When you speak of "opposites attract, likes repel" it usually indicates ferromagnetism, aka "permanent" magnets. Ferromagnetism in materials is due to unpaired electron spin. Not all materials have unpaired electrons, and most materials are not ferromagnetic.
Ferromagnetism isn't the only type. There is also diamagnetism and paramagnetism.
Of the elements, iron, nickel and cobalt are ferromagnetic with curie points above room temperature, and gadolinium is right around room temperature. A couple other rare-earth elements are below room temp. The other types respond to external fields, either being attracted to or repelled by the external field, because of the response of the electrons to the external fields.
Also, antimatter has been created in a lot of places other than CERN. And trapping ions or charges is pretty trivial. Even neutral atoms, under the right conditions, can be stored in magneto-optic or magnetic traps.