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Everything posted by swansont

  1. Direction depends on your coordinate system. As far as one can tell the basic nature of space is isotropic - there is no preferred direction.
  2. Bill Phillips, Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman or Steven Chu?
  3. Of the ground state hyperfine levels, with no perturbations (i.e. no E or B field)
  4. Cs melting point is about 28.5 C, so it's close to melting at room temp. IIRC Rb is about 37 C. I think it's lower as you move down the list of alkalis, and they become more reactive as well. (Only Fr is below Cs, and as has been noted, there are no stable Fr isotopes) The problem with an alkali melting is that it will then flow, and expose more surface to the air, which can then react.
  5. I won't be turning my back on you then
  6. Depends on what you mean by "visible." A group at Stony Brook trapped 210Fr and took pictures of the fluorescence.
  7. It's not animated, but try this
  8. Yest, the point will move faster than c. No, it doesn't necessarily mean we see a discrete set of points - it depends on the photon flux. You could see this effect on a much smaller scale if the photons were emitted slowly (rate-wise) enough. [pre-emptive]Oh, and this doesn't violate relativity, either.[/pre-emptive]
  9. Neutrinos maximally violate parity. All neutrinos are left-handed; the spin vector and linear momentum vector always have the same relationship.
  10. swansont

    are atoms real

  11. swansont

    E = mc EE 2 ?

    It can, and does, happen at any energy as long as dE dT < hbar/2 You don't get two gammas because you weren't following conservation of energy to begin with.
  12. That's a bold statement - it implies Windoze doesn't suck on a desktop machine.
  13. The thermodynamic arrow of time isn't a measure of time. It's just the observation that there are irreversible processes once you get to macroscopic collections of particles. Spacetime isn't time - it's a 4-dimensional vector that's used to describe things, as relativity insists that the universe is four dimensional, and how you move through space affects how you move through time.
  14. Phonons are vibrational modes, so yes, they relate to sound as well as heat. It's more accurate to say that heat can only travel across a vacuum as photons, since you can't have conduction or convection.
  15. swansont

    are atoms real

    They've all been individually detected. Nature behaves as if they are all real things.
  16. swansont

    Why ?

    It is?
  17. Discussed, and disgust, earlier
  18. But there's enough inclination (about 5 degrees) that we don't get an eclipse every new/full moon.
  19. Lasers, spectoscopy setups for frequency locking, electronics and optics (lenses, polarizing beamsplitters, waveplates, fibers) Here is one expertimental setup. Needless to say, it has not yet been miniaturized to the point of a computer yet. Howver, it's easy to show that things can get smaller for similar setups.
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