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Everything posted by swansont

  1. Proactively. Always proactively.
  2. Yeah. We don't want "Oops, we dropped a minus sign" to be the last words of humankind.
  3. Anomalous dispersion happens near an absorption peak; the index of refraction gets modified by a [math]d \alpha/d \lambda[/math] term' date=' where [sup'][math] \alpha[/math][/sup] is the absorption coefficient, like this The "FTL" phenomena happen in specially-prepared media that have the normal absorption coefficients modified by putting the atoms in a particular set of states that are different that the ones for a material in thermal equilibrium.
  4. You can only do work on an object if you are exerting a force. Once you cease exerting the force, you cannot change the KE.
  5. I guess you didn't read post #3. Venus is inclined less than the moon is. I don't think the inclination angle has anything to do with stability - it's not like the angle is changing.
  6. At which point the sergeant bellowed, "You don't call me sir! I know who my parents are!" (or "I work for a living!")
  7. Almost right. Potential energy is the work done against gravity. Work done can also result in KE, so you have to account for that, too. But often problems are worded so that the speed is zero or constant, so there either is no KE or it has not changed.
  8. The time elapsed between the seeing the first dot and the last dot.
  9. That's the same effect. But now use a screen that's far away. The distance from the beginning dot to the end dot, divided by the time it takes, can exceed c.
  10. The eartg is dated to ~4.5 billion years because that's the age of the matter in that form. Before that it was supernova leftovers that eventually coelesced. Before that it was part of a star, and prior to that a different star, in the form of hydrogen. It's not that things aged differently. You are measuring to different starting points.
  11. The medium re-shaped the pulse. The gas was prepared in a way that it cohernetly aplified the signal. When the first part of the pulse went in, it got amplified. The front of the pulse became the peak. In the frequency-decomposition picture, instead of the red, green and blue peaks lining up as they normally would when passing through a dispersive medium, they were reshaped because the blue and red behaved differently. The peak (where the colors add up, i.e. in phase) moved forward relative to the normal peak. The peak didn't travel at c - it went faster - but the light, as a whole, did. The light pulse is not infinitely thin in time or space.
  12. You have particles travelling at different speed than waves.
  13. Atheist already mentioned that you have quantized speeds. How do you account for wave-particle duality, seeing as you have made the behavior of waves and particles distinct?
  14. I cannot emphasize enough the truth of those two statements. And, if I may clarify the second one a bit - saying "that statement is stupid" is NOT the same as saying "you are stupid for making that statement"
  15. Anomalous dispersion A longer explanation of one superluminal phenomenon that uses anomalous dispersion.
  16. No, it really isn't. The theory doesn't address that circumstance. There is no valid answer. It's no different than asking, "If I build a perpetual motion machine, what color would it be?"
  17. The standard crackpot reply is "think outside the box" but I think your statement is equivalent. You've come a long way from "the expression is still very messy and there are big holes." Now, it seems, anyone with anything but glowing support for your musings just isn't capable of understanding it. You can spout off all you want about this, but until you make an actual prediction, it's garbage. Define your terms. Quantify your statements.
  18. swansont

    Free ipod?

    Yes. I got a 15 GB one about 18 months ago. Love it. I listen to it mostly at the gym, and also in the car on long trips (I bought the iTrip FM transmitter from Griffin technology, which allows me to play on an unused frequency on any radio)
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