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Everything posted by swansont

  1. Protons and neutrons couple by the strong nuclear force. There is an energy dependence of nucleons on spin, but that is at least in part a consequence of the Pauli exclusion principle (e.g. in Tritium, the neutrons would have to have anti-aligned spins to be in the same energy level)
  2. The magnets are doing no work and expending no energy. Just as my table, in holding up my lamp against the pull of gravity, is expending no energy. Or is my table an infinite energy source?
  3. It's called Kleiber's Law. Basically it goes as C * M3/4, where M is mass and C is a constant that is different for different types of animals. It seems to work for metabolism, heart rate, and lifespan. Lung surface area and encephalization quotient follow the same relationship, but all these things are inter-related, so scaling the same way shouldn't be too surprising. So birds would have a different constant than mammals which would be different from amphibians.
  4. The antineutron will have the opposite magnetic moment of the neutron.
  5. Show your work.
  6. There are antineutrons. They are also neutral.
  7. Whatever you checked was wrong. A proton is made up of three quarks, uud (two "up" quarks and one "down") A neutron is udd A neutron can decay into a proton (d->u quark), but the opposite can happen as well.
  8. Things behave as if they were waves. The wavelength is h/p, where h is Plack's constant and p is momentum. So things that we often call particles also exhibit wave behavior, like interference and diffraction.
  9. What about Alka-Seltzer (or equivalent) or pop-rocks? They would seem to fit the bill. [responsible adult mode]I really don't recommend trying this mind you[/adult mode] I recall hearing a story of someone who swallowed the alka-seltzer tablets instead of dissolving them in water, as one is supposed to (they effervesce), and he supposedly burped for a long time.
  10. The hot side of the peltier device has to be hotter than the surroundings (and the cold side colder) in order to be able to transfer heat. The temperatures you achieve will be in relation to the ambient temperature rather than some absolute. The amount of power depends on how big the device is and how much heat transfer is going on.
  11. Magnetic trap. Doesn't touch anything for a while, if you've got a good vacuum.
  12. I've heard lots of euphemisms before, but I never heard it referred to as a resume´ and never knew a lawyer well enough to tell if hers was scented. Oh, wait. You actually meant resume´. Never mind.
  13. "First Amendment," to me, implies US Constitution. A Google search shows that the Russian Constitution's free speech section is Article 29. It was not I that changed the subject in this exchange.
  14. Click here
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