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Everything posted by swansont

  1. Owing to dispersion/diffusion/dissipation, wind has a better defined source than sink and water flow in rivers generally has a well-defined sink, but not source. Makes sense the direction would be in terms of the component that’s more clearly known.
  2. Electrons do not have planetary orbits, and an electron and positron can be in a bound atomic-like system No. To add to what Genady posted - spatial dimensions are orthogonal to each other in basic geometry, which is sorta the opposite of having a new dimension contain other dimensions.
  3. Never heard about #1, but #2 sounds like a delayed-choice quantum eraser experiment https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delayed-choice_quantum_eraser
  4. If they’re at the same gravitational potential then there’s no shift between them. There’s a formula you can apply.
  5. ! Moderator Note Then you've missed the point of a science discussion board. Since you aren't willing to back up your claims, this is closed.
  6. ! Moderator Note We don't dispense medical advice. Consult a doctor.
  7. It would be helpful if you could provide sources, am\nd more detail, for your claims. i.e. what you’re referring to that’s at the bottom of the ocean on top of North Africa, and the diamonds.
  8. “The 50 stars on a field of deep blue circle the eagle and represent the 50 states” https://www.whitehousegifts.com/pages/the-presidential-seal-a-brief-history#:~:text=In it are 13 white,seal on a tan field.
  9. You need to specify where the signal generator is located. Sagnac corrections are important for sending timing signals via satellite; GPS isn’t the only satellite system that is affected. Two-way satellite time transfer (TWSTT) bounces signals off of geostationary satellites, which generally has the signal path covering a larger area and thus has larger Sagnac shifts.
  10. ! Moderator Note Chat GPT and their ilk are just amped-up predictive text. The give plausible-sounding, but not necessarily accurate answers. They are not to be used as a technical resource at SFN. That said, if you don’t phrase a question to explicitly include gravity, one might conclude there is no gravitational shift. GIGO
  11. I know where you post from is not in the US. So 27% came from humble beginnings, without some family advantage to exploit. And like others I’ve mentioned, possibly taking advantage of government help. IMO “self-made” is largely PR/propaganda, and feeds the myth that the rich are smarter or work harder than the rest of us.
  12. That’s a false dichotomy. Musk, currently #2 on that list, has taken quite a lot of money from the government in the form of subsidies and loan guarantees. That’s not self-made. Bezos gets plenty of subsidies, too. Any US business gets direct and/or indirect subsidies from government sources. Never saw the movie, but I think he was the villain, a composite character based on sociopaths, not someone whose wisdom is to be emulated. You might consider that your view from the outside doesn’t give you much insight. They’ve been there, done that if they are billionaires. By the same token, neither do you. Citation still needed. From what I’ve seen, so-called self-made successes tend not to acknowledge the outside support they get, in addition to downplaying luck. Kinda like Craig T Nelson’s diatribe, “I was on foodstamps and welfare and nobody helped me” (paraphrase)
  13. Citation needed Or they’re just greedy and have leverage to pay less in taxes. I mean, if it’s inefficiency they’re worried about they could just fund solutions themselves, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of that going on.
  14. As it was the first time I pointed it out. You don’t make that determination. You can only say if it’s deliberate.
  15. Causes was not the research in question, though. It was cures.
  16. There are finite-element solutions that use triangular meshes; I used one such program for magnetic fields. The mention of rectangular mesh suggests some confusion between this and coordinate systems.
  17. You asserted this, but did not actually provide corroboration. Do we know that any of this is true?
  18. In slang, a troll is a person who posts or makes inflammatory, insincere, digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages online (such as in social media, a newsgroup, a forum… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_(slang) In your case, not so much the inflammatory aspect, but all the rest. (When folks talked of you being obtuse and you persisted with your line of posting? That. When you posted your 8-ball image? That.)
  19. An empathy deficit could be from being a sociopath, though. It’s tough trying to diagnose people outside of a clinical setting. Yup.
  20. Are you quoting this from somewhere? Somewhat predictable. Hydrogen masers’ drift has a component due to aging of the coating of the maser bulb, and my understanding is that it’s somewhat unpredictable in how it varies. You determine it by comparing to other clocks. “constant environment” would be things like temperature and humidity
  21. Drift is a specific noise process in timekeeping. Time dilation is not drift. The frequency shift is the source of the time dilation (you integrate the frequency shift to get it)
  22. “hardly” is a matter of the precision of the clocks. The value given here is 3 x 10^-10, which is pretty big in atomic clock terms. A millisecond per year (3.15 x 10^7 sec) https://www.newscientist.com/article/2085599-earths-core-is-two-and-a-half-years-younger-than-its-crust/
  23. No, this is incorrect. Because you need to keep all the clocks synchronized, and this is done via a ground station, so the clocks need to run at the same rate as UTC(USNO), which is the source of GPS time A nanosecond of error is a foot in positioning
  24. I don’t understand. If the efforts are ongoing, where does the level of commitment come into play?
  25. I would say no Indeed. The problem is with society's attitude. I don't know. Are the efforts for curing or preventing?
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