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Everything posted by swansont

  1. I found stats for the US from 1995, from the Monthly statistics report Vol. 45, No. 11, Supplement, from the CDC: from Table 12: Total .....................3,899,589 January ....................316,013 February ...................295,094 March .......................328,503 April .........................309,119 May ..........................334,543 June ..........................329,805 July ...........................340,873 August .......................350,737 September .................339,103 October .....................330,012 November ..................310,817 December ..................314,970 I don't see anything that suggests a mating season.
  2. And the whole radio spectrum, and more - blackbody radiation is a continuum. It's just peaked in the IR for what we consider "warm."
  3. True, but that's the reaction that happens near a nucleus. The nucleus recoil preserves momentum.
  4. An object's macroscopic motion is dictated by the forces acting on it, not by the forces it exerts.
  5. Read the other several posts on quantum entanglement, teleportation and faster-that-light communication that are around.
  6. Which will be tough, since (as I tried to say before) you remove the alleged causes and the alleged effect is still there. But I don't agree that seasonal variation in birth rates is the same as a mating season. It could easily be e.g. just nothing better to do on a long winter night. (Or nothing good on TV in the present) Women are, in principle, receptive to sex and able to conceive year 'round. That means (to me) to be the same as "no mating season."
  7. A penguin takes his sputtering car to a mechanic to be fixed. The mechanic says "it could take a while to service your car, come back in about 3 hours." So the penguin waddles over to the ice cream parlor across the street and gorges on ice cream for 3 hours straight. The penguin waddles back to the garage and the mechanic says "it looks like you blew a seal." So the penguin says "no, it's just ice cream."
  8. He's doing well as a sit-down comedian for the moment.
  9. No, it's not. Teleportation requires a classical channel, i.e. limited by c. Fromn one of many articles on a recent experiment(emphasis mine): "The first step was to "entangle" two of the atoms. Their quantum properties were then precisely measured (doing so destroys the original quantum state) and those properties were then replicated by laser in the third atom, located eight microns (about a thousandth of an inch) away." This snippet makes the two points I've been hammering on for some time now: The measurement destroys the entanglement, and the information transfer is limited by c.
  10. I don't see how that follows.
  11. He balloon moves forward, CO2 balloon moves backward. From Newton's first law, the air in the van doesn't move forward with it until it builds up pressure to give it the required acceleration, so it builds up a little in the back. This exerts a pressure on the balloons and since the He is lighter, it is displaced forward relative to the van.
  12. Just last week it was announced that there were new findings in CP violations in B meson decay, with large asymmetries in the matter vs. antimatter decays - much larger than previously seen in Kaon decays.
  13. Or, you could do what is probably recommended in the instructions: let it sit for a minute or two before eating. This gives the food time to equilibrate - the hot spots cool, and the cold spots heat up, due to good ol' conduction.
  14. let me add: We discussed microwave "dead zones" in the "ant in a microwave" thread. Add to that the feedback effect that frozen water is less likely to absorb the radiation than liquid water. So the area that defrosts first will then tend to be a more efficient absorber and heat up even faster. It's not so much the Hot Pockets engineers conspiring against you. It's Mother Nature herself.
  15. IOW, the second law of thermodynamics is a harsh mistress. Hardly a news flash. But snpssaini implied energy creation, and that it was a simple correction everybody else's wrong unbalanced wheel.
  16. You can state it a tad stronger than that. All conservation laws are equivalent to symmetries in the universe, by Noether's theorem (that's theorem, not theory; it's math without any conjecture) Conservation of energy is equivalent to time translation symmetry (this is not the same as time reversal, as in CPT). IOW, the laws of physics must change over time in order for energy not to be conserved.
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