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Everything posted by swansont

  1. What does the hand at the bottom of an avatar mean? I only see it on newer members. Is that the connection?
  2. I hope you aren’t waiting on a response here if you think you’ve been poisoned. Putting ‘poison hotline Canada’ in google gives lots of results
  3. ! Moderator Note This is a hijack - you aren’t furthering the discussion of the OP, you are steering this to your idea. If there was substance to this, you could post it in speculations. That’s the only place for discussion of non-mainstream ideas
  4. IvoryEbony has been added
  5. ! Moderator Note There’s no ethics issue under discussion here
  6. ! Moderator Note Posting links and some babble is not a substitute for a scientific discussion
  7. ! Moderator Note From rule 2.7 Links, pictures and videos in posts should be relevant to the discussion, and members should be able to participate in the discussion without clicking any links or watching any videos. Videos and pictures should be accompanied by enough text to set the tone for the discussion, and should not be posted alone. But the reason the thread is closed is the dubious quality of the science under discussion.
  8. ! Moderator Note This does not have the detail or rigor required for discussion in speculations
  9. The claim was about a paradox in nature, not in philosophy. So, no actual example, then?
  10. ! Moderator Note OK then
  11. What exactly, then, is the paradox? It sounds like you’re describing interference. Can you use actual 21st century physics terminology?
  12. How is that a paradox? You expect a certain behavior based on assumption(s). If the system doesn't behave as expected it's not because theres a paradox, it's because your assumptions about the system behavior are wrong.
  13. Regarding McConnell saying senators are free to vote their conscience in the Impeachment It's quite scary to me that there is an implication that they need his permission to do so. It's also a tacit admission that many might vote because of the implications to their political future, rather than to uphold their oaths of office.
  14. ! Moderator Note You’ve been here long enough that you should know it doesn’t work this way. Even it were a five-minute video, rather than 1.5 hours. Make your point in the post, not with a link.
  15. Nothing to forgive. Asking questions is a good thing.
  16. They mean that IR is easy to reflect, not that light reflects it But this process does not involve atoms absorbing heat. Thermodynamically, the laser is doing work. A room temperature item will emit IR out near 10 microns, in a broad continuum. A Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Which is not what we have in laser slowing.
  17. Light doesn’t reflect light, and for some atoms the transition is in the visible (like the Na you keep bringing up), and this isn’t a thermal effect of the atoms, so heat dissipation isn’t in play. As I said, I’ve used multiple topologies of lasers. But I daresay you haven’t picked up the process.
  18. But not in this case Yes. And when the sun is overhead, it compresses the atmosphere, owing to the radiation pressure. Not sure where this is coming from. 780 nm is not high frequency light. No, it’s not. No Of order 1 mW/cm^2 for Rb This is not a thing, in this process
  19. Scientific terminology is sometimes different from lay usage And? You mentioned gamma radiation, for some reason. What is “it”? This was a comment on gamma radiation?
  20. No mention of “saturated” here. And I was asking if you knew what it meant, not if you could google, and you’ve confirmed that you don’t. Light with a higher frequency has more energy regardless of whether it’s interacting You don’t keep them stationary. You’re trying to slow them down, so they are moving. Vapor is invisible, so how could you tell? Gamma radiation has nothing to do with our discussion, save for your irrelevant tangents.
  21. You have no idea what saturated means in this context, do you? Energy and intensity are not the same thing. Absorbing from multiple directions destroys the cooling effect. You want an atom to absorb a photon that opposes its motion. As I said above, it does matter what direction the light comes from Of course it happens. A free-electron laser emits photons. Of course it does. Failing without learning from your failure is pointless.
  22. What’s the connection to your claim that “The more photons they get, the colder then get.”? Fact of the matter is that when we do the final cooling stage in our fountains, we turn the intensity down to get colder temperatures. “goes into stimulated emission”? Stimulated emission has a velocity? WTH are you talking about?
  23. The attitude from some engineers that they don't need to understand physics has always scared me.
  24. Interesting that they don't seem to break that down by jobs lost vs people voluntarily leaving a job (a second job) because they don't need to work the extra hours. (I recall that was part of some analysis for the ACA, for people who worked solely to have insurance)
  25. I don't know about elsewhere, but COVID vaccines are not approved in the US. They are being used under an emergency use authorization (EUA) The issuance of an EUA is different than an FDA approval (licensure) of a vaccine, in that a vaccine available under an EUA is not approved. In determining whether to issue an EUA for a product, the FDA evaluates the available evidence to determine whether the product may be effective and also assesses any known or potential risks and any known or potential benefits. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-takes-additional-action-fight-against-covid-19-issuing-emergency-use-authorization-second-covid
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