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Everything posted by swansont

  1. Relevance to the topic? Then go compare. Do your own research. Yes, it’s a problem. Can you figure out why?
  2. If you’re not assuming an idealized system. But quite often we assume the current is in, e.g a one-dimensional line. Such as when discussing the field around a current-carrying wire. The wire is not given a radial extent.
  3. The topic is systemic racism. You’re the one who implied everything has been fine for the past 160 years. i.e. we’re discussing history. I’m pointing out that historical demographics are different from today’s. Systemic racism wasn’t put into place this year.
  4. Right. That changes it to 1970. Merely?
  5. I doubt that this will exert the desired pressure at the national level; that will require follow-through in November. Locally, though, some governments are listening. Others, not so much. (I wonder if de Blasio will bother running for reelection)
  6. One can speak of a force offset from the center of mass. It's a statics chapter, but you can't otherwise tell anything other than each object exerts a force on the other. That would be true if we took the earth's rotation into account, too.
  7. Current will have a value and direction at all points that the current exists. A line would not work, since current can follow e.g. circular paths.
  8. For the first 8 or 9 decades in the USA (and decades more before it became the USA), slavery existed. Many of the rules ingrained into the system were thus biased toward whites. Even after the civil war ended, whites still held political and economic power. You quote today's demographic numbers but that's meaningless when discussing history. Even up through 1990, the US was >80% white, and arguably had a higher proportion of racists in the population as we go back in time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_racial_and_ethnic_demographics_of_the_United_States#Historical_data_for_all_races_and_for_Hispanic_origin_(1610–2010) And comparing raw numbers is a flawed analysis, since rights and opportunities have not been equal. It wouldn't matter in elections if blacks had been 50% of the population, if large numbers of them were prevented from voting.
  9. Has anyone called another racist here? As far as "ignorant" goes, it means "lacking knowledge or awareness in general" and it's true. Moreno is ignorant of the situation. But instead of learning the history, they are spouting falsehoods. ! Moderator Note Recent posts about systemic racism (as a general topic) have been split https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/122264-systemic-racism-split-from-the-killing-of-george-floyd-the-last-straw/
  10. Please stop saying things that you haven’t researched, and for which you provide no evidence. I would imagine plenty of people supported abolition only as a tool for ending the war, and it didn’t pass before the south seceded. I don’t see how you can assert a wide movement and moral progress and goodwill as if a switch was flipped and everyone embraced equality.
  11. A Green/Blue/Antired pairing does not get you to white. As I said, I don’t see how you get there mixed that way. (I just noted I didn’t clarify for a three quark system earlier; that was inadvertently omitted).
  12. I assumed no such thing, and did not say anything about “natural appearance”
  13. Current at any point is in one direction, not tridimensional.
  14. Depends on how you mix them. There is no quantum theory of gravity, but QM effects owing to gravity could be observed. Atoms going through an interferometer where the paths diverge vertically would show an effect. Gravitational time dilation is seen in quantum states.
  15. Undoubtedly people feel pressure to do so, but many are fighting back against this. Your “solution” is rather extreme.
  16. For a quark, I don’t see how you could have a mixture. For a meson, it’s color/anticolor
  17. I don’t have that information. I beg you, stop. Why should any minority have to change who they are to conform to bigotry-driven “norms”?
  18. Why does there have to be a motive? It’s not like there is a final goal in mind. Yes. There are people who hate others just because of the color of their skin. They have been taught this hate by others who hate people just because of the color of their skin. You can substitute religion, gender, sexual orientation, and other attributes here. Surely you’ve noticed. You should stop digging.
  19. Offset can be a spatial term. These forces add to zero, but the addition of another force will not change the identity of the action-reaction force pairs we have identified. Equilibrium is a red herring.
  20. No, that’s a question.
  21. “move” is a poor description to use here, since it suggests a classical trajectory.
  22. You should take this advice. You can start your education by reading up on Jim Crow laws and the KKK. Minority disenfranchisement occurs to this day. Then you can revisit your position that nobody impeded blacks’ rights to vote, or ability to engage in business, etc.
  23. There were plenty of slave uprisings. They were not successful. Jim Crow begs to differ. This is incredibly ignorant. Unpacking all of this is beyond me.
  24. This doesn’t make much sense. “equal but oppositely directed forces offset between objects”?
  25. Equilibrium doesn’t change whether or not a pair of forces are an action/reaction pair. The moon and the earth each exert a gravitational force on each other. They are a 3rd law pair, and the system is not in equilibrium
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