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Everything posted by swansont

  1. But your thesis is not that men and women are different, it’s that they are are not (or are less different than a few thousand years ago) “female quality” could be taken as chauvinistic, and again, your thesis is that this distinction has gone away, destroyed within 1000 years of adopting agriculture
  2. What would that purport to show? Eliud Kipchoge is the men’s marathon record holder. Height is 5′ 6″, Weight 115 lbs. Is that above or below the average for men? How is this an example of the differences disappearing? IOW, perhaps being short and slight is an advantage in distance running, and marathon runners are not representative examples of the population. That’s OK. I didn’t watch it.
  3. Anecdotes are not evidence, and bodybuilding (plus the possible steroids) is not evolution
  4. You asked for an example and I gave it. You can’t assume force and velocity are in the same direction. Full stop. There is a force. There are two main issues here: 1) how Newton’s laws apply to the problem, and 2) what your abomination of physics says about the problem Your version of physics is untested and unsupported. You can’t use it to rebut case #1. We know your version says this is reactionless, and we’re telling you what Newton says. If you think Newton does not say that, you have to use Newton’s laws to rebut. Not your crackpot physics. Actual physics shows a net force along the axis, and a reaction force. I posted the free-body diagram already.
  5. AFAIK condensed matter physics does not apply to the big bang “A variety of topics in physics such as crystallography, metallurgy, elasticity, magnetism, etc., were treated as distinct areas until the 1940s, when they were grouped together as solid state physics. Around the 1960s, the study of physical properties of liquids was added to this list, forming the basis for the new, related specialty of condensed matter physics.” No crystals, or metals, etc.
  6. An object moving in a circle at constant speed has a force directed to the center of the circle, perpendicular to the velocity. The reaction force is in the opposite direction (e.g. you pull on a rope, the rope pulls you, the mass swings in a circle.)
  7. There is a real force. You’re just denying it’s there. Because of some nonsense you made up. No. The screw actually pushes on the bolt. In Narnia, perhaps. Meanwhile, in this universe, Newton’s 3rd law holds, and there is a reaction force that pushes mass in the other diarection. Go ahead and build your device and prove your fictional scenario. That’s the only way to show you’re right. The center of mass does not move in a helix. Force and velocity don’t have to be in the same direction, but I’ve already shown the force diagram giving a net force along the axis. Newtonian physics says there’s a force. If you say there isn’t, you need to show how Newton fails You can stop bringing this up. Nobody is discussing this. Nobody cares. Stop distracting from the physics you’re getting wrong.
  8. Repeating your claim isn’t evidence that you’re right. (you aren’t) Also, changing the question is not a good faith argument. Answer what I asked, not some other question, please.
  9. That doesn’t answer the question. “condensed matter” has specific implications, not the least if which that matter is involved. You even capitalized the label. Were you not aware of condensed matter physics, or what is studied? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condensed_matter_physics
  10. Yes, you are, when you say it’s reactionless. The reaction force is why there’s a recoil, which moves the other mass. The two are connected. Deny one, and you deny the other.
  11. No, since they give different answers and only one answer can be correct. Anything with its CoM moving has momentum and KE. To say otherwise is a fabrication, not physics
  12. You keep responding Not sure what needs to be “collinear” here. A block on an incline have action-reaction forces, even though angles are involved. Same as for threads on a nut and bolt. The action and reaction forces are collinear in all cases. But you’re arguing one is nonexistent
  13. It is made up. There’s no such thing. You have a funny definition of truth, seeing as how you have not (and can’t) substantiate your assertions Of course Newton’s laws apply to spinning objects. You’re the only one here who thinks they don’t Irrelevant, seeing as your example is purely a classical mechanics problem Why, and where’s your derivation? Otherwise this sounds like a dodge, where you realize there’s a point you can’t deny that Newton’s laws work
  14. If it makes predictions contrary to applying Newton’s laws, it’s a new law
  15. You claim it’s incorrect, but have not shown it’s incorrect. What is a fictitious inertial force? Another thing you made up?
  16. You need to develop a model for “your view” AND confirm it experimentally. What new laws do we allegedly have? Where does the notion that Newton’s laws fail when there is rotation come from?
  17. So what happens if we just have a nut and a bolt, where a torque is applied to the nut and the bolt is constrained to not rotate? You seem to be claiming the nut will accelerate along the axis but the bolt remains stationary. What force causes the nut to accelerate?
  18. The context being what it is, the comparison regarding the earth is to an earlier state, in which average temperature was roughly constant.
  19. Not necessarily useful, true. It’s like the joke about the statistician whose head was in the oven and feet were in an ice bath, who declared “On average, I’m comfortable” But it doesn’t mean that applies to other situations. If you want to rebut the usefulness as applied to climate, you’ll have to analyze the actual problem. Your analogy is poor, and not a substitute for science. If the average temperature is going up, it means more energy is coming in than going out. Where exactly this is temperature increase is happening is unimportant if that’s what you are trying to determine.
  20. Saying it does not make it so. This isn’t magic. What physics principles lead you to this conclusion? You need to back up your argument. Why does a gun recoil?
  21. Many a crackpot thinks magnets will give free energy. This sounds dangerously like that
  22. Then the whole thing moves. “bolted to the housing” just makes the system mass bigger. It doesn’t stop the recoil. The recoil will be related to the ratio of the mass of the part you are translating, and the rest of the mass if the system. You can make that ratio small, but the recoil doesn’t disappear.
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