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Everything posted by swansont

  1. For those who do this. There are species that lay eggs and then take off.
  2. Why jiggling? (The sinusoidal depictions of E & M fields are the field strength, not their trajectory, if that’s what this is a reference to)
  3. It’s undefined. You can’t use the Lorentz transform to shift between an inertial frame and that of a photon, and back.
  4. Relativity doesn’t afford us the ability to say; light is not in an accessible frame of reference, so the transforms do not work.
  5. In addition to these points, we have no way of knowing what has been said privately, either directly or through proxies.We aren’t privy to some of the diplomatic pressures. Things said publicly are mostly for the masses. Putin’s saber-rattling is to prop him up with his own people and make people abroad worried, so they will influence their governments,
  6. That’s not what invariant means There isn’t a continuum of options between a photon and a muon. Just saying this does not make it true. What is the transform that changes a photon into a muon? Not at all clear how that can be the case if “events in different IFRs are the same”
  7. But where do you draw the line? Who decides? it’s an arbitrary decision, and you end up “removing” people that just rub you the wrong way.
  8. Maybe it’s because you didn’t answer the question. Worse, your response is self-referential, so it’s not even helpful.
  9. I read the first talk.origins one. Or rather, I re-read it. I’m quite familiar with the points, since I used to be involved with the discussions back in the USENET days. The summary is good, since it gathers refutations from multiple creationist arguments, and rebuts multiple misconceptions. Didn’t see a need to read more from t.o. The SciAm one is paywalled
  10. The two that pointed out that the idea was crap? What about them. You obviously don’t understand them. It’s not clear you make an effort to. You also don’t assess the credibility of thecsource. Because this isn’t a two-sides, equal-consideration situation. Science is based on empirical evidence, and the merit of ideas is related to the depth and breadth of evidence there is to support them. Creationist ideas have been thoroughly debunked. There is no merit in them. As Stephen Gould wrote “I suppose that apples might start to rise tomorrow, but the possibility does not merit equal time in physics classrooms.” And the “just asking questions” tone is known as sea-lioning, which is a bad-faith tactic. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning
  11. The home page is “A Creation Perspective” As you should have. When you copy-paste a question like that, it takes almost no effort. Yet you expected someone to put forth the effort to debunk it, yet again. That’s not engaging in good faith. Variation exists. Neutral mutations exist, too, which might become useful when the environment changes. Nothing should be surprising about it. It’s also possible that it becomes a negative, and is selected against. It’s a matter of contradicting yourself, which gives the appearance of trolling. And when your sources are of dubious quality, or don’t actually say what you imply they do, this becomes indistinguishable from the Gish gallop.
  12. ! Moderator Note From rule 2.7 (emphasis added) Advertising and spam is prohibited. We don't mind if you put a link to your noncommercial site (e.g. a blog) in your signature and/or profile, but don't go around making threads to advertise it. Links, pictures and videos in posts should be relevant to the discussion, and members should be able to participate in the discussion without clicking any links or watching any videos. Videos and pictures should be accompanied by enough text to set the tone for the discussion, and should not be posted alone. How much of an effect is there in the radial direction?
  13. By all means show the transformations, but I thought that these events are not preserved.
  14. You need to show where you found these quotes. Did it occur to you that a new finding would supersede old information? An old quote might have out-of-date numbers. Also some of these quotes are citing specific but different subsets of the mass
  15. How is this an example of a trait that evolved without being selected for? Genetic variation exists No, it does not, and if you understood evolution to any degree you would know why, and You don’t get to ignore the request for a citation This is inconsistent with other statements you’ve made. What of Darwin’s basic concepts have been discarded? variation exists? traits are inherited? natural selection happens? common ancestry?
  16. How much fuel would one need? How do you deal with the issues of traveling at high speeds? (collisions, radiation effects)
  17. Variation of traits is not unexpected. “the genetic program is already in the organism” is too vague of a statement. You need to give specifics. This is in quotes and yet you don’t give the source. It’s also an example of what I said about parroting creationist material.
  18. Saying there is no sense of direction in evolution is merely repeating the question, not explaining what you mean. But, as you say later, there is no end goal in mind; evolution does not anticipate needing features. The feedback of selection depends only on the current environment. i.e. you do not evolve a feature now because it will be useful some number of generations down the line And what that means is that the changes from evolution depend on the current environment. Selection is for a trait that's useful right now. But that selection is not random - more individuals survive if they have that trait. I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. Do we no longer have descent with modification? Because that's the main idea of Darwin. Your description is like seeing a tree in the winter and then in the summer, and saying it's not a tree because now it has leaves on it, and the branches are longer. Most of us recognize the tree. You don't but that sounds like a "you" problem.
  19. You were asked to explain what you mean by no direction in evolution and how it applies here. You did not do so. I’d also ask for you to tell us why you think “evolution” (as in evolution has no direction) and “gene evolution” refer to the same thing. “This runs counter to the dictum that evolutionary events are random.” This is not true. The dictum is that mutations are random. Selection is not. Thus, there is no dictum that evolutionary events are random.
  20. Last time this came up it was because the pulse width of the light was ignored. I notice that the article I read said that “there appears” to be a negative time, not there actually is.
  21. ! Moderator Note I think this is fine, just make sure the shipping details are exchanged via PM rather than posted (probably unnecessary to tell you, but protocol requires a notice)
  22. Which definition of faith are you using? trust/confidence in something 1. despite there being no evidence, or 2. because there is lots of evidence?
  23. You were making assertions of opinion. Ignorance is a deficit of knowledge. You can’t be less knowledgeable and also not ignorant to some extent. The goid news is that ignorance can be fixed. You might review what I said. I said you were parroting creationist talking points, not that you are a creationist. But creationism is incorrect, and the objections raised by creationists are flawed; they are either incorrect about details of evolution, or about the process that we call science. You say you aren’t a creationist but you haven’t shown this by taking the steps of understanding evolution and science. You use the tactic of argument-by-quote; which underscores that you lack understanding. The underlying issue is how you can lack knowledge and yet be utterly convinced that you’re correct.
  24. How about being less offensive with your ignorance-based accusations? Evidence is to the contrary. Then stop parroting creationist talking points This would seem to be more indicative of your lack of understanding than issues with the theory.
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