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Everything posted by swansont

  1. trevorjohnson32 has been banned because enough is enough
  2. I believe you have a sign error here.
  3. ! Moderator Note And yet here you are. As long as you choose to be here, you need to comply with our rules
  4. It’s a simulation, and it’s light entering a medium where the speed of light will be c/n and not invariant. Even if it wasn’t a simulation, how would you know what direction the “experiment” was moving?
  5. It’s incumbent on a poster to make such connections and explain the relevance of it. In this case, some work that cites a work tying K-K theory to entanglement. Just seeing mention of a fifth dimension and knowing there’s a hypothesis with five dimensions is speculation without it. For you to think this is not speculation, surely you have a citation in mind. Please share it.
  6. This assumes they were only trying to hit military positions.
  7. Can you hand me a gravity field?
  8. You’re being obtuse. A rock does not need to read our mind to fall under the influence of gravity. That would indeed be absurd. It falls, and we want to know about its motion. So we come up with equations which allow us to do that. Gravity exists all around us, we can assign a magnitude and direction to any point we choose, and it has these values independent of anyone’s thought.
  9. Correlation is not an interaction, and the correlation is present at the beginning. This applies to you, too.
  10. The abstraction is in how we understand how particles behave.
  11. The predictable reaction is a correlation that was already present. That’s all that the experiment demonstrates. Where is the demonstration of a signal that does not rely on this correlation?
  12. You claim to have the answer. But how can you demonstrate that there is a signal?
  13. If you claim there is a signal, the burden of proof is yours - you must provide independent evidence of it. QM doesn’t require it. QM doesn’t have an interaction you can point to. So what’s your independent evidence? Without it this is just circular reasoning They can be the same, as well. For example, type I parametric down-conversion gives photons of the same polarization.
  14. In science we can’t just assume this, though. And you need independent verification of the signal - the measured correlation isn’t evidence of it. Argument from incredulity is a fallacy, though, and carries no weight. Co-opting terminology is just bad form. “signal” has to mean the same thing for everyone. There is no signal- no interaction - between the entangled particles. Indeed. So dispense with the “undeserved reality” of a signal.
  15. Yes. Why do you think this is a problem? If fields weren’t abstract you couldn’t design a television.
  16. You said “the idea that a field is numbers assigned to space points. How these numbers are written into space points is left up to magic” Take an electric field. It’s the force per unit charge a charge would experience at any given point. One can calculate it - it’s math, not magic. “Since a particle has many properties just one number at a space point won't specify the particle completely” joigus already addressed this. There are more than scalar fields, and there can be more than one field. Fields aren’t made of anything. It’s mathematical modeling. Arthur C. Clarke’s three laws. The third is “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”
  17. That you don’t understand doesn’t make it magic. It just seems like it (a corollary to Clarke’s Third Law)
  18. No, it’s not. It’s assumed by you, but it’s not a falsifiable assumption. Much like EM waves were not evidence of an aether. Science requires evidence to back up such claims. There is no interaction in the theory. It’s assumed because of classical physics preconceptions Nobody has disagreed that the states are undetermined. Everyone has confirmed it.
  19. The correlations are confirmed, but you have presented no evidence of a signal. You just assume it’s there. But repetition of the claim is not evidence.
  20. Electrical tape isn’t conductive, it’s an insulator. It doesn’t do much to attenuate the wave. To attenuate an EM wave through a gap, the conductor needs to have a minimum length. You can think of a wave that hits the gap when the wave amplitude is at its minimum; the conductor has a minimal effect, so the wave can still get through it. This is why penetrations of a Faraday cage/EMP enclosure have diameter and length specifications
  21. EM waves can leak through small gaps. True EM protection requires a certain length for it to act as a waveguide below cutoff.
  22. Permits for making fuel or registering as a distiller, but not in a residential building Fortunately Phi shared a link elsewhere to a summary of areas of the US code that apply https://www.ttb.gov/distilled-spirits/penalties-for-illegal-distilling#:~:text=TTB Glossary-,Home Distilling,26 United States Code (U.S.C.) But 100% of the OP’s posted from there
  23. ! Moderator Note It’s illegal in the US to make moonshine for personal consumption.
  24. ! Moderator Note And I moved it to the trash. Post in your existing thread. Don't just upload documents.
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