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Everything posted by swansont

  1. n isn’t the ideal gas constant. It’s the number of moles of the gas in the sample (kilomoles, to be consistent with your units)
  2. Reposting the same crappy photos ain’t helpful
  3. Then he’d be out of office, at which point he could be arrested and tried.
  4. If congress were willing to do its job enforcing the checks and balances, Trump would be far less effective at gumming up the works. I don't know how you conclude this isn't an actual issue. It can be more than one thing. Campaign finance is one of the issues. It has allowed the election of people whose goal is to seize power, rather than to be a public servant. But people had to be in power to enact the laws and get the right people on the supreme court to not be a heck or balance, and strike down existing laws. Kind of a chicken vs egg issue. Which came first?
  5. I'm not sure how paper towels would be a good example of either, since the paper towel is not a solvent. Water moves in a paper towel because of capillary action. For either diffusion or osmosis I think you need to have the solvent (or medium) already in place.
  6. The key, I think, is "what is flowing/moving?" in the two cases. Is it the solvent or solute?
  7. ! Moderator Note Pasting a relevant section is allowed, and encouraged. What you can't do is paste the entire article, or a substantial fraction of it.
  8. Call it what you want. It takes more energy to run than it generates.
  9. 53 of them are in the senate, not doing the job they swore an oath to do
  10. It generates no net power. In reality, it will take more energy to run, owing to inefficiencies
  11. Wrong. The issue is that some people aren’t upholding the constitution. Trump would be ineffective without the rest of the GOP being co-conspirators. And Trump is doing a horrible job.
  12. Blowing up a balloon and letting it rise doesn’t generate power.
  13. ! Moderator Note Posting to advertise a video channel is against our rules
  14. The front-facing camera may not have an IR filter even if the main camera does. It will let you see out to ~1.1 microns. Get a telecom laser at ~1.5 microns and it won’t work
  15. ! Moderator Note Please reread the bit about not wanting the thread to get sidetracked, and get back to the topic of the thread.
  16. Coming up with examples where your hypothesis works doesn’t cover up for cases where it doesn’t
  17. (Renaming, since there has been a response) I recall a presentation some years ago on a problem (in the life sciences, in this example, but potentially elsewhere) that you'd draw some samples from your test subjects, and because it was so hard to get the experiment set up and approved, you would end up running all sorts of tests on the subjects. Not being in the field I can't recall what the tests were, but apparently you would test for dozens of different effects. The problem being that you were looking for a p-value > 0.05, and statistically speaking, you would do enough tests (>20) where a false positive would be expected to pop up. So you have the same problem here. if you start looking for correlations, you will eventually find them, without them being causal. (one of my favorites is that buying certain types of cars correlates with voting for a particular party is mistaken for causation , i.e. the situation where one might claim buying a Ford pickup truck causes you to vote republican) This is one reason why you don't rely on one study, and also why you need to find a causative agent that you can independently test. So they say there's correlation, and you see a correlation, but word this as if you disagree?
  18. Again, that's not true. A camera sensor made of Si can only detect NIR (near infrared), and that's a common sensor that cameras use.
  19. ! Moderator Note This topic is "navigation ability" not "misuse of statistics" Do you want it to be retitled?
  20. It's a legitimate criticism. It's not clear you understand what science is — you haven't posted much that would indicate that you do — so this is hardly valid.
  21. As iNow says, sometimes. In addition the court-packing (which recently manifested itself in the Wisconsin decision which disenfranchised many absentee voters), these cases (along with gerrymandering ones) often take a long time to go through the system, as there are many delaying tactics being deployed. For some people, yes. For certain people trying to emigrate from somewhere else, especially so. It's all part of a bigger push to consolidate power. Voting is just the effort that's most visible right now, because (again, as GOPers have admitted) if everyone who is eligible can actually vote, the GOP tends to lose the elections.
  22. Posting the code is only helpful if you are fluent in that code.
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