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Everything posted by swansont

  1. Where are these clear photos? Especially considering the advances in photographic equipment available to the average person, and its widespread availability. https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/settled.png They can only be considered real if there is evidence that shows it. Asking for evidence that aliens don’t exist is a non-starter. It’s asking to prove a negative. There is evidence of leaks in the government, of high-level secrets, so if aliens exist, then both can be true. But it’s a plausibility argument. Why do people leak all of these other secrets, but the evidence of aliens is somehow not subject to these same motivations?
  2. Burden of proof is with the people claiming aliens.
  3. ! Moderator Note This isn’t a conspiracy discussion site.
  4. It’s an anonymous source whose claims can’t be corroborated How does one conclude that they are credible, while others with similar credentials, who deny the existence of aliens, are not?
  5. His brother, Covalent
  6. Stir it vigorously
  7. Why is it astronomically (excuse me, ASTRONOMICALLY) unlikely? Where do you think other viruses came from before we had research labs? One issue here is your insistence that an event is unlikely, without any justification. Another is the line of reasoning that if you can’t wrap your head around something, it must be wrong. Argument from incredulity is a fallacy.
  8. Welcome back

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MigL


      Good to have you back Mordred.

    3. Mordred


      Well two nights in a row so I may also be hitting server maintenance while in edit mode. Not a biggie just now have to redo the fix I had completed and added to lmao.

    4. Mordred


      well trying to insert an image screwed it this time around not time out.  this was the 4th time I had to correct the latex. LOL I was going to write up the relevent info on the CKM mixing matrix but I'm tired of it getting screwed up

  9. There’s plenty of evidence that players do care about their fans. Many of them run their own foundations to support some cause. Judge, for example, started the All Rise foundation https://www.aaronjudgeallrisefoundation.org Why is it the players are tagged as greedy for wanting millions, when the owners of these franchises are worth billions?
  10. ! Moderator Note You need to provide evidence that the premise is true - that the vaccines are dangerous - before you proceed to arguments based on it ! Moderator Note We are not discussing gun control in this thread
  11. a^1 = a
  12. I have to amend my previous statement. They can interfere under other situations, depending on the kind of entanglement. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-68181-1 Interference does not affect the frequency.
  13. The only opportunity for interference would be at the point where they cross.
  14. ! Moderator Note You need to post the arguments here, rather than just link to a video.
  15. Likely isn’t the issue. Unlikely things happen all the time. Saying that something couldn’t have happened because it wasn’t likely is an incredibly naïve argument.
  16. N photons? You’re the one saying that there are no particles. How can you invoke Nhf, which admits to the existence of particles? Your proposal is that the EM energy is not quantized, so why can’t the quantized amount be absorbed, leaving the remainder? When you don’t present a consistent argument, it suggests you don’t have an actual model, which is a requirement for discussion in speculations. Not liking things in physics isn’t far from appeal to personal incredulity, which is a fallacy. If you’re not trolling, then stop doing things that look like trolling. The photoelectric effect does not do this, and if you can find an example if a 2 eV photon undergoing compton scattering off of an atom, please present it.
  17. How does research in a lab preclude transmission in nature?
  18. Why don’t atoms absorb part of the energy of an EM wave? e.g. a 2 eV emission hitting an atom that allows a 1 eV excitation.
  19. The presence of the virtual particles inferred by the vacuum energy, but the Casimir force is from the exclusion of some of the vacuum energy states. One need not invoke virtual particle pairs (or their absence) to explain the Casimir force. Although the Casimir effect can be expressed in terms of virtual particles interacting with the objects, it is best described and more easily calculated in terms of the zero-point energy of a quantized field in the intervening space between the objects. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_effect
  20. So they can’t be phenomena? And we shouldn’t let go of the idea that they are entities? Can you please give a consistent position?
  21. Particle phenomena? Wave phenomena?
  22. Which are not evidence of particles, so what is your point? Ah, I see we’ve moved the goalposts. You asked about evidence of particles, but now it’s “particles existing between interactions” Evidence of wave behavior is evidence of wave behavior. Evidence of particle behavior is evidence of particle behavior
  23. But can be detected. Quanta that are consistent with observation. Is there any evidence other than all the evidence? How else are you going to detect something other than some interaction?
  24. Those are catalysts for proton fusion, producing helium. Eventually you don’t have enough fuel for continued fusion in this process. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNO_cycle
  25. There are fibers that don’t. polarization entanglement has been demonstrated over 96 km of fiber https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1818752116
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