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Everything posted by swansont

  1. Can you give an example? There is an argument that QM is more fundamental; classical is what you get in the limit as you move from small scales to large.
  2. How is this identifying which path, and how do are you then obscuring this information?
  3. Spin is kind of an add-on; the spatial wave function is what you get by solving the Schrödinger equation. Those quantum numbers don’t represent the entangled state, so you’re free to do linear combinations. But not so with the spin states.
  4. Right. That's where the entanglement is. Not the other quantum numbers. If you can do a linear combination, you aren't describing an entangled system. But IIRC this method is describing the non-entangled states, and generally doesn't include spin.
  5. I'm confused. Are you saying your equation is not derived using the Coulomb force equation?
  6. You already have examples of both attitudes and government policy enacted while TFG was in office that you can look at to inform you.
  7. For spin projection; one is up the other down. By identifying the orbital that's involved in the bonding you've already determined the principal and azimuthal quantum numbers (n and l). The magnetic levels (m) would not be determined if l ≠ 0 It's a trivial case, and they became entangled when the atom formed. There is no continued interaction that causes this; the entanglement of the spins arises from the Pauli exclusion principle, not the electromagnetic interaction of the bond.
  8. Entanglement means the particles can’t be described by separate wave functions. There is a wave function that describes the composite system.
  9. Name-calling with an agenda. It's a dog-whistle to others to insult and categorize you, and also, by doing so, the implication is that nobody needs to engage you on the substance of any topic. It is or at least is a close cousin to an ad hominem argument - "you are wrong because you are <belittling description>"
  10. Where did you get your data? No, it didn't. But also, it's not necessarily by personal, individual choice.
  11. Another thing from the military (though not exclusively military, of course) was called "attention to detail"
  12. Perhaps it takes on a different air when you consider that these are likely not one-off events. People are being denigrated on a daily basis, perhaps multiple times a day. I'd imagine I'd get sick of it, too, and here I only have to put up with being called e.g. swansnot on occasion. I typically let it slide. When it keeps happening I have to wonder if it's deliberate, and I say something. If that was my continual existence, though? I imagine it would have a greater impact and wear me down. I can't truly fathom what it would like to be belittled for whatever characteristics of what I look like or how I am. The reality is likely far, far worse than what I can imagine. So maybe characterizing this as petty political correctness is underselling the problem, and perhaps we can recognize that there are issues within this class of problem that are very real and need solving (bullying and harming people because they're different, keeping them from exercising their rights, etc.) so that (as with iNow's examples above) brushing this off is doing a disservice to the effect it has on people.
  13. ! Moderator Note It is a yes or no question, which is a problem because of factors that you have highlighted (and others), i.e. it should not be asked in a binary way. The OP might return and clarify this, but until they do, I'm erring on the side of caution, because this isn't my first theological rodeo.
  14. In the US there are lots of things that require cars. It's how the country was built up over the last century, and that can't be undone, and also it's hard to change course. I can easily see why a family of sufficient means might have 3 cars. One might be a minivan or similar, for when you need to bring the kids with you someplace, and the other two might be smaller, more fuel-efficient cars for e.g. commuting. That way, you don't drive the less fuel-efficient vehicle when only one or two people are going somewhere. You can't look at such a situation and validly conclude that having 3 cars means you don't care about the environment. That requires a lot of assumptions that you are making. Without infrastructure to charge the batteries, this won't do much. Utilities in the US generally have to get approval to raise rates. Lower gasoline usage last year did not result in higher prices. https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=46356
  15. ! Moderator Note Without a model we can't do much in showing where this idea is wrong.
  16. It's not a classical oscillation, similar to how the orbitals of an atom are not defined orbits and thus do not radiate. The electron is shared but there is no defined trajectory, per quantum mechanics.
  17. I have to say, in reading that text, that the author and I differ in our understanding of entanglement. Entanglement is not an interaction between two particles. It is, rather, an indication of a past interaction, either with each other or with a common entity (such as parametric downconversion where two photons come from the same atom, or in a decay) The difference in an entangled system is that observing one particle allows you to know the state of the other particle, which is not possible in a classical case. They are right, however, in saying that measuring the particles does not tell you if they were entangled. That correlation requires statistics, which means many measurements. This explanation does nothing to change my view that they've put the cart before the horse. They have not shown that the counterfactual leads to an understanding of entanglement.
  18. ! Moderator Note The thread starter asked a yes or no question. All discussion beyond that is off-topic at this time. Such posts will be hidden.
  19. I literally can’t watch the movie, and this kind of thing happens a lot. here’s what I see: Posting videos isn’t forbidden. What is forbidden is basing a thread solely or mostly on an outside link, rather than discussion posted here.
  20. Flattery will get you nowhere You told people ”read the article” and we have a rule against such laziness. ! Moderator Note Don’t bring the topic up again. On the one hand that’s too bad because it seems interesting, but on the other hand you weren’t engaging, so nothing lost except the trolling
  21. The rules say the discussion takes place here, without requiring anyone click links. (see 2.7 in the guidelines) If you aren’t going to defend the idea or otherwise engage in discussion, this will be closed. Last chance.
  22. It’s literally the situation without immigration skewing the numbers. Immigration is a zero-sum game. You’re talking about the what happens after immigration. But you can’t claim country X is doing a great job because its population is going down, when all that’s happening is that people are leaving in droves. Those people will still impact the environment. It’s just happening somewhere else. My fellow Americans will be relieved to know they have no more of a climate change impact than anyone else in the world. We were being told different.
  23. ! Moderator Note From rule 2.7 Links, pictures and videos in posts should be relevant to the discussion, and members should be able to participate in the discussion without clicking any links or watching any videos. Videos and pictures should be accompanied by enough text to set the tone for the discussion, and should not be posted alone.
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