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Everything posted by sunspot

  1. MDT Cosmology MDT cosmology is a practical application of the MDT model. Some background for the MDT Model can be found under the topic Speculations, i.e., MDT Cube. To begin, there are two extreme states of the MDT model (CCC) and (000), or eternity and nothingness. The first has all three relativistic parameters at V=C implying infinite mass, distance and time relativity. Theoretically, this is all-inclusive and would include the finite universe, as well as all the other dimensions, parallel universes, etc. The second has all three relativistic parameters at V=0, and would define essentially nothing. This would be the state of our finite universe, before anything, including the primordial atom or whatever, was in the finite universe. The way MDT cosmology works is that the three variables of the model, M, D and T, one-by one decelerate from the V=C state of (CCC) to define finite, i.e., M, D, and T < C, but extreme parameters. The order of the variable slow down from C is not imperative, although the ordering will have an impact on the type of early universe that will result. Based on the three variables of the model this give us six possible combinations, i.e., MTD, TMD, DTM, TDM, MDT, and DMT. These are summarized in the table below. The first pair are (MTD) and (TMD). The first has mass potential appearing (mass) then time potential (heat). Finally distance potential appears (expansion). This is essentially the BB theory, i.e., continuum expansion. The second is similar with T appearing before M, with D also last. This imply heat (T) then mass (M) then expansion (D), which also defines BB. Because the first scenario has mass potential first, the mass potential will decay somewhat before time potential or heat is added. The result will be a more extended expansion of hotter lighter mass (open universe BB scenario). The second has T decaying more than M, implying a heavier somewhat cooler expansion (closed universe BB scenario). The second pair (DTM) and (TDM) show distance and time potential (wavelength and frequency), in two combinations appearing before mass potential. This shows an initial energy based cosmology appearing in the universe from which mass will eventually condense. This is similar to the Wave/Particle and String cosmology models. The first will have distance potential decaying more than time potential. This implies a smaller hotter energy field similar to the closed universe BB scenario. This is analogous to String Cosmology. The second has time potential decaying more than distance potential implying a larger but cooler energy field similar to the open universe BB scenario. This is analogous to Wave/Particle Cosmology. The past pair are (MDT) and (DMT). These are unexplored, what I call, quantum expansion/division models where the earliest universe breaks up into quantum chucks and space quantum jumps or expands, instead of being initially a continuum. The first has the mass potential decaying more than the distance potential implying a lighter mass expansion with more distant potential. While the second has the distance potential decay more than the mass potential implying a heavier mass expansion with less distance potential. The first scenario implies a quantum expansion/division of a mass singularity, to the galaxy level singularities, while the second scenario quantum expands/divides to superstructure level singularities. With the third parameter T initially staying at C during the two quantum expansion/division scenarios, the preliminary MD expansion of the universe occurs without heat or time. This implies that the MD aspect of the expansion does not occur via a force-based expansion, rather it occurs via entropy. Entropy into empty space looks like a repulsive force is acting but it is endothermic instead of exothermic. The endothermic expansion sets the potential for T to kick down from C. Before T kicks down, the entropy expansion occurs without time in the finite universe (there is only eternal time at C). This allows the universe to expand/subdivide without the inertial clock running (before t=0). Finite time as we know it, in these scenarios, begins when T kicks down below C. Essentially, the mass and distance potential of the universe, would be moderately (D then M) or widely (M then D) distributed before time, heat, force, etc, appear. When T does drops below C, a mini Big Bang phase will occur. This allows the universe to expand uniformly in all directions. All six scenarios are valid MDT cosmology models, each of which can form a finite universe. The observational data can help us decide which occurred during this current universe cycle. Back in the 50’s and 60’s the first two BB scenarios fit the known data the best. Later, as physics was able to learn more about the substructure of matter, was able to unify three of the forces, and could measure the background energy of space, the wave theories gained more acceptance, with the BB remaining consistent after some modifications. Because the Standard theory has had problems integrating gravity, the String Theory appeared to help the cause. The T then D then M scenario appears to relate to string theory with the early T then D somehow related to the vibration and distance nature of the strings. Over the past year, new data has appeared about galaxies forming rapidly, very early during the formation of the universe. Other data has showed some structured irregularity in the background microwave radiation, i.e., axis of evil. These new data suggest the need for the two quantum models. Of these two, the galaxy scale quantum expansion/division appears to best express the observation that the universe is uniform expanding with respect to the galaxies, i.e., galaxies are the primary currency denomination of the universe and would be the logical candidate for the Mini Big Bang expansion. This implies the MDT scenario, which the MDT model is named after. There is not enough superstructure data to currently favor the DMT scenario. However, the MDT cosmology is still flexible enough to accommodate any possible future data that might suggest that the superstructures formed before the galaxies. The next lesson, will look at one of the MDT scenario galaxy level quantum chunks when T falls from C and heat, time and unified force suddenly appear in the universe; the Mini Big Bang Phase.
  2. The osmosis could be used to run a power cycle and generate electricity.
  3. The coolest experiment I remember was performed by my freshman chemistry professor. It was called the beating heart experiment. I am a little sketchy on the details but he started with a blob of mercury at the bottom of a beaker of chromate or dichromate solution. He then stuck an electrode into the mercury, and the other one into the solution. The mercury began to beat like a heart, due to the surface charge that would form due to the chemical and electrical potential. It would beat a few times to form a triangle and then beat a few more times to form a cube, etc.. He said it sometimes goes on for hours. It seemed to touch the imagination of the entire class and made everyone laugh with delight.
  4. When one thinks of dinosaurs, one normally thinks of T-Rex among others. But alligators, crocodiles, sharks, turtles, were around during that time and were part of the dinosaur time of historu. It is strange that all the dinosaurs were not wiped out. These four were around for Adam and Eve, (6000-7000 years ago) so the fundamentalist are technically correct, as long as they didn't say "around when all the dinosaurs were around".
  5. sunspot


    One can time travel to many unpredictable futures. Picture if one was at a crossroads of life, trying to pick between two careers, or two possible mates. Depending on one choices, one would create different future for themsevles. Often one may not know which is the better choice, or what might have been, but both choices will lead to a different future outcome.
  6. One of the interesting things about some trees is that they have to pump water to great heights. The tree does not pump water in the centrifugal pump sense but every 30 ft is 13 PSI. Eventually, the tree just cannot pump enough water and the back pressure at the stump and roots takes it toll on the tree. Some trees adjust by going laterally.
  7. I always thought a good source of renewal energy is at the interface between the salty oceans and fresh water rivers. The chemical potential is significant and the volumes of water are high. We can amplify the potential and use it to make electricity. Or use it directly with a little energy input for the production of hydrogen. Eventually some of the hydrogen could be recycle for steam turbines to drive the net production of hydrogen.
  8. I am a little foggy on this but I sort of remember a article many years back of a some type of metallic bilayer. Depending on the polarity of the electricity, it could be used to cool or heat.
  9. I did not see the movie, but a dog is a mother symbol. Not so much one's mother but Mother Nature. In that respect, it may seen as connected to our human animal instincts. Just as a dog's is man's best friend and a helper, the dog symbol is often the natural instintive potentials that give us drive and vitality. Like a dog, these are subject to the command or will of the human. An old dog shows the instinctive potential being in a state of lowered potential. The old dog still tries to do its best but is limited by the nature of its atrophied state.
  10. This is a difficult area to discuss for both scientists and the religious alike. This appears to be a common ground where both sort of agree to end the discussion as quickly as possible. Maybe the mindset needed to accept such things are something in the middle, part rationalist, part irrationalist plus a little direct data of the phenomena in question. The example of the proton's decay is something that I believe is valid and valid science. I only used it to demonstrate how some aspects of science are given a little extra liberty without needing hard data and some are not. The strings of String Theory is an another example of something that can not be proven or nor can experiments yets be formulated to attempt to prove them, yet the strings are given the benefit of the doubt because the math seems to work very well. Synchronicity is one of those areas where enough data appears to exists to warrant some rational discussion. At the same time, I realize for any scientist to publically entertain the notion almost amounts to professional suicide. This is a phycho-science forum and maybe the question should be, why is there such strong unconscious resistance to this wide spread data by both the religious and scientific communites?
  11. The media are the watch dogs of society, and can bark when they want to, due to the freedom of the press. The problem is that there are no watchdogs for the watchdogs. If the personal lives of media moguls and personalities were free game for misrepresentation, thereby discrediting the media family, it would at least be a fair playing field. Those how live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, unless you control all the stones.
  12. Let me give a philosophical example. It is assumed that the proton will decompose but only very slowly. There have not been any documented cases of this occurring, that I am aware of, yet this is considered a valid science conclusion based on math. If people were honest about synchronicity the data would be in thousands or tens of thousands, yet this is considered pseudo-science. I guess science much roll dice to determine which is valid without data and which is invalid with data. I am not saying that synchronicity can be rationally explained, only that it occurs more often than events in some areas of science, where limited or reprodcueable data is not considered a problem. This one area of phenomena is irrationally repressed for some reason, and often higher standards are imposed, so science can avoid addressing it. Maybe it is felt to be the superstitiious areas of human experience that science has worked so hard to evolve out of, and any compromise might be seen as step backwards for science. Let me give an example where experiments can and have been run. It is not uncommon for some animals to sense earthquakes before they happen. It has been proposed that maybe they sense subsonic vibrations. By the fact remains, how do the animals extrapolate this into evacuation, especially since it occurs so infrequently. They can not learn from their mistakes, since one mistake in the past can wipe out the animals erasing any learned behavior.
  13. I guess the affect comes down how much time one was in culture. If anyone in the forums were never a part of culture, from the beginning of their lives, until now, we would be a fraction of what we are intellectually. Although we may be more natural. If we departed from culture, after much learning and maturing, we could relie on that learning and experience to carry us along.
  14. I would like to present a topic; synchronicity or meaningful cooincidence. In essense, the occurance of events, that go beyond mere chance, which often have a meaningful implication in some psychological sense. For example, one may cross the path of the person who would become their mate. It is not uncommon for one or both people to have an urge to do something out of character which leads to this meaning cooincidence. Normally one might classify such discussions as pseudo-science, but it is based on a theory that was proposed by the psychology Carl Jung to explain a range of documented cases. His willingness to address this data, led to a separation by the rest of the psychology community, who found it easier to narrow the observation field and ignor such data. It represented that no-man's land between aetheism and religion that seemed to insult both groups. If one looks at such data, it is loosely analogous to fossil evidence. One does not have to reproduce a fossil in the lab to consider the data significent, yet synchronicity touches an area of science where the data is not enough, but one is also required to reproduce the data, something that is not required of other areas of science like archeology. I guess it is hard enough to look at consciousness within one human brain, rather than to have to add other variables implied by the data. It might make nature integrated (we can't have that). The question I have, has anyone had an meaningful cooincidence? Let us see how much data exists. I remember one night after studying collective human symbolism, via the works of Jung, I had a dream. The next day, a unknown dream symbol, I had had in my dream, appeared in the book I was reading, at a point after I had stopped the night before. Another time, I was taking an open book mid-term for a graduate math course. I just so happened to go to the library and pick up an obscure russian translation of continuum mechanics that had three of the four problems solved. Another time, I had a dream of girl who years later I met in another state; she became a girlfriend. My favorite synchronicity happened while I was studying Jung. I had a severe nightmare one night. It left me in a gray funk for several days. During that time a large colorful beetle perched itself over my apartment doorway. If this was a dream, this charub beetle would have ment a symbol of protection. When my mind finally got back to normal after many days, I went outside and saw my synchronistic protector stretch his wings and fly away. If any one of these things happen it would be a coincidence. But the odds of all four things happening defies statisitics.
  15. The problem I always have about such studies is that it is hard to separate the science from the political agenda. Those who would like to save the planet and those who want to use everything up today, both go into the arena of public debate with a one-sided negotiation stance. Both appear to exaggerate their claims with the goal of settling in the middle. In the mean time, both positions go way overboard and have been known to stretch the truth. Putting aside the fantasy and speculation, the earth goes through cycles. That is fact. The earth cools and warms back up. That is fact. Reactive nitrogen is a natural component of fertilizer for plants. Beans, I believe, take nitrogen gas out of the air and make nitrates for the soil. That is good. We do not know for certain what the ozone layer has done over the past. At least we do not enough to know if the present is a normal part of a cycle or not. One California wildfire puts a lot of CO2 in the atmosphere. Big volcanoes have been known to cause global cooling (the summer that wasn't in the 1850's?) The oceans are slightly alkaline (pH >7.) This makes the oceans a natural absorber of acid gases like COx, NOx, etc.. During the settling of America huge forests were destroyed. Before that, the Europeans deforested most of Europe. This did not change the oxygen levels of the earth. Overgrazing is thought by some to have caused the Saharah Desert. The earth is still here.
  16. The fogging is due to tiny water droplets forming on the cold surface. This high surface tension situation is assisted by something on the surface. The washing suggestions should remove the film that is causing the problem. Fogging is a problem if someone smokes in their car. The cigarette smoke will cause the same surface tension problem. One can buy anti-fog spray that is used for eyeglasses. There is also some for windshields. Speaking of surface tension, years ago a friend of mine had to drive somewhere in the rain, on a day that his windshield wipers suddenly went on the blink. Because he was so determined to go, I sprayed some clear silicone spray on his windshield. This increases the exterior surface tension causing water to bead and blow away at highway speeds. It only lasted for a few hours with his field of vision getting smaller and smaller maybe due to the way the rain water/road spray was flowing along the windshield and scrubbing off or altering the surface tension of the silicone.
  17. If one used a modified ion exchange resin it might be possible. The modification would tie up the chloride without release anything. I did something similar for a mercury removal innovation. I began with an anion exchange resin and treated it with sulfide. It now becomes a cation exhange resin with sulfide active sites. These react with the dissolved mercury to fix it as mercury sulfide, on the ion exchange back-bone. In this case, chloride becomes fixed so when we remove the resin cations are left. Another way may be to use two electrodes to segregate the ions. Then put a membrane bridge down in the middle and reverse the polarity to free the ions. The two connected compartments should balance the charge. Next, add a partitian that is nonconducting. These are only speculation, but these would be my first prototypes.
  18. The thing that puts it over the top is culture. In other words, on their own most people would still be stratching an existance from the earth. The few innovative ones, pass on their improvements via culture. Others copy this and advance in the process. Culture is a like a giant prosthesis device for the human mind. It allows humans to advance further, as well as create the illusion of advancing further than they would on their own. The practical use of water power started the industrial revolution. Without that handful of inventors most would still be on the farm. If there was some type of world wide disaster and the cultural prosthesis was disrupted, such that all the integrated background support provided by culture was suddenly gone, most people would regress back to very primative conditions. This is probably the natural sophisication of the majority of humans, with the majority of the cultural sophistication based on the smoke and mirrors stemming from the prosthesis. There would still be a sprinkle of memory and new innovation everywhere. This would be collected, recorded, and shared until the cultural prosthesis is restored. This would allow humanity to advance once again.
  19. A major problem that faces the nation is the rising cost of health care. The rising costs actually have three aspects. The first two are connected to economics and the law of supply and demand. On the supply side are the economic needs of all the middle men. The middle men are helping to drive innovation but they are also responsible for excessive redundancy and marketing hype, during the process of supplying new and improved drugs and technology. On the demand side are the people using the health care system. Medical insurance is like another tax on living. To help make economic sense of this disguised tax, one needs to seek value for their money. The result is overuse of the medical establishment. Those who can lobby for excessive care using expensive overkill technologies, are sort of like investors who seek a high rate of return on their investment. This is encouraged by the supply side middlemen who are able to increase the market share of their product or service. For example, if one exercises and eats right this is not covered by insurance (no middle men benefit). But if one has a unhealthy lifestyle and seeks medicines and expensive treatments to tip the scale back toward health this is covered (the middle men benefit). One may have an hang-nail. If one waited for a couple of weeks, using only aspirin as a local anistetic, it will grow out without much pain. But one can also go to the doctor to get special care. Why pay twice when one can get economic value back from their hidden health tax. Shifting a free market based health care system toward a solicalize system is not the answer, because although it would cut out the middle men and could reduce redundancy, it would also remove the ecomonic incentive needed for innovation. In a social system, the inventor often gets a dollar and then then loses control over the direction of the innovation to polititians who squander the economic benefits due to their lack of collective vision (personally motivated). Maybe a compromise is in order, which discourgages all the redundancy and over treatment, while providing some economic advantage to those who live healthy at their own expense. The third area of high costs is R&D. The biologist and biochemists have characterized the details of the cell very well. But humans are multicellular and there are no good models which allows its simulation with any level accuracy. The result is that too much medical research has to rely on the ancient science approach of trial and error. It has been modernize with statistics and better machines, but is not much different that what the alchemists did. For example, drug research way require randomly testing hundreds of plants to see what sort of works. The chemicals in those that show promise, are isolated and then tested on hundreds of animals to see the positive and side affects, with modifications made. The best of best are then tested on hundred of humans with the hope that the side effects are marginal enough to get past the govenment into the market. The middle men then push this new drug, with free market hype and spiffs, hoping to create subjective demand. The cost of empirical science is very high, resulting in these new drugs being very expensive. Those with economic push are able to increase the benefit/liability ratio on their high insurance premiums by getting the insurance to cover the high cost of R&D. The healthy, less neurotic and less economic minded foot the burden of the rising costs. There is a way to speed up R&D and lower costs. The living state differs from inorganic chemistry in that inorganic chemistry is based exclusively on the action of the electron. While the living state is based heavily on the action of the hydrogen proton. The electron approach to the living state, works, but is way too cumbersome for multicellullar modelling, causing the medical sciences to remain stuck at expensive empiricism. A hydrogen proton approach toward the living state simplfies everything by an order of magnitude and allows the possibility of highly accurate computer simulation instead of animal sacrifice. The R&D cost cutting, will allow us to lower the costs of medical treatments, while speeding up the turn-over rate of innovation.
  20. sunspot

    No holy Grail?

    The basis for cellular integration is connected to the hydrogen proton, especially all the hydrogen protons which participate in hydrogen bonding. Much of the junk genes are there for packing purposes. The packing creates hydrogen bonding configurations that help create hydrogen bonding gradients within the nucleus and cell. As far as genetics and behavior, there are many examples of small lifeforms, like ants, knowing what to do without being taught. It seems reasonable that there is a genetic link at the foundation of behavior. It is also likely that these geness are not segegrated genes (one per behavior), but a complex array of genes. This genetic base is only the foundation for human consciousness. Leaning from internal thought (reason and fantasy) and from sensory data input (real time and cultural learning) blossom consciousness from there, with the DNA base setting up how the data is organized within the brain. This allows all humans to be similar at some base level. While individual programming allows for uniqueness that can go outside genetic propensity.
  21. This will be the last installment of the MDT Cube. Before beginning, the model plots the special relativity changes of mass, distance and time, which allows the laws of physics to be the same in all references. The variables M,D and T have to be more than just mass, distance and time, or else all the laws of physics could not be alterred. I would now like to present the last six edges of the cube. The last six edges relate via three pairs of two diagonally opposing edge combinations. The first pair are (Vm, 0, C) and (Vm, C, 0). The variable mass potential logically implies that these edges are connected to the gravitational force. Gravity causes changes in mass potential as reflected by mass density changes. The second pair is (0, Vd, C) and (C, Vd, 0). The variable distance potential is connected to the electromagnetic force. The electronmagnetic force is due to distance potential changes of charge, i.e., electrons and protons. The third pair is (0, C, Vt) and (C, 0, Vt). The variable time potential (heat changes) is implicit of the nuclear forces. The weak and strong nuclear forces appear to be one force loosely analogous to the way that the electromagnetic is one intergrated force. The weak nuclear force is probably near where the end of the nuclear force edge intersects the electromagnetic edge. Putting all the edges together we get the next figure. I made one change last night. I finally dawned on me that the six edges associated which I called space and universal position, were actually simpler than I originally thought. The three edges stemming from (000) where connected to 3-D MDT particle space (substance). While the three edges stemming from (CCC) were connected to the simultaneously occurring 2-D MDT light speed wave/particle phase space. If we put it all together we get the final figure. One may notice that the six edges that intergrate force, are oversimplified. They represent a simple foundation for complex relationships involving 3-D and 2-D MDT space and the three light speed MDT wave phases. All this is constrained by the eight apex singualarites. It is simple. but can get very hairy quickly. The MDT Cube I have not spent much time trying to mathematically interface existing equations to the model. I am a conceptual modeling, and my talent, as I see it, is to create an integrated conceptual framework for others. My hope is that others will attempt this important final step. As a suggestion, make a big diagram of the final MDT cube, and place all the important existing equations on the various positions on cube. The simultanteous comparisons should make it easier to conceptualized the complex relations.
  22. sunspot

    No holy Grail?

    I am under the belief that the importance of genetics only goes so far and then consciousness takes over from there. The genetics defines all the parts. While consciousness goes beyond the sum of the genetic parts. For example, our bodies are genetically designed to run so fast. But will can use special training techniques to push ourselves beyond these natural limits. One's genetic disposition may imply being thin. But one can eat special diets and train with weighs and become much larger and stronger than our genetic propensity. This may create unnatural stresses due to superseding natural genetic potential. One can be genetically predisposed to stutter, but with special training, normal speech can be mastered, etc., etc.
  23. If one was to assume that there is some type of effect going on, one way to interpret the effect is that nerves contain charge. Since all these satelite charges throughout the body are integrated via the brain, through the nervous system, by alterring the local charge within various satalites, one will also alter the final integration affect within the brain. For example, if one is under stress because of someone, it is not uncommon to have a pain in the neck both literally and figuratively.
  24. The edges of the MDT Cube; Part 1 There are also twelve edges on the cube. Three have two C’s and one variable parameter. Three have two 0’s and one variable parameter. The remaining six edges will have one variable parameter with various combinations of 0 and C in the two other parameters. The three edges with two C’s and one variable Vm, Vd, or Vt all eminate from (CCC). If we look at (Vm, C, C), it terminates at (0,C,C) or empty eternal space. As such, it defines eternal space with variable mass potential. If we look at (C, Vd, C), it terminates at the black hole. As such, this edge defines a black hole type phenomena with variable distance potential. If we look at (C, C, Vt), it terminates at instantaneous infinite space/mass continue. As such, it it would be a infinite space/mass continuum of variable time potential. The three edges with two 0’s and one variable Vm, Vd, or Vt all emanate from the (000) origin. The (Vm, 0, 0) edge terminates at the mass point singularity and implies a variable mass point singularity. The (0, Vd, 0) edge terminates at absolute zero and implies variable distance potential for absolute zero. While the (0, 0, Vt) edge terminates at eternal time without mass or distance and implies variable time without mass/distance. My best interpretation is that the three edges from (CCC) is the aspect of space that is connected to the formation and propagation of the three light speed waves/particles phases. While the three edges from (000) are connected to the universe zero state. Within the volume of the cube both sets of space edges will work together to express what is possible for 3-D MDT.
  25. I guess things are considered speculation until others see it or embrance it. Thats fine for now. Today, I am going to look at the faces of the cube. These define the light speed wave/particle phase of the MDT model. These are show in the figure below. If we look at the outer faces of the MDT cube, three of the faces will have one parameter always at C with two finite parameters. The three faces opposite to these will be very similar, but will have their C parameters equal to zero, but with the two same variable parameters. The three cube faces with C allow one to plot three light speed wave phases. The energy spectrum is (Vm=C, Vd, Vt). The heat spectrum is (Vm, Vd=C, Vt). While the entropy spectrum is (Vm, Vd, Vt=C). One may notice that the three faces with a C parameter all intersect only at the (CCC) point of eternity. Because a product of the two variables parameters, for example of the energy phase, always equal the speed of light, this implies that the light speed wave phases will actually define a line running along a cube face stemming from (CCC). The cube face surface area represents the red and blue shifts, which will alter the position of this line for other references. The three faces of the cube, opposite each light speed phase, represent something complementary with zero relativistic velocity in one parameter instead of the speed of light in that same parameter. The EM complement is (Vm=0, Vd, Vt). It would show variability in distance and time with zero mass potential. The Heat wave complement is (Vm, Vd=0, Vt), with variable mass and time with zero distance potential. The Entropy wave complement is (Vm, Vd, Vt=0), with variable mass and distance within zero time potential. These three planar faces all intersect at the (000) point of nothingness. The complement between each of the three light speed wave phases and the three zero speed wave phase amount to nearly the same thing. For example, with EM energy mass is zero because it is at the speed of light. The EM complement has mass relativity at zero so that mass becomes that of the subparticle. It is not entirely clear how the parallel dynamics between the faces work during mass/energy conversion or the propagation of energy, but it does suggests that the speed of light is not the only universal constant. Rather there appears to be a universal zero state, that mass/energy conversion, in any reference will slow down to. With the energy output also constant in all references.
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