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Everything posted by swansont

  1. Really? What is the phrasing of the document that guarantees you right to free speech here in the US?
  2. But they weren't really related. Right. Tribalism. The initiation into one group is the rejection of the other.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_theorem Searching on shell theorem derivation will yield a number of other results, but they are all going to involve the same basic bits of calculus.
  4. The right of freedom of speech involves the government. This forum isn’t run by any government, so it’s a non-issue. You are visiting a place that belongs to someone else. You are a guest here. Limitations on your speech are well within the authority of those who run this place. And, of course, disagreement in no way infringes on your right, and neither does being held accountable by others for what you say.
  5. Why would the index equal gamma? I’m looking for a physics justification. Not something you’re just making up.
  6. It’s a matter of getting you to follow the rules. Refusing to do so seems combative to me. I don’t see how this relates to time dilation causing anything.
  7. A city of 40k people is rural? And, to iNow’s point, a story about one person can somehow be applied to all? Please do better.
  8. Thread deletion on demand is no longer our policy (and hasn’t been for a long time)
  9. No, it’s not. This is something you made up. Did you ever read rule 2.7? This suggests you have not. members should be able to participate in the discussion without clicking any links or watching any videos. … Attached documents should be for support material only; material for discussion must be posted
  10. Because you listened to a car salesman.
  11. You said time dilation causes the refraction and now you’re saying it’s the other way. And without actually showing where time dilation is involved.
  12. Perhaps she is less shallow than you are, and also cares not a whit what you think about her personal preferences.
  13. And how is that caused by time dilation?
  14. Where are the plates? I though you agreed there are none, in cosmology.
  15. Adding money only solves a problem if you are underfunded - that you can't buy some equipment or there's labor not happening and you can hire people to do it. So yes, if you need flanges and gaskets for your vacuum system because you lack funding, then more money helps. If you need someone to tighten the bolts because you can't fund that job, then adding money helps. Do you have any evidence that this is an actual bottleneck? Adding money can actually slow you down, since you need to figure out what to spend it on. If you're already adequately funded, it won't be obvious what should be on your shopping list. We've had times in my current job where the research ground to a halt because we were handed money (often at the end of the fiscal year, where not spending it runs the risk of future budget cuts) and had to figure out what to spend it on, look at equipment specs, get the required quotes, etc. There are things you shouldn't buy in advance, so "let's buy a spare <whatever>" may not be a good use of money. Some things in research just take time. As the saying goes, it takes 9 months for a woman to make a baby. You can't use 9 women to make a baby in one month.
  16. What does any of this have to do with the Casimir effect?
  17. Well, I disagree, but in any event you need to address objections to your idea. You can’t ignore the fact that your claim that time dilation causes optical deflection fails in the situation I described, which falsifies the hypothesis that it’s caused by time dilation.
  18. Once again, it sounds like you are just rearranging variables and constants without regard for any physics interactions or processes. e.g. there is no "Planck Force" as an interaction, it's just the expression of force using Planck units.
  19. The ability to predict gravitational effects on light by applying Snell's Law to the graded time dilation field surrounding a massive object does not mean the implication is that all gravitational effects are purely the result of time dilation. (I lifted this from your redundant thread; the rules ray that one must be able to participate without clicking any links, as you should now know) Time dilation is the result of GR, as are effects on light. It's not unreasonable to think that you could parameterize and/or recombine the equations to cast the effects on light in terms of time dilation. If you want to show something is causal, you need to isolate it from other possible causal effects. i.e. show that there are effects on light where time dilation occurs but where gravity is absent, or where you have a constant gravitational potential. Does light bend in a rapidly moving reference frame at constant velocity, where time dilation would be easily noticeable?
  20. I agree with exchemist here – this is a longstanding project. I doubt global warming has done anything to speed up results. I did a postdoc at an accelerator lab, which is another example of a large project. The pace is dictated by technical and logistical issues.
  21. It only took them 25 years to double the power, and no mention about how far from the end line they are. Though they did admit to being >25 years away from that.
  22. The basics are pretty simple. CO2 lagged in previous warming episodes. The difference now is that we have anthropogenic sources that were not present in those cases. CO2 causes warming, regardless of being part of a feedback (e.g. release of dissolved CO2 as oceans warm up), or if it’s a forcing (CO2 from burning fossil fuels) What was missing in this thread was the mention of other effects such as Milankovitch cycles (orbital effects); various ones that have periods measured in tens of thousands of years, but which have negligible effect over the course of a couple of hundred years. Changing the axial tilt, the precession of that tilt, and the eccentricity of the orbit all change the effect of solar radiation. IOW, focusing only on CO2 is a sin of omission.
  23. All of the energy goes into space - where else could it go? (for the -18C calculation there is no atmosphere)
  24. IOW, the deviations from a blackbody (perfect radiator and absorber) can either be compensated for in the calculations (e.g. reflection by knowing the albedo) or they aren't going to meaningfully affect the result at our level of discussion.
  25. A reminder that status updates are not to be used as a substitute for posting in the forums.
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