, but not particularly soluble. But they don’t say specifically what happens to the carbon. If it precipitates out (Magnesium bicarbonate?) then the ocean can absorb more CO2.
  10. That would be nurture, then, right? If you have to be told not to do something you might be inclined to do otherwise…
  11. The main point was that you did not substantiate your claim - a long-standing pattern - and stated a conclusion without actual evidence or eliminating other possible explanations. IOW, not providing any proof and yet claiming that something was proven. No links, not even to the infographic you pisted.
  12. Links? Citations? Pretend this is a scientific discussion. No mention of Iceland in your link.
  13. Or that boats dock on the coast, and that the EEZ is 200 miles.
  14. The negatively charged particles aren’t atoms, they are electrons. The fission fragments are the positively charged atoms.
  15. gamer87 has been suspended for repeatedly bringing up a closed topic.
  16. ! Moderator Note Your silica gel discussion privileges have been used up.
  17. It depends on how highly ionized they are
  18. They have a magnetic moment, though, so they can be affected by a magnetic field and have been confined in a magnetic trap. But these neutrons were slowed by other means.
  19. Once you decide that physical law doesn’t apply, you can’t use those laws to describe the behavior. It’s all interconnected.
  20. Light doesn’t need to diverge for this implementation. A 1 m^2 non-diverging beam projected on to the ground will cover more than that area if the angle isn’t 90 degrees. Probably by 1/sin(theta)
  21. It’s curious that you specify a detonator when it could be any sort of electronics. But as exchemist suggests, a common thermostat will do this, as will thermocouple and thermistor circuits.
  22. The invariance of the speed of light can be found in the theory, which is confirmed by experiment. That the value was finite dates back to at least the late 1600s https://www.amnh.org/learn-teach/curriculum-collections/cosmic-horizons-book/ole-roemer-speed-of-light All this, and evolution from a common ancestor - all was backed by evidence, and had a theoretical foundation. That’s what convinced people.
  23. A derisive term for newer development “cookie cutter” developments is McMansion
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