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Everything posted by swansont

  1. The flu can be worse, but not for all strains, and we develop vaccines for the strains expected to be problematic each year. Less is known about the coronavirus, and we don't (yet) have a vaccine for COVID-19.
  2. ! Moderator Note If it involves a violation of copyright protections, no.
  3. I agree - A million fiction authors making stuff up is going to result in some accidental correlations with fact. Also note that the more vague you make a statement, the easier it is to claim that it was a successful prediction.
  4. Your earlier comment sounded like you didn’t follow the derivation. Not being able to understand is not evidence of a flaw.
  5. Indeed. on a very simple level, i.e. that of the OP, just about any government spending is socialism (as long as the people are participants in the government)
  6. We have it in the US, too. It’s called unemployment insurance. Why is “the economy” the primary concern, and not the people?
  7. If you wanted to discuss vacuum decay, your thread should have made that explicitly clear from the beginning.
  8. ! Moderator Note Moved to speculations but then then split the vacuum decay hijack, so this goes back to mainstream
  9. Then you misrepresented yourself in the OP. Because it’s dishonest to discuss one topic in order to bring up another, and because you haven’t demonstrated that you know enough to be able to discuss it at any depth.
  10. We aren’t discussing vacuum decay, or any particular bit of physics
  11. That’s not helpful
  12. swansont


    ! Moderator Note Strange cross-posted, and called themselves out for continuing off-topic after my modnote. You seem to have just ignored it START A NEW THREAD TO DISCUSS NEW TOPICS
  13. I don’t know what the function would look like for “almost instantaneous” You could start with a simple oscillator using Hooke’s law and tinker from there For “instantaneous” I doubt there is a solution.
  14. swansont


    ! Moderator Note 1. You are the only one bringing up vacuum decay. I am telling you to knock it off. 2. The concept of uncertainty can be discussed in a new thread, but is OT here
  15. Without existing in between those points?
  16. swansont


    ! Moderator Note Please rein in your vacuum decay fetish. Pushing non-mainstream solutions into a discussion is against the rules. ! Moderator Note If you don’t understand basic scientific concepts you need to address that ignorance. BEFORE you jump into discussions that require that knowledge.
  17. ! Moderator Note Not sure why this was in the Lounge. Moved to relativity
  18. No, it makes no sense Still wrong, and as I don’t speak French, I don’t know what they’re claiming
  19. What is this equation supposed to mean? No, that doesn’t work. m.d2x / dt2 = F is almost F=ma. So there’s a minus sign missing With Fx, it has the wrong units.
  20. And have all of the other dioxanes make fun of her?
  21. What is the equation of motion of the system? i.e. the solution to the oscillator equation.
  22. It’s a probabilistic event, and you are continually exposed to radiation in small amounts.
  23. It’s lit from inside the cabin.
  24. You can’t rely on it if you don’t know the acceleration as a function of time. We already have a general formula. Any general result you get will not, and cannot, be different. Who said it’s rare? We didn’t use constant acceleration to derive KE. We did use constant acceleration because those problems were easiest to solve, which is what you do for introductory physics. Later, you spend a lot of time learning how to solve the non-trivial cases No it's not. g is only approximately constant, and only near the surface of the earth (or other large body). Gravitational force varies as 1/r^2. And freefall is only approximately a constant acceleration if you ignore air resistance. Homework problems are not so uncommon, because we simplify them. Real-world problems, not so much. This makes no sense. There is a connection in your mind, but that doesn’t mean there’s any legitimate physics there.
  25. Why would I have data on car acceleration? What would be the point of deriving a formula for each instance? I thought your goal was simplicity. Having dozens (or more) of formulas isn’t simplifying anything.
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