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Everything posted by swansont

  1. One object at rest with respect to another object This is special relativity, which is a classical theory, but yes it would be an approximation. The SR effects are negligible. SR means no gravity. If you want to follow that tangent, I will give the same advice I gave Michel — start a new thread.
  2. You can be at rest with respect to space, but not time.
  3. ! Moderator Note Hijack claiming length contraction is an EM interaction has been split https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/122900-length-contraction-is-em-forces-split-from-lorentz-contraction/
  4. False dichotomy. Time and distance are relative rather than absolute. i.e. it’s not merely perception of the observer. It’s what the observer will measure. And there is nothing wrong with their instruments. If I am moving relative to some markers in space, the distance between them will be length contracted. There are no bonds, no EM forces that could be contracting, in that empty space.
  5. If you want to discuss expansion, I suggest you open a new thread rather than continuing to hijack this one
  6. I will note that the OP’s suggestion is fairly specific, and does not really fall under the mundane act of recycling aluminum. i.e. it’s not suggesting you melt down the aluminum and then make something new.
  7. Non-sequitur. We are not observing our relative motion, per se, we are observing effects of expansion. Special relativity implies situations where we don’t have to account for expansion. Regardless, unless you are measuring the redshift, you aren’t noticing the effects, so my statement about “usually not noticeable under virtually all circumstances the average person encounters” still holds.
  8. I would imagine so. It will also depend on the wavelength of the waves. A channel will naturally impede some wavelengths already.
  9. Solar energy isn't expensive. https://www.energy.gov/eere/solar/sunshot-2030 "In 2017, the solar industry achieved SunShot’s original 2020 cost target of $0.06 per kilowatt-hour for utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) solar power three years ahead of schedule" I think your solution isn't utilized because it would not be cost-effective to repurpose used aluminum foil.
  10. It is, though. There is only one component of time in the velocity four-vector, so only that component can be affected. IOW, you can only go one direction in time.
  11. Difficulty with reading comprehension might be a result of the virus.
  12. WSEN has been banned for inappropriate posts
  13. ! Moderator Note We will not be discussing torture. Rule 2.3
  14. ! Moderator Note We will not be discussing torture.
  15. Dying is not a possible result of catching the virus? I think you should reconsider the facts.
  16. No, not really. It didn’t help that drumbo chimed in, but there was little serious discussion. ! Moderator Note How about opening a thread about biogas, and refrain from the sophomoric commentary? That might stay open.
  17. The border is nowhere near this scale. Can you discern the orders of diffraction for a wave of this wavelength, going through a slit wide enough to accommodate a human?
  18. ! Moderator Note From rule 2.7 Attached documents should also be accompanied by a summary, at minimum.
  19. ! Moderator Note From Rule 2.7 Advertising and spam is prohibited. We don't mind if you put a link to your noncommercial site (e.g. a blog) in your signature and/or profile, but don't go around making threads to advertise it.
  20. The end of that referred to ITER. The citation needed is one showing that fusion is as polluting as fission.
  21. Only if you are referring to relativistic mass, which is to say, the total energy — so why not just say the total energy? The mass (rest mass) is the same.
  22. You do realize that was fiction, right? And that wasn't simply reduced exposure, but no exposure at all? It has not been established what the optimum level of exposure is, so claiming less will be worse is a guess.
  23. No, but you don't need to go that far. You can put clocks on planes and send them around the worldThat was done almost 50 years ago. Their level of precision allows smaller effects to be measured than ages of astronauts. More recently, it's clocks on satellites (e.g. GPS) Mass differences from a nucleus being in an excited state vs ground state has been measured. The frequency shift of atoms owing to their height in the gravitational field has been observed.
  24. No, which is why it can expand faster than c It's also why things like a planet or a solar system don't expand - they are subject to forces that hold them together, despite the expansion Similar to "distance" and "time" two other words representing abstractions. Fields, operators in a Hilbert space - physics is chock full of abstract words. Some reify these things, but they are not something you can hold in your hand, or kick (if you are a fan of Samuel Johnson) If you can hand me that meter of space, I will concede that it is a thing.
  25. As an anecdote to the contrary, I haven't had a cold since this all started, which is unusual. Not sure if it's the hand-washing, the mask-wearing, the social-distancing, or the shutdown meaning kids weren't mixing and sharing their germs with their parents, who might then share them with me. Probably a combination of all three. Lowering resistance might not be an issue if you avoid being exposed to a virus in the first place.
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