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Everything posted by swansont

  1. ! Moderator Note That doesn’t mean it’s not advertising ! Moderator Note All material for discussion must be posted here. Not links or downloads, per rule 2.7
  2. You can look at frequency or wavelength but they are not independent, so it doesn’t matter which one. In your estimation, how long does it take for heat to pass through glass?Is it appropriately measured in nanoseconds, milliseconds, seconds?
  3. But organisms from panspermia would be adapted to their home world. And the lifetime of the star ignores formation time of any planets, which would likely have to cool before life could survive on them.
  4. I don’t know of any macro scale tests; CP-violation experiments are exceedingly difficult, and AFAIK seen only at the atomic or particle scale.
  5. No, that’s 2/3 x 10^8 m/s (2/3) c is 2 x 10^8 m/s, since c = 3 x 10^8 m/s c is a constant. Light that has the same frequency must have the same wavelength Take a heat transfer rate and multiply it by a time interval, and you get the heat transferred. If the rate depends on T^4, the energy transferred will, too. I have come to the conclusion that you don’t have the math skills to analyze any of this. All of your errors here involve simple algebra. If you can’t get this right, there’s no point to the discussion.
  6. ! Moderator Note As Moontanman said, this must take place in another thread. The current thread is about cosmology
  7. .03/3 x 10^8 ≠ .03 x 10^-8 The frequencies are the same. The wavelength are the same. Yes. Do you understand this is what we have been telling you and you keep denying? The radiative heat transfer depends on T^4 Thermal radiation near 300K is centered at about 10 microns. The wavelengths are the same.
  8. c is 3 x 10^8, so this would be 0.01 x 10^-8 sec So that’s how you’re saying fast heat is conducted through the material? In a tenth of a nanosecond? Through 2 cm of glass? q in Newton’s law is an energy transfer rate, per unit area. They describe the same thing From the link I provided earlier “q is the heat flux transferred out of the body (SI unit: watt/m2)” (watts being joules/sec) which is exactly what the units are in the S-B equation, which you posted
  9. Well, then, you do the calculation. How long does it take for heat to propagate through a material? I’ve listed several that are transparent to IR near room temperature. Assume the index of refraction is 1.5 How long does it take light of the same wavelength to propagate through the same material? (I had picked 2 cm for the thickness to make the calculation easy) No, absolutely not. Your result is very different from mainstream physics. I messed it, then. How does the Stefan-Boltzmann law give you a linear relation with T?
  10. But in science and engineering we take the step of quantifying things. The spread in index of refraction(the dispersion) is small - perhaps a percent or two over the range of frequencies in question. Not the 10 orders of magnitude required for the heat propagation time to match the light propagation time. (which is essentially zero variation on this scale) And any case will have an area. Or you can just do it on a “per unit area” basis. The point being that this is a simple mathematical manipulation that should be well within the capability of an electrical engineer. No, I’m referring to Newton’s law of cooling, since we’re discussing that topic. The law that says Q depends on the temperature difference for conduction and convection https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton's_law_of_cooling
  11. I would not be at all surprised to find that the ability to metabolize food is not uniform in all people (because what is?), and might be worse when you’re sick. Calories are an energy content, but the ability to access and exploit that energy varies.e.g. your gut biome might not break certain foods down as efficiently as someone else’s, or the bacteria might feast on it more before the nutrients can be utilized. I’m sure there are a lot more possibilities that someone more familiar with biology could point to. A lot of moving parts here. I think the basics apply to the average person, and you have to acknowledge the variation in individuals. The concept of energy conservation is not endangered.
  12. energy per unit time per unit area. So you multiply both sides by the area, and you have an equation for power: energy per unit time, just as I said. I said you might have to do a little algebraic manipulation, but I didn’t think that would be a barrier.
  13. Nope S-B gives radiated power, which is a rate of energy transfer, i.e. energy per unit time. Newton’s law gives the heat transfer rate, which is also energy per unit time They are different, since they apply to different mechanisms, but they have the same units (when appropriately stated; you might have to do a little algebraic rearrangement, depending on how the formula is written)
  14. So you concur. Is it actually the case that e.g. polyethylene, which is transparent in the IR, with an index of about 1.5, conducts heat at this speed? Or various glasses that works in that range, such as “Zinc Selenide (ZnSe), Zinc Sulfide (ZnS), Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) and Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2). All of these operate from the visible spectrum up to 8-10μ” https://www.emf-corp.com/optical-materials/optical-material-infrared-optics/ According the chart, the two zinc options operate out to 14 microns.
  15. The dispersion effect in a prism is quite small. So basically you are predicting that any material that is transparent in the IR will have almost instantaneous heat flow through it. A material with an IR index of refraction of 1.5, IR light will travel at 2/3 c so heat will conduct at 2/3 c. Is that correct?
  16. ! Moderator Note Is there something you wish to discuss? This is not a platform for posting press releases
  17. You’re ignoring all the coal and oil that was created in the past from dead plants and animals, and stored over the course of millions of years. But that energy is but a fraction of what we get from the sun. Global warming is an issue of trapping too much of that energy.
  18. But for your idea to be true, this must hold for all materials. There are materials that are transparent in the IR. But the time delay has to be the same for all photons of the same energy, because the photons are identical, regardless of how they are generated
  19. AI doesn’t fact check. It will make up stuff, including citations, that sound legit.
  20. Another bogus cite 212 issue 1-2 is from October of 2017, and the article doesn’t match what’s listed.
  21. Yes, it is suspiciously like chatbot behavior, and I’d like the OP to explain.
  22. 1. The time is massively different. There are only so many atoms with which they can interact. 2. How do the atoms know which of these identical photons to interact with? Not interacting with light from a laser, that passes through at 2/3 c, but interacting with thermal radiation, which you claim goes much, much slower? For a small block of material the light might take 0.1 nanosecond (2 cm of travel) but the heat transfer takes perhaps a second? What is the physics that differentiates these two cases? Not some fairy tale, which is not science. Where’s the science?
  23. Is this a view from your extensive experience in atomic physics? Absorption followed by de-excitation in a dipole pattern is the normal process in an electric dipole transition. With no explanation as to why this should magically be unobservable. This is your assertion. To conclude this is circular logic. But you said this time delay is responsible for the delay in heat transmission through the material. Why can light that isn’t heat travel through the material at 2/3 c, while the heat transmission delay - which you say is due to light - is much, much longer?
  24. I can’t find either of these references. The page numbers don’t match the issue number for the first, with no search engine hits for the title for either (other than this post), and the second stopped publishing in 2017.
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