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Everything posted by swansont

  1. The word chlorine comes from chloros, which means "green." So maybe it's the chlorine. Poisonous, BTW, as a gas.
  2. Any scenario that follows the pattern of "This is impossible, but what would happen if..." is ill-formed.
  3. That should be easy to estimate, if you know the pressure. Assuming an isothermal process, PV will be a constant. P must always be greater than atmosphere to eject the water, so you want to make it so that P is 1 ATM when the volume is that of the bottle. If you can pump to 2 ATM, then you want half air, half water. 3 ATM, 1/3 air. Add maybe a 10% safety margin (more air) to make sure you're ejecting all the water with a downward velocity.
  4. As far as silencers, go, read the silencers bit on the Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics page. Scroll down to "The Sound of Movies" (You may want to pause and read "The Attractive Force of Glass" The last bit about the shooter recoiling too was added just a few days after I suggested it. Coincidence? )
  5. The reviewers are chosen by the journal, though you can offer suggestions for suitible candidates when you submit the paper.
  6. I think you have a very basic misunderstanding of what is happening in these quantum teleportation experiments.
  7. Here is an overview of Paschen's law, and the breakdown voltages of various gases.
  8. swansont


    So using it for a proposed Mars trip would be a) revolutionary b) obvious
  9. Human physiology isn't a matter of how a particular atom is spin-polarized.
  10. And when researching special relativity and quantum mechanics, you can leave logic far, far behind.
  11. TIR only happens for light entering a medium of lower index, so it will never happen for light going from air to glass. It will occur if light tries to exit glass at certain angles, which is how multimode optical fiber works.
  12. swansont


    Use whatever, just not text-message shorthand. I find that quite annoying and have a hard time believing that anyone is typing posts on their phone keypad.
  13. The atoms aren't being teleported. Data encoded in them is. So "this" technology is never going to advance to that point. The reason this is being done isn't to make a Star Trek transporter. It's because classically the fidelity is 0.5 - i.e. you lose half of the information about the states. Using quantum entanglement you can theoretically achieve 100% fidelity. Experiments have shown >0.5, demonstrating that the classical limit has been beaten.
  14. True for me as well. Generally the only people I correct are people who should know better and address me as "Mr." anyway, rather than by my first name (I mean, if you're going to get formal on me all of the sudden, you might at least get it right) I also find that people who have degrees that they didn't really earn (honorary or purchased at a diploma mill or unaccredited school) are more likely to insist on being called "doctor." The people who are impressed by your title alone are invariably the ones you don't want to waste time impressing. People you'd like to impress aren't going to be impressed just by the title.
  15. There is no radial force. It's an illusion because you are in a rotating reference frame when you look at it from the wire or bead's point of view. The force is always tangential in an inertial frame.
  16. If there was any sulfuric acid in the water it would tend to turn yellow when the acid decomposed.
  17. swansont


    ~10 keV X-rays aren't going to eject neutrons from Al. The energy required to eject a neutron from Al-27 is about 13 MeV. You are probably thinking of alpha scattering experiments. edit: used "alpha" instead of the tex. It worked in preview mode, though...
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