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Everything posted by swansont

  1. Black holes are one example of a singularity. Not all singularities are black holes. Optical singularities would likely have nothing to do with GR phenomena. The Laser Focus World link explains one kind of circular polarization optical singularity The waves interfere constructively in the bright outer zone, and destructively in the inner dark area, forming the central vortex where the amplitude is zero and the phase is thus undefined.
  2. ! Moderator Note No, but the question was about articles on tachyons, and a search engine should be the first option for that.
  3. ! Moderator Note Browse>Guidelines From 2.3 Descriptions of the construction or synthesis of illegal or hazardous devices or chemicals are subject to removal at the discretion of the staff
  4. (Chad) Heartily endorse. He had some awesome collaborators.
  5. ! Moderator Note This is wholly inappropriate
  6. SergUpstart has been banned for repeated and persistent thread hijacking, and bad-faith arguments (specifically, propaganda)
  7. And now we can possibly put into context the CIA noticing that informants were going missing. Did TFG sell them out? https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/26/us/politics/trump-affidavit-intelligence-spies.html
  8. A bad business owner does not. (I thought this was obvious). Businesses fail all the time. An owner may decide that they are doing well enough, and including a product that e.g. has a lower profit margin would mean less income. They don’t want to take the risk. ”the market will decide” is an idealized view. It’s an aphorism. It’s sort of true, it’s useful as an approximation, but there are exceptions.
  9. At the store. On the company website. Twitter. Facebook. If the market decided this would be automatic. But if there are bad business owners, it means that the market does not decide.
  10. If there are no dresses with pockets being sold, they have no choice. The market has not fulfilled the demand
  11. A clock will read a later time, of course. What does that have to do with expansion?
  12. Was that Shaq? I remember Barkley saying he wasn't a role model.
  13. But if this rate changes for everything, why does it matter? Everything that changes is referenced to that rate. And of it's static, it doesn't matter at all. Then it's tied to something that's not measurable. If you use an arbitrary rate, it will be some constant multiplicative of the rate we observe, which is just a constant of proportionality that gets lumped in with any other constants of proportionality. It's meaningless from a physical point of view.
  14. I wasn't looking to refute anything (how does one refute a question?) I was trying to point out that we already know the answer is that time is not a constant. So if you are meaning something else, you need to rephrase the question. There is no theoretical or experimental evidence that this is the case. If there was some universal change in time and it affected everyone, how would we notice it? And if it was not universal, we should notice it. If the black hole decays so that there is no longer a black hole, there is no longer a singularity. (if there ever was one, since they are considered to be unphysical)
  15. Which is why they would sunburn more quickly. There would be more UV. To be killed by the ionizing radiation, the exposure time would likely be measured in days or possibly weeks. Keep in mind the measures astronauts have to protect them are limited, and they can survive on the ISS for months, and do spacewalks. It's not like their suits are made of 10-cm thick lead.
  16. It's a solid state device. There's no liquid or gas to leak.
  17. You seem to be switching between expansion and inflation as if they are the same thing, and they aren't. They have measured time dilation owing to expansion by comparing the light curves of type Ia supernovas, and of quasars.
  18. There may be issues with that when the ground freezes and you can't dig up lines that need attention. Plus, digging is expensive and as Peterkin notes, that's a big issue when long distances are in play
  19. This reads like word salad, TBH. How does one measure what is the "best way forward"? Is there an objective measure of this? What is it?
  20. As I pointed out before, time passes at different rates in different frames of reference, and this has been shown empirically. Regardless of whatever conjecture you might have, you need to start out from what we have already shown. I don't know what "undefined motion" means
  21. This is a picture of a laser diode with the protective housing removed. The picture scale is less than 1 cm across. You can see tiny wires going to the laser and to its substrate - this puts the voltage across it and allows current to flow. These can break. There are also wires leading from the power supply to the laser assembly. These could possibly break, too
  22. I use the latter, myself.
  23. Apparently so; I’d not run across it until now. Same issue as for DVD/CD players, most likely. You might break a wire or mess up the lens positioning.
  24. Not sure why that would kill them. They might get a sunburn after 5-10 minutes. Fatal radiation damage would likely take a while
  25. The market does not decide, at least not completely. If it did, I would not see people complaining that dresses do not (in general) have pockets. The market does not decide when there are huge corporations that use their size and influence to stifle competition and keep innovation from the market. What is the connection to AI?
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