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Everything posted by swansont

  1. So it sounds like there are a number of people who spend money to mine but don’t get any cryptocurrency in return, and they are the ones doing the bulk of the paying.
  2. But that’s not what happens in capitalism. We don’t share, we buy and sell. If there’s more money in circulation held by more people, prices tend to go up.
  3. But then leaves would have very little actual value owing to inflation. The wheelbarrow full of "cash" (as in the stories from Germany after WWI) to buy a loaf of bread. Everybody can't be rich.
  4. Our rules require a model, or falsifiable predictions.
  5. You were claiming it permeates space. Any isotropic distribution has no effect. Any residual effect - which you need to quantify - would be in the direction of any non-isotropic exotic matter. Where is it located? The interaction would vary in direction over a sidereal day, as it’s in the direction of that mass. Is this what is observed? What is the mathematical expression of this force? How much exotic matter is in the earth, attracting satellites? How much is in the moon? I suspect once we start quantifying this relationship, which is an absolute requirement here, this will quickly show inconsistencies. You need to provide a mathematical model, not hand-waves.
  6. That would tend to cancel. It also means you should get attraction to a specific direction/location in space, not toward each other. Newtonian gravity makes specific predictions, which agree with observation. You need to have an equally precise model to challenge it. Not some hand-wave.
  7. Which body of exotic matter would explain the results?
  8. They were doing tests on Osmium (i.e. the device is not made of Osmium), and in any event, Astatine is the rarest naturally occurring element. Osmium is the rarest stable naturally occurring element. (and commercially available was not one of the claims being addressed)
  9. Would this be made of unobtanium, or impervium? Infinitely strong or infinitely rigid materials do not exist. Citation needed. Literature I find all say that these high pressures are only achievable with diamond anvil cells. Is a factor of ~7 big enough? "the researchers investigated the behaviour of the metal osmium at pressures of up to 770 Gigapascals (GPa)" https://phys.org/news/2015-08-high-pressure-secrets-osmium.html
  10. ! Moderator Note The topic of the discussion was not the origin of COVID, so this has been split
  11. ! Moderator Note It's not either-or You have posted an unsupported premise, made a false dichotomy, and the "Darvinist" (sic) comment has a hint of an agenda. ! Moderator Note This was posted in evolution. So, as this is a minor disaster as a science discussion, I'm locking it. You may repost a question in philosophy, but do better with the framing
  12. Then your hypothesis predicts that the Cavendish experiment should not have worked - lead spheres should not attract each other. But they did.
  13. You’re not answering the question. How do you determine if something is made of normal matter or exotic matter? I have a rock. How do I tell if it’s normal matter, or how much exotic matter is in it?
  14. How do I tell if something is made of normal matter or has exotic matter in it?
  15. ! Moderator Note And we went through this before. It ended up with the thread being closed, and you were told not to open up a new thread on it. Doing an end-run by bringing it up in a thread on another topic isn’t allowed.
  16. Exactly what the article points out. There was funding to investigate the virus, but that’s not the same as researching “gain of function”
  17. What would be the demarcation between these two types of masses? Are asteroids small or exotic? Moons? Comets? Gravitational interactions have been observed on fairly small masses. Are ~1kg lead spheres normal matter?
  18. You’re asking him to show he’s not lying about something he says doesn’t exist - the financial support. How do you show that it doesn’t exist? What’s to explain? Fauci already made his statement. He shouldn’t have to address baseless accusations, and the link provided by exchemist indicates that this is baseless.
  19. Tom Booth suspended for repeatedly bringing up a discussion that was locked, despite multiple warnings.
  20. ! Moderator Note Please provide evidence that this premise is true
  21. How would Fauci prove a negative? Why doesn’t Rand Paul have to present actual evidence? What is the paper he alludes to? How do we know his allegations are accurate/true?
  22. How can a cylindrical or spherical coordinate system have a curve?
  23. Because, as I said, time isn't an object or substance, or anything that has momentum or energy. It doesn't travel a physical path. A model with time as a substance would very likely fail, unless you also changed the rest of physics. You need a new model (and name) for what we call gravity, for instance. But I don’t think anyone can falsify a model that doesn’t exist.
  24. Skydiving works here, too. ”I never knew dogs could scream!”
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