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Everything posted by swansont

  1. The analogue of computer clocking is not the circadian rhythm. We do not do one binary transaction a day.
  2. What did you find when you put this into a search engine?
  3. As I've seen it phrased: the citizens of the Indig Nation
  4. There's a concept in the US that beliefs are protected but physical actions are not. So if a "lack of respect" were simply a thought process, a belief, there is no recourse of action (nor IMO should there be). But one cannot take public action based on this. e.g. one cannot discriminate based on beliefs about gender, race, creed, etc. (Though this concept seems to be under attack these days)
  5. The current description of interference in a double-slit works very well. You need to show that you have a more compelling model.
  6. The first part seems irrelevant. The number of photons not passing through the slit are not part of the experiment. They have no direct impact on it. Why do you need a particle accelerator for photons? They always travel at c. The "I will reveal details later" tactic is frowned upon here. It's in conflict with our rules for speculations.
  7. Re-education camps don’t have a warm, cuddly history with regard to justice and human rights.
  8. That would depend on the local value of g, and if it's small (so that material would be lost to space) then you are going to have a hard time drilling, too, as whatever is doing the drilling will not weigh much.
  9. ! Moderator Note Please make your posts relevant to the thread, and stick to mainstream physics when you do so.
  10. ! Moderator Note This is both nonsensical and off-topic for where it was posted. Please refrain from hijacking threads. If you have non-mainstream ideas, please post them in speculations, and follow the rules of that section.
  11. ! Moderator Note Rule 2 .7 Advertising and spam is prohibited. We don't mind if you put a link to your noncommercial site (e.g. a blog) in your signature and/or profile, but don't go around making threads to advertise it. Links, pictures and videos in posts should be relevant to the discussion, and members should be able to participate in the discussion without clicking any links or watching any videos. Videos and pictures should be accompanied by enough text to set the tone for the discussion, and should not be posted alone. Users advertising commercial sites will be banned. IOW, don’t spam us by just posting links and files, especially if it just goes back to your own work/site/channel Post what it is you want to discuss (i.e. type it in) or this will be closed
  12. Plus we don’t condone academic fraud.
  13. ! Moderator Note Threads merged
  14. What makes time tick is a matter of philosophy. Is experimental philosophy a thing?
  15. So it’s a space heater? How much does it cost to produce this heat (including the palladium, of course)? Most energy generation systems quote the amount of useful energy produced (which I assume here is zero) rather than the waste heat.
  16. Relativistic mass is just a proxy for total energy, so at best it’s redundant. In a way it’s like the Bohr atom, in that it’s a simple model, but it leads to problems if you try to apply it beyond superficial cases - there are certain equations where you need to use rest mass, so having relativistic mass around only leads to confusion.
  17. Not a closed system. BINGO!
  18. For me it starts with “There’s still a lot of energy about that can create interesting structures in defiance of the Second Law.“ Nothing going on here is in defiance of the laws of thermodynamics
  19. I don’t recall that we’ve closed a thread with an admonition that the topic can’t be discussed, other than discussions specifically called out in the rules. When we do it, the thread starter is forbidden from re-introducing the topic, because they’ve shown they aren’t arguing in good faith. But that doesn’t mean others can’t discuss the topic as long as they remain within the rules. Often there’s no point, because the only person defending one viewpoint has been banished from the discussion. But I’m with Phi on this. Whether someone has gotten their chance to make their point isn’t the issue.
  20. I was thinking of a fermi gas, the state before the Cooper pairs are formed. Apologies.
  21. Not so fast. A BEC has most/all of its atoms in the ground state of a potential well. A single quantum state. This can't happen with fermions — they can't be in the same state. A fermionic condensate has each of its energy levels occupied, starting with the lowest state, with each state occupied by the allowable spin projections (if it's spin 1/2, then you have on that's spin up and one that's spin down) Now you can write down a global wave function that the combination of individual particle wave functions. Which means it's nothing special to have an ensemble of atoms and say that they are described by a single wave function. But that's not what is meant in the case of a BEC. In a BEC, the particles are all described by the same wave function. That's a different statement, and not true of a fermionic system.
  22. To the extent that this is true (everyone loses their mind?), the connection between these is tenuous. The unfalsifiability is a commonality, but that does not imply it's the main factor in peoples' behavior. (and may I remind everyone that this is in suggestions, comments and support, so we will not be entertaining details of discussion that should happen in other areas of the board.)
  23. Is there any reason to think this is true?
  24. Weather is not climate, and it can be cooler in some areas and yet the overall temperature in the world can be (and is) going up.
  25. Polinski has been suspended for a week. Thread hijacking and an inability to stay on topic do not mix well with general cluelessness.
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