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Everything posted by swansont

  1. Show your calculation, please
  2. This is unphysical. Momentum is a conserved quantity, which means that you can’t assume all the energy is converted from mass into KE of one particle. That can’t happen. In atomic bombs, you would have multiple massive parts and radiation carrying away energy. If it’s isotropic, momentum is zero, so momentum is conserved. But this is not what you are describing. No, it’s unphysical with few details What posseses this 1 kg’s worth of energy that “went away”? Energy doesn’t go away. It is conserved. Energy is a property, not a substance. (also, don’t introduce new examples. Stick with one until you acknowledge it’s wrong and you correct it)
  3. Energy doesn’t push things. What is happening that results in this motion, and conserves both energy and momentum?
  4. ! Moderator Note Discussion peripheral to Hawking radiation and Black holes should take place in a different thread.
  5. 33.75% - is this per day, per year? A number like this suggests your calculation is meaningless. Given how long the LHC has run, I’d say the fact that we weren’t eaten by a black hole is a substantial blow to your conjecture.
  6. Raw data are usually not published. What is presented is data after analysis. Theories are often published separately; much of the theory may have been developed by others.
  7. ! Moderator Note Our rules require that the discussion take place here. People should be able to participate without clicking any links
  8. robbin66 has been banned as a sockpuppet of bearnard44 and bear33
  9. You can’t publish the same thing, but one can build on an idea and reference the paper, which might raise its profile.
  10. John2020 has been banned as a sockpuppet of Ioannis
  11. You get training on this if you are in a position where you might inadvertently leak. The sensible management here will likely involve in revocation of clearances, and quite possibly discharged/fired, if they catch the perpetrators
  12. ! Moderator Note Learn the physics and engineering principles involved. The WAG approach is not what we do here.
  13. They aren’t. They pretend to be, on one or two issues, in order to pander to their base.
  14. The hubris of claiming that established physics is wrong, but you - and pretty much only you - understand the “truth” is quite something. ! Moderator Note This is not an eccentric mass scenario. You had a thread on eccentric mass and it was closed. We aren’t discussing it again. Despite your confidence, you don’t actually understand the basics of mechanics. Physics is not wrong. You are. As you are here to preach and not learn, this is closed. Don’t bring up this or related topics again.
  15. Or they aren’t actually moving. It’s an illusion.
  16. I’m not confused about this. You do not understand physics. You should not be telling other people anything of this sort; you have no basis for that judgement. “A complete cycle” is irrelevant, as I have explained and you have ignored several times. I’ve given examples. The point that we’ve made that the table and ring are not flat means it’s not strictly a vertical force that they exert on each other. We call the normal forces because that’s a sufficient description if we were talking about a rigid object sliding on the surface, but this is a more complex system. You’re getting ahead of yourself. Since you won’t even acknowledge that there is an explanation for motion at all, getting into why there is rotation is quite worthless at this point. I have not addressed rotation at all. I’m not sure you understand why a person can jump in the air, so (again) what’s the point in discussing something that you have shown you can’t possibly understand at this point? You have to get rid of your misconceptions before this would be possible. And, frankly, if all you’re going to do is repeat the same errors without addressing criticisms, that violates the rules on soapboxing.
  17. And yet people can jump rope - an analogous cyclical system, so clearly you are wrong. You are arguing that if you go up and then back down you can never jump up, and this is clearly bollocks. You hit the gas pedal on a car and later the brakes. Over time, the force totals to zero, so you never moved. A conclusion one could draw from your erroneous thinking, and also clearly bollocks. That you don’t see it is the problem. Or one of the major ones. A curious stance, since you’re arguing that there is no explanation (within accepted physics) for its motion. As I (and exchemist, I think) have stated, the fact that the ring and table aren’t flat give lateral forces. The ring also has the windings on part of it, so its deviation from flatness is more pronounced. This isn’t an issue when the motion is small, but as it gets more pronounced the normal force decreases for part of the cycle, reducing friction. So the vertical motion is very important. Well, no. Gravity certainly plays a part in the analysis.
  18. Except it does. Rigid bodies and deformable bodies have different limitations. You are applying a limitation of rigid bodies to deformable ones, and that’s flat-out wrong
  19. Circular isn’t the issue. It’s primarily the vertical motion at issue, which isn’t why “jumping in the air” was brought up. The ring jumps in the air, but the ring isn’t flat, nor is the table, so there are lateral forces. This can manifest as circular motion, too. Complete cycle = irrelevant No physics justification for “slow response” Repeating it doesn’t make it physics-based all of the sudden. In fact, the higher frequency means the magnetostriction motion happens in a shorter time, which results in a larger force. (since F - dp/dt and dt gets smaller). Similar to how standing up slowly (low frequency) does not result in you leaving the ground while jumping does. You would expect no motion at low frequency, and then it would start when the speed of the thickness change increased by enough.
  20. This is based on no physics at all.
  21. Yes. If a person jumps into the air and returns, (at a lower frequency, of course), doesn’t that result in a zero net change in center of gravity? Also yes. IOW, your observation is irrelevant to the issue. There is motion. The person (and ring) can jump in the air. Looking at the average or cyclic nature misses the issue.
  22. Technically not, since PEE involves ionization and photovoltaics does not (electrons are still bound to the semiconductor).
  23. An changing force on the floor. i.e. there was already a force Ring undergoing magnetostriction changes the center of gravity. Lather, rinse, repeat. And to head off one possible response: you can jump in a direction other than straight up, because you can exert a transverse force on the floor. This general argument applies to any body that can deform.
  24. There’s nothing unreasonable in asking you to check on the numbers for something that you are questioning. Your response suggests you did not comprehend the post. Wait, iNow says “I bet” about some prediction, and you eviscerate them for not having the actual data, but now you say “I doubt” without supporting data? Hold yourself to at least the standard you ask of others. Hypocrisy isn’t a good look. US stats are available from the CDC https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm
  25. ! Moderator Note The link doesn’t work, and links need to go to the specific information. Not just to the top-level page of a site (IOW, don’t make people root around for the information)
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